Call number | Item |
G | Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation (Go to start of category) |
GT | Manners and Customs (Go to start of category) (see also BJ for Etiquette titles) |
GT2420 .S93 1893 | Courtship and Marriage, and the Gentle Art of Home-Making (London: Hutchinson and Co., 1894), by Annie S. Swan (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
GT2640 .M67 | The Art of Kissing, by Hugh Morris (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
GT2651 .A85 | Little Known Facts About Bundling in the New World (illustrated edition; Lancaster, PA: Aurand Press, ca. 1938), by A. Monroe Aurand |
GT2665 .H2 1822 | Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies, of the Nations of the Universe (London: J. Smith, 1822), by Augusta Hamilton (page images at HathiTrust) |
GT2665 .S2 | From the Marriage License Window: An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Various Nationalities (Chicago: John Anderson and Co., 1887), by M. Salmonsen |
GT2762 .A2 M37 1991 | Love Customs in Eighteenth-Century Spain (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), by Carmen Martín Gaite, trans. by Maria G. Tomsich (HTML at UC Press) |
GT2850 .E876 2009 | Foods of Association: Biocultural Perspectives on Foods and Beverages that Mediate Sociability (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2009), by Nina L. Etkin (PDF with commentary at Open Arizona) |
GT2850 .F36 2021 | Can Fixing Dinner Fix the Planet? (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2021), by Jessica Fanzo (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
GT2850 .R45 2012 | Reimagining Marginalized Foods: Global Processes, Local Places (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2012), ed. by Elizabeth Finnis (PDF with commentary at Open Arizona) |
GT2853 .U5 | Gravy (University, MS: Southern Foodways Alliance, 2000-) (partial serial archives) |
GT2853 .U5 S77 2011 | Setting the Table for Julia Child: Gourmet Dining in America, 1934-1961 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c2011), by David Strauss (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE) |
GT2880 .G4 | The Art of Drinking: A Historical Sketch, From the German of G. G. Gervinus (New York: United States Brewers' Association, 1890), by Georg Gottfried Gervinus |
GT2880 .M5 | Drinks of the World (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co.; New York: Scribner and Welford, 1892), by James Mew and John Ashton |
GT2880 .P4 1917 | Americana Ebrietatis: The Favorite Tipple of Our Forefathers and the Laws and Customs Relating Thereto (New York: Privately printed, 1917), by Hewson L. Peeke |
GT2910 .C67 2018 | Cultivating Femininity: Women and Tea Culture in Edo and Meiji Japan (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, c2018), by Rebecca Corbett (PDF and Epub with commentary at Hawaii) |
GT2910 .O6 | The Book of Tea, by Kakuzō Okakura |
GT3010 .C66 | The Seven Sisters of Sleep: Popular History of the Seven Prevailing Narcotics of the World (London: J. Blackwood, ca. 1860), by M. C. Cooke (multiple formats at |
GT3020 .J3 1604 | A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco (1604), by King James I of England (HTML at Renascence Editions) |
GT3020 .J3 1884 | A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco (Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1884), by King James I of England, ed. by Edmund Goldsmid (Gutenberg text) |
GT3020 .M15 1884 | The Anatomy of Tobacco: or, Smoking Methodised, Divided, and Considered (1884), by Arthur Machen (page images at Google; US access only) |
GT3040 .M35 2019 | Gift Exchange: The Transnational History of a Political Idea (Cambridge, UK et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2019), by Grégoire Mallard (HTML and PDF files with commentary at Cambridge University Press) |
GT3040 .V39 | For-Giving: A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, by Genevieve Vaughan (illustrated HTML at |
GT3040 .W65 2007 | Women and the Gift Economy: A Redically Different Worldview is Possible (2007), ed. by Genevieve Vaughan (PDF files with commentary at |
GT3055 .B68 1891 | Scatalogic Rites of All Nations: A Dissertation Upon the Employment of Excrementitious Remedial Agents in Religion, Therapeutics, Divination, Witchcraft, Love-Philters, etc., in All Parts of the Globe (Washington: W. H. Lowdermilk and Co., 1891), by John Gregory Bourke (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
GT3150 .M3 | Memorial Customs, Ancient and Modern (New York: M. Shepard Co., 1907) |