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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BF1311 .M4 W4 1903" to "BF1410 .A8" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BF Psychology (incl. Parapsychology and the Occult) (Go to start of category)
BF1311 .M4 W4 1903 [Info] Journeys to the Planet Mars, or, Our Mission to Ento (New York: The Bradford Press, c1903), by Sara Weiss
BF1311 .M4 W4 1905 [Info] Journeys to the Planet Mars, or, Our Mission to Ento (Mars) (second edition; Rochester, NY: The Austin Pub. Co., 1905), by Sara Weiss
BF1311 .W5 M6 [Info] Oscar Wilde From Purgatory: Psychic Messages (c1924), by Hester Travers Smith, contrib. by William Barrett (text at Gutenberg Australia)
BF1321 .B82 [Info] Observations on Trance: or, Human Hybernation (London, J. Churchill; Edinburgh, A. and C. Black, 1850), by James Braid (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1325 .D6 [Info] Complete Course in Biopneuma, the True Science of the Great Breath; Self-Culture: A Course of Lessons on Developing the Physical Unfolding the Soul, Attaining Unto the Spiritual (2 works in 1 volume; second edition; Los Angeles: E. S. Dowling, c1921), by Levi (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1325 .L43 [Info] Clairvoyance (Chennai: Theosophical Pub. House, 1899), by C. W. Leadbeater (HTML with commentary at
BF1325 .V57 [Info] The Development of Seership: The Science of Knowing the Future (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications. n.d.), by Bhakta Vishita (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
BF1325 .V57 1915 [Info] The Development of Seership: The Science of Knowing the Future (Chicago: Yogi Publication Society, c1915), by Bhakta Vishita (page images at HaThitrust)
BF1331 .T5 [Info] Crystal Gazing: Its History and Practice, With a Discussion of the Evidence for Telepathic Scrying (London: A. Morning Ltd., 1905), by Northcote Whitridge Thomas, contrib. by Andrew Lang
BF1343 .M6 [Info] Psychography: A Treatise on One of the Objective Forms of Psychic or Spiritual Phenomena, by William Stainton Moses (PDF at
BF1343 .O87 [Info] A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment (London: Office of "Light", n.d.), by E. W. Wallis and M. H. Wallis (multiple formats at
BF1343 .O87 [Info] Our Unseen Guest (New York and London: Harper and Bros., c1920) (multiple formats at
BF1343 .W3 [Info] The Secret of the Successful Use of the Ouija Board (c1919), by Nellie Irene Walters and Clarisse Eugenie Perrin
BF1371 .C7 1904 [Info] Researches into the Phenomena of Spiritualism (based on the 7th edition, 1904), by William Crookes (HTML at
BF1378 .S5 [Info] Phenomena of Materialisation: A Contribution To The Investigation Of Mediumistic Teleplastics (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co.; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1920), by A. von Schrenck-Notzing, trans. by E. E. Fournier d'Albe
BF1381 .D6 1923 [Info] The Case for Spirit Photography (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1923), by Arthur Conan Doyle, ed. by Fred Barlow (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
BF1383 .B8 [Info] Materialized Apparitions: If Not Beings From Another Life, What Are They (Boston: R. G. Badger, 1908), by Edward Augustus Brackett (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
BF1383 .B83 [Info] Four-Dimensional Vistas, by Claude Fayette Bragdon (Gutenberg text)
BF1383 .B85 [Info] A Primer of Higher Space (The Fourth Dimension) (Rochester, NY: The Manas Press, 1913), by Claude Fayette Bragdon
BF1389 .A7P47 1997 [Info] Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect, by Robert Peterson (HTML at
BF1389 .A8 P3 [Info] The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms, by Swami Panchadasi (Gutenberg text)
BF1405 .B6 [Info] Studies in Occultism, by H. P. Blavatsky (HTML at TUP)
BF1405 .C74 2006 [Info] Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age (fifth edition, c2006), by Benjamin Creme (PDF with commentary at
BF1405 .G26 [Info] Pys-Mantia the Mag-Astro-Mancer: or, The Magicall-Astrologicall-Diviner Posed, and Puzzled (London: Printed for J. Kirton, 1652), by John Gaule
BF1410 .A8 [Info] Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects, by John Aubrey (Gutenberg text)

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