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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JK2318 .S6 D466 1868" to "JK2352 1892" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category)
JK Political Institutions and Public Administration (United States) (Go to start of category)
JK2318 .S6 D466 1868 [Info] An Appeal to the Honorable the Senate of the United States, in Behalf of the Conservative People of South Carolina, Against the Adoption, by Congress, of the New Constitution Proposed for South Carolina (Columbia, SC: Phoenix Book and Job Power Press, 1868), by Democratic Party (S.C.) State Central Executive Committee (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2319 .N5 R5 [Info] Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, by William L. Riordon (Gutenberg text)
JK2319.N56 M9 1917 [Info] The History of Tammany Hall (second edition; New York: Boni and Liveright, 1917), by Gustavus Myers (multiple formats at
JK2328 1839 [Info] Proceedings of the Democratic Whig National Convention, Which Assembled at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on the Fourth of December, 1839, For the Purpose of Nominating Candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States (Harrisburg: Printed by R. S. Elliott and Co., 1839), by Whig Party (U.S.)
JK2331 .O7 1860 [Info] A History of the Whig Party, or Some of Its Main Features; With a Hurried Glance at the Formation of Parties in the United States, and the Outlines of the History of the Principal Parties in the Country to the Present Time, Etc., Etc. (second edition, 1860), by Robert McK. Ormsby (page images at Google)
JK2332 [Info] The True Issue, and the Duty of the Whigs, by Joel Parker (page images at MOA)
JK2332 1844 [Info] The Whig Party: Its Objects, Its Principles, Its Candidates, Its Duties, and Its Prospect: An Address to the People of Rhode-Island (Providence: Knowles and Vose, 1844), by William Robinson Watson (page images at Google)
JK2336 .A6 R4 1888 [Info] Reunion of the Free Soilers of 1848-1852, at the Parker House, Boston, Massachusetts, June 28, 1888 (Cambridge: J. Wilson and Son, 1888), by Free Soil Party (Mass.)
JK2336 .A6S6 [Info] The Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest: Toppan Prize Essay of 1896 (New York et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1897), by Theodore Clarke Smith
JK2336 .A8 W6 1895 [Info] The Free Soil Party in Wisconsin (Madison, WI: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1895), by Theodore Clarke Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2341 .A12 [Info] American Standard (American Party newspaper, 1888-1891) (partial serial archives)
JK2341 .A6 D4 [Info] The Know-Nothing Party: A Sketch (Washington: The New Century Press, ca. 1905), by Humphrey J. Desmond
JK2341 .A6 L4 1855 [Info] The Origin and Progress of the American Party in Politics: Embracing a Complete History of the Philadelphia Riots in May and July, 1844; With a Full Description of the Great American Procession of July Fourth, and a Refutation of the Arguments Founded on the Charges of Religious Proscription and Secret Combinations (Philadelphia: Elliott and Gihon, 1855), by John Hancock Lee (multiple formats at
JK2341 .A6 W62 [Info] A Defence of the American Policy, As Opposed to the Encroachments of Foreign Influence, and Especially to the Interference of the Papacy in the Political Interests and Affairs of the United States (New York: De Witt and Davenport, c1856), by Thomas R. Whitney
JK2341 .A7 .1855 .D3 [Info] The Origin, Principles and Purposes of the American Party (ca. 1855), by Henry Winter Davis (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2341 .A7 1855 A6 [Info] The Sons of the Sires: A History of the Rise, Progress, and Destiny of the American Party, and its Probable Influence on the Next Presidential Election; To Which is Added a Review of the Letter of the Hon. Henry A. Wise, Against the Know-Nothings (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1855), by F. R. Anspach
JK2341 .A7 1856 [Info] The Great American Battle: or, The Contest Between Christianity and Political Romanism (New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton and Mulligan, 1856), by Anna Ella Carroll
JK2341.A7 1858 .C4 [Info] The Great American Battle: or, The Contest Between Christianity and Political Romanism (New York: C. M. Saxton, 1858), by Anna Ella Carroll (page images at HathiTrust)
JK2341 .A8 N75 [Info] Political Nativism in New York State (dissertation; 1901), by Louis Dow Scisco (multiple formats at
JK2341 .A8 N75 [Info] Political Nativism in New York State (New York: Columbia University Press, 1901), by Louis Dow Scisco (multiple formats at
JK2341 .A8 V8 1855 [Info] A History of the Political Campaign in Virginia, in 1855; With a Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Wise (Richmond: J. W. Randolph, 1856), by James P. Hambleton
JK2341 .A9 B23 1930 [Info] Know-Nothingism in Baltimore, 1854-1860 (ca. 1930), by Benjamin Tuska
JK2352 1856 [Info] Circular of the National Committee, Appointed at Pittsburg on the 22d of February, 1856 (1856), by Republican National Committee (U.S.) (multiple formats at
JK2352 1856 [Info] Circular of the National Committee of the Pittsburgh Convention, Appointed February 22, 1856 (Washington: Buell and Blanchard, 1856), by Republican National Committee (U.S.) (multiple formats at
JK2352 1892 [Info] The Republican Campaign Text-Book for 1892: Protection, Reciprocity, and Dollars of Equal Value (1892), by Republican National Committee (U.S.)

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