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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HX86 .S636 1916" to "HX87 .W43 1934" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HX Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism (Go to start of category)
HX86 .S636 1916 [Info] Socialism and Organized Labor (Appeal Socialist Classics no. 7; Girard, KS: Appeal to Reason, c1916), ed. by William J. Ghent (multiple formats at
HX86 .S675 [Info] Elements of Socialism: A Text-Book (New York: Macmillan, 1920), by John Spargo and George B. Louis Arner (multiple formats at
HX86 .S68 1958 [Info] What is Socialism? Answering Questions Most Frequently Asked (16th printing; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1958), by Socialist Labor Party (PDF at
HX86 .S69 [Info] Socialism and Anarchism: Antagonistic Opposites (first published 1886), by Socialistic Labor Party (U.S.) (PDF at
HX86 .S89 1937 [Info] Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: An Authentic Portrayal of The Perfidious Proposals of Communism And Socialism in Their Real Setting, As Masks and Devices Employed By Amazingly Organized And Financially Powerful Occult Forces, Bent Upon World Conquest (Washington: Sodality Union of Washington, D.C., c1937), by George Edward Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust)
HX86 .T3733 [Info] Democratic Socialism: A New Appraisal (New York: League for Industrial Democracy, c1953), by Norman Thomas
HX86 .T45 [Info] Is the New Deal Socialism? An Answer to Al Smith and the American Liberty League (from a speech delivered in 1936), by Norman Thomas (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine)
HX86 .T5 [Info] Three in One: A Trinity of Arguments in Favor of Social Democracy (Chicago: Social Democracy of America, ca. 1898), by Laurence Gronlund, G. C. Clemens, and G. A. Hoehn
HX86 .T77 [Info] Individual Liberty, by Benjamin Ricketson Tucker (HTML at
HX86 .T8 [Info] State Socialism and Anarchism: How Far They Agree and Wherein They Differ (6th edition, with postscript; London: A. C. Fifield, 1911), by Benjamin Ricketson Tucker (multiple formats at
HX86 .T83 [Info] Státní Socialism a Anarchism ("State Socialism and Anarchism" translated into Czech; New York: Prosinec, 1901), by Benjamin Ricketson Tucker, trans. by Bretislav Sedlecky (multiple formats at
HX86 .W183 [Info] Socialism As It Is: A Survey of the World-Wide Revolutionary Movement (New York: Macmillan, 1912), by William English Walling (multiple formats at
HX86 .W187 [Info] Communismus und Socialismus: Verhandlungen der Ersten Deutschen Evang.-Luth. Gemeinde U. A. C. zu St. Louis, Mo.; Geleitet und Nach Stenographischen Aufzeichnungen auf Beschluss der Gemeinde (in German; St. Louis, MO: Druckerei der Synode von Missouri, Ohio und Anderen Staaten, 1878), ed. by C. F. W. Walther (page images at HathiTrust)
HX86 .W26 [Info] A Labor Catechism of Political Economy, by C. Osborne Ward (page images at MOA)
HX86 .W34 [Info] We are Socialists of the Democratic Left (fifth anniversary edition, 1978), by Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (U.S.) (multiple formats at
HX86 .W495 1993 [Info] Why America Needs a Social Democratic Movement (1993), by Social Democrats, U.S.A. (HTML at Wayback Machine)
HX86 .W53 [Info] Back to Barbarism (New York: American Defense Society, ca. 1923), by R. M. Whitney (page images at HathiTrust)
HX86 .W64 1934 [Info] Things We Want to Know (ca. 1934), by Bertram D. Wolfe (multiple formats at
HX86 .W877 [Info] The Advancing Proletariat, by Abner E. Woodruff (HTML at Arizona)
HX87 .A4 1957 [Info] The Ideological Fallacies of Communism: Staff Consultations with Dr. S. Andhil Fineberg, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Dr. Daniel A. Poling (Washigton: GPO, 1957), by United States House Committee on Un-American Activities, contrib. by Solomon Andhil Fineberg, Fulton J. Sheen, and Daniel A. Poling
HX87 .G65 [Info] Change the World! (New York: International Publishers, c1936), by Michael Gold (multiple formats at
HX87 .K62 [Info] A Business Man Looks at Communism (ca. 1960), by Fred C. Koch (page images at Preservica)
HX87 .L48 1912 [Info] Proletarian and Petit-Bourgeois, by Austin Lewis (HTML at Arizona)
HX87 .O58 [Info] Labor and the Next War: A Study of American Imperialism and its Effect Upon the Workers (Chicago: Socialist Party of the United States, ca. 1922), by James Oneal (multiple formats at
HX87 .W43 1934 [Info] Communism and the Social Order (New York: Communist League of Struggle, 1934), by Albert Weisbord (HTML at

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