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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HD6515 .A8 H56" to "HD6521 .A4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HB-HJ Economics and Business (Go to start of category)
HD Industries, Land Use, Labor (Go to start of category)
HD6515 .A8 H56 [Info] How the Auto Workers Won (New York: Daily Worker, ca. 1937), by William Z. Foster and William W. Weinstone (multiple formats at
HD6515 .A8 W45 [Info] Factionalism: The Enemy of the Auto Workers (Detroit: Communist Party of Michigan, n.d.), by William W. Weinstone and Bolesław Gebert (multiple formats at
HD6515 .A82 I6 [Info] In the Great Tradition: 11th Convention, UAW-CIO (1947), by International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (multiple formats at
HD6515 .B7 L4 1910 [Info] The Knights of St. Crispin, 1867-1874: A Study in the Industrial Causes of Trade Unionism (originally appeared in the Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin; 1910), by Don D. Lescohier (multiple formats at
HD6515 .B87 [Info] The Broom Maker: Official Journal of the International Broom and Whisk Makers' Union (issues online from November 1906-October 1907) (partial serial archives)
HD6515 .B9 L56 2000 [Info] Wars of Attrition: Vietnam, the Business Roundtable and the Decline of Construction Unions (second revised edition; Iowa City: Fanpihua Press, 2000), by Marc Linder
HD6515 .C6 U57 [Info] "62": Biography of a Union (New York: Undergarment and Negligee Workers' Union, Local 62, ILGWU, c1940), by H. Lang (page images at HathiTrust)
HD6515 .C62 A45 1918 [Info] Membership Book and Constitution of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ca. 1918), by Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (multiple formats at
HD6515 .G3 I625 [Info] Structure and Functioning of the I.L.G.W.U. (1934), by International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Educational Department (multiple formats at
HD6515 .I5 F59 [Info] Organizing Methods in the Steel Industry (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), by William Z. Foster
HD6515 .I5 F6 [Info] Unionizing Steel (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), by William Z. Foster
HD6515 .M39 O65 2007 [Info] For All White-Collar Workers: The Possibilities of Radicalism in New York City's Department Store Unions, 1934-1953 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2007), by Daniel J. Opler (PDF at Ohio State)
HD6515 .M616 P42 2018 [Info] From the Molly Maguires to the United Mine Workers: The Social Ecology of an Industrial Union, 1869-1897 (originally published 1971; this edition Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2018), by Harold W. Aurand, contrib. by Walter Licht (multiple formats with commentary at Temple)
HD6515 .M7 [Info] Constitution of the Western Federation of Miners, affiliated with the A.F. of L. (as amended through July 1914), by Western Federation of Miners (multiple formats at
HD6515 .M7 [Info] Official Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Western Federation of Miners (1908-1909), by Western Federation of Miners (partial serial archives)
HD6515 .R1 F69 1937 [Info] Railroad Workers Forward! (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1937), by William Z. Foster (PDF at
HD6515 .R1 F7 [Info] The Railroaders' Next Step: Amalgamation (Labor Herald Library #1; second edition; Chicago: Trade Union Educational League, ca. 1922), by William Z. Foster
HD6515 .R45 B7 [Info] Constitution and General Rules of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (partial serial archives)
HD6515 .R45 M3 [Info] Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; With Special Reference to the Life of Alexander F. Whitney (New York: A. and C. Boni, c1936), by Walter Flavius McCaleb (multiple formats at
HD6515 .T4 G67 1937 [Info] Weaving the Future (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1937), by Evelyn B. Gordon (multiple formats at
HD6515 .U526 1974 [Info] Interview with Antonio Orendáin: Radio Station KMUL, Muleshoe, Texas, March 17, 1974, 1:15 P.M., by Bill Valdez González, Elías Noé Anzaldua, and Antonio Orendain (multiple formats at
HD6517 .T4 [Info] Chapters in the History of Organized Labor in Texas (University of Texas Publication #4143; 1941), by Ruth Alice Allen (multiple formats at
HD6519 .D6 B33 1984 [Info] Working Detroit: The Making of a Union Town (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1984), by Steve Babson, contrib. by Ron Alpern, Dave Elsila, and John Revitte (multiple formats with commentary at Wayne State)
HD6519 .P42 P4 [Info] Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the Petersburg Benevolent Mechanic Association, Origin January 4, 1825, Revised April, 1889 (Petersburg, VA: Fenn and Owen, 1889), by Petersburg Benevolent Mechanic Association (multiple formats at
HD6521 .A4 [Info] Annual Report on Labour Organization in Canada (partial serial archives)

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