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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "KFP567 .C5 P4" to "KFX1448.1 .T87 1906" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
K Law (Go to start of category)
  (See also J for some constitutional works)
KF-KFZ Law in the United States (Go to start of category)
KF US Federal Law, and Common and Collective State Law (Go to start of category)
KFA-KFW Law in Individual US States (Go to start of category)
KFP567 .C5 P4 [Info] Grand Jury Report on the Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy (2005; with commentary and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Response), by Philadelphia District Attorney's Office (PDF files with commentary at
KFR96 .S681 [Info] The Legal Status of Homemakers in Rhode Island (Washington: Homemakers Committee, National Commission on the Observance on International Women's Year, 1977), by Sheila Cabral-Sousa and Mildred White Tracey (page images at HathiTrust)
KFS1818 .S68 [Info] Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, by South Carolina House of Representatives (partial serial archives)
KFS2201 1868 [Info] The Constitution of the State of South Carolina, With the Ordinances Thereunto Appended, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention, Which Was Held at Charleston, and Adjourned on the 17th March, 1868 (Charleston, SC: Denny and Pery, 1868), by South Carolina and South Carolina Constitutional Convention (1868)
KFS2201 1895 .A43 1900 [Info] Constitution of the State of South Carolina, Ratified in Convention, December 4, 1895 (Abbeville, SC: H. Wilson, 1900), by South Carolina (multiple formats at
KFS2211.5 .A34 W47 2023 [Info] Race and the Law in South Carolina: From Slavery to Jim Crow (Amherst, MA: Amherst College Press, c2023), by John Wertheimer (PDF and Epub with commentary at OAPEN)
KFT1218 .J68 [Info] Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas, by Texas House of Representatives (partial serial archives)
KFT1248 .T48 [Info] The Texas Law Review (1883-1886) (full serial archives)
KFT1601 1827 .A32 [Info] Political Constitution of the Free State of Coahuila and Texas: Sanctioned by the Constitutive Congress of the Said State, on the 11th of March, 1827 (Natchitoches: Printed at the Courier Office, 1827), by Coahuila and Texas (Mexico)
KFT1601 1836 .A43 [Info] Constitution of the Republic of Texas, To Which is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Made in Convention, March 2, 1836 (Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836), by Texas, contrib. by Robert Hamilton and George Campbell Childress
KFT1601 1866 .A22 [Info] Message of Governor A. J. Hamilton to the Texas State Convention, Delivered February 10, 1866 (Austin, TX: State gazette book and job office, 1866), by Andrew Jackson Hamilton (page images at HathiTrust)
KFT1601 1875 [Info] Reports, by Texas Constitutional Convention (1875) (multiple formats at
KFT1601 1876 .A6 A9 [Info] Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Begun in the City of Austin, Texas on September 6th, 1875, and Finished November 24th, 1875 (with notes by the editor; Austin: Gammel Book Co., 1901), by Texas, ed. by D. B. Axtell (multiple formats at
KFU401 1849 .A3 [Info] Constitution of the State of Deseret, With the Journal of the Convention Which Formed It, and the Proceedings of the Legislature Consequent Thereon (Kanesville: Orson Hyde, 1849) (PDF page images at BYU)
KFV2418 .A3 [Info] Journal of the House of Delegates, by Virginia House of Delegates (partial serial archives)
KFV2418 .A3 [Info] Journal of the Senate, by Virginia Senate (partial serial archives)
KFV2425 .A213 [Info] Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, by Virginia (partial serial archives)
KFV2425 .A3 [Info] Sketches of the Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, by Virginia (partial serial archives)
KFV2445 .A19 1728 [Info] Virginia Colonial Decisions: The Reports by Sir John Randolph and by Edward Barradall of Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 1728-1741 (2 volumes; Boston: Boston Book Co., 1909), by Virginia General Court, ed. by R. T. Barton, contrib. by John Randolph and Edward Barradall
KFV2478 .H53 [Info] How Justice Grew: Virginia Counties, An Abstract of Their Formation (Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet #19; Williamsburg: Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation, c1957), by Martha W. Hiden
KFV2811.5 .A34 G85 1936 [Info] Black Laws of Virginia: A Summary of the Legislative Acts of Virginia Concerning Negroes From Earliest Times to the Present (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1936), by June Purcell Guild, contrib. by Virginia (page images at HathiTrust)
KFW191 .A4 D38 2007 [Info] The Ten Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Washington Accident Case (second edition, c2007), by Christopher M. Davis (PDF at
KFW2596.3 B8 B6 [Info] Boyle's Wisconsin Safe-Place Law, by Howard H. Boyle (HTML at
KFX Law in US Cities (Go to start of category)
KFX1128.1 .A2 1911 [Info] An Act of the Legislature of Alabama Creating a Commission Form of Government Under Which the City of Birmingham is Now Organized, In Effect March 31, 1911 (Montgomery, AL: Brown Printing Co., 1911), by Alabama (page images at HathiTrust)
KFX1448.1 .T87 1906 [Info] Galveston: A Business Corporation (Topeka City Club reprint from McClure's, 1906), by George Kibbe Turner (page images at HathiTrust)

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