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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JL3449 .E9 H6" to "JN125 .B2 1891" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category)
JL Political Institutions and Public Administration (Americas outside the US) (Go to start of category)
JL3449 .E9 H6 [Info] The Government Executive of Modern Peru (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1967), by Jack W. Hopkins (page images at Florida)
JL3498 .C5 M8313 2004 [Info] Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Peru: The Rise of the Partido Civil (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2004), by Ulrich Mücke, trans. by Katya Andrusz (page images at Pitt)
JL3898 .M55 E44 1988 [Info] Venezuela's Movimiento al Socialismo: From Guerrilla Defeat to Innovative Politics (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1988), by Steve Ellner (page images at HathiTrust)
JN Political Institutions and Public Administration (Europe) (Go to start of category)
JN15 .H215 1958 [Info] The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social, and Economic Forces, 1950-1957 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1958), by Ernst B. Haas (page images at HathiTrust)
JN30 .E97 [Info] The European Union: A Guide for Americans (revised edition, 2011), by European Commission Delegation (U.S.) (PDF at euussciencetechnology/eu)
JN30 .K547 2013 [Info] Informal Governance in the European Union: How Governments Make International Organizations Work (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c2013), by Mareike Kleine (PDF and Epub with commentary at Cornell Open)
JN33.5 .E862 2014 [Info] The European Commission, 1973-86: History and Memories of an Institution (in English, French, and German; c2014), ed. by Eric Bussière, Vincent Dujardin, Michel Dumoulin, Piers Ludlow, Jan Willem Brouwer, and Pierre Tilly (multiple formats with commentary at
JN36 .T94 2016 [Info] Tweets from the Campaign Trail: Researching Candidates' Use of Twitter During the European Parliamentary Elections (Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2016), ed. by Alex Frame, Arnaud Mercier, Gilles Brachotte, and Caja Thimm (multiple formats with commentary at
JN94 .A979 P376 1999 [Info] Party Discipline and Parliamentary Government (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1999), ed. by Shaun Bowler, David M. Farrell, and Richard S. Katz (PDF at Ohio State)
JN96.A2 R63 1991 [Info] Civil Resistance in the East European and Soviet Revolutions (Cambridge, MA: Albert Einstein Institution, c1991), by Adam Roberts (PDF via
JN96 .A58 N38 [Info] Nations in Transit, by Freedom House (U.S.) (partial serial archives)
JN96 .A58 N66 1996 [Info] Nonviolent Resistance In Lithuania: A Story of Peaceful Liberation (Cambridge, MA: Albert Einstein Institution, c1996), by G. Miniotaitė (PDF via
JN96 .A95 C4 [Info] The Dilemma of Compliance: Political Parties and Post-Election Disputes (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2024), by Svitlana Chernykh (multiple formats with commentary at
JN96 .C55 A4 [Info] Freedom, Prerequisite to Lasting Peace: A Book Presented by the Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe on Its Program and Activities in the Years 1951-1956 and on the Problems Related to the Future of Central and Eastern Europe (1957), by Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe (page images at HathiTrust)
JN101 .D3 [Info] The Democratic Review of British and Foreign Politics, History, and Literature (reprint; originally published 1849-1850), ed. by G. Julian Harney (page images at HathiTrust)
JN106 .R7 [Info] The Royal Kalendar (partial serial archives)
JN118 .D55 [Info] Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (8th edition; London: Macmillan, 1915), by A. V. Dicey (multiple formats at
JN125 .B2 F7 [Info] La Constitution Anglaise (In French; Paris et al.: Germer Baillière, 1869), by Walter Bagehot and Pierre-Edouard Gaulhiac (page images at HathiTrust)
JN125 .B2 G4 [Info] Englische Verfassungszustände (in German; Berlin: Luderotz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1868), by Walter Bagehot, contrib. by Franz von Holkendorff (page images at HathiTrust)
JN125 .B2 R8 [Info] Gosudarstvennyĭ Stroĭ Anglīi (in Russian; Moscow: Izd. M. I S. Sabashnikovyk, 1905), by Walter Bagehot, trans. by E. Preis, contrib. by N. Nikoskago (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
JN125 .B2 1873 [Info] The English Constitution, by Walter Bagehot (multiple editions)
JN125 .B2 1873 [Info] The English Constitution (second edition, 1873), by Walter Bagehot
JN125 .B2 1873 [Info] The English Constitution (new and revised edition; Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1873), by Walter Bagehot
JN125 .B2 1888 [Info] The English Constitution (fifth edition; London: K. Paul, Trench and Co., 1888), by Walter Bagehot (multiple formats at
JN125 .B2 1891 [Info] The English Constitution (sixth edition; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1891), by Walter Bagehot (page images at HathiTrust)

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