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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "LC741 .A66" to "LC1090 .I5555 1998" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
L Education (Go to start of category)
LC Social Aspects of Education (Go to start of category)
LC741 .A66 [Info] Reconstructing Jewish Education (New York: Reconstructionist Press, 1957), by Michael Alper (page images at HathiTrust)
LC741 .W66 2010 [Info] The Women Who Reconstructed American Jewish Education, 1910-1965 (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, c2010), ed. by Carol K. Ingall (page images and PDF at Brandeis)
LC910 .I4 2008 [Info] The Workshop for Morality: The Islamic Creativity of Pesantren Daarut Tauhid in Bandung, Java (2008), by Dindin Solahudin (multiple formats with commentary at ANU E Press)
LC910.3 .S38 2006 [Info] Saudi Arabia's Curriculum of Intolerance; With Excerpts from Saudi Ministry of Education Textbooks for Islamic studies (2006), by Nina Shea, D.C.) Center for Religious Freedom (Washington, and Institute for Gulf Affairs (PDF at
LC910.3 .S38 2008 [Info] Saudi Arabia's Curriculum of Intolerance; With Excerpts from Saudi Ministry of Education Textbooks for Islamic studies (updated edition, 2008), by Nina Shea, D.C.) Center for Religious Freedom (Washington, and Institute for Gulf Affairs (PDF at
LC1011 .F7 [Info] Being a Presence for Students: Teaching as a Lived Defense of Liberal Education (Amherst, MA: Lever Press, c2019), by Jeff Frank (HTML and Epub with commentary at Lever Press)
LC1011 .H263 [Info] Toward Freedom and Dignity: The Humanities and the Idea of Humanity (originally published 1972; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by O. B. Hardison (multiple formats with commentary at Project MUSE)
LC1011 .K35 [Info] Latin and Greek in American Education, With Symposia on the Value of Humanistic Studies (New York and London: Macmillan, 1911), ed. by Francis W. Kelsey
LC1011 .S27 [Info] A Student's Guide to Liberal Learning (electronic edition, 1997), by James V. Schall (HTML at Georgetown)
LC1037 .S86 [Info] Career Education and the Meanings of Work (Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1976), by Donald E. Super (page images at HathiTrust)
LC1037.5 .P72 [Info] Preparing for the Workplace: Charting a Course for Federal Postsecondary Training Policy (1994), ed. by Janet S. Hansen (page images with commentary at NAP)
LC1043 .B72 [Info] Suggestions for the Study of Vocational Education in Township Institutes (reprinted from Outlines for Township Institutes for 1914-1915), by William Frederick Book (HTML and page images at Indiana)
LC1045 .C43 [Info] A Report on Vocational Training in Chicago and in Other Cities (1912), by Ernest A. Wreidt, William J. Bogan, and George Herbert Mead (page images at Google; US access only)
LC1046 .M7 W3 [Info] The House I Build: Each of Us Builds His Own House (1957), by J. H. White (page images at Preservica)
LC1047 .P16 S55 2013 [Info] Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific (c2013), ed. by Rupert Maclean, Shanti Jagannathan, and Juko Sarvi (multiple formats with commentary at SpringerLink)
LC1047 .S6 C36 2016 [Info] Change Management in TVET Colleges: Lessons Learnt from the Field of Practice (Johannesburg: JET Education Services, c2016), ed. by Andre Kraak, Andrew Paterson, and Kedibone Boka (PDF files at Project MUSE)
LC1048.S7 I46 1994 [Info] Improving Perkins II Performance Measures and Standards: Lessons Learned from Early Implementers in Four States, by Brian M. Stecher, Lawrence M. Hanser, B. W. Hallmark, M. L. Rahn, K. A. Levesque, E. G. Hoachlander, D. Emanuel, and S. G. Klein (PDF files at
LC1048 .S7 S7 1992 [Info] Local Accountability in Vocational Education: A Theoretical Model and Its Limitations in Practice, by Brian M. Stecher and Lawrence M. Hanser (PDF files at
LC1048.V63 U7 [Info] Using Alternative Assessments in Vocational Education, by Brian M. Stecher, M. L. Rahn, A. Ruby, M. N. Alt, Abby E. Robyn, and B. Ward (PDF files at
LC1049.5 .L435 1995 [Info] Learning To Work: Making the Transition From School to Work (OTA-EHR-637; Washington: GPO, 1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
LC1081 .C6 [Info] Industrial and Vocational Education, Universal and Self Sustaining (Pagan versus Christian Civilizations) (second edition; Boston: Christopher Publishing House, c1915), by Samuel Huntington Comings and Lydia Jane Newcomb Comings (multiple formats at
LC1081 .S84 [Info] Technical Education: What It Is, and What American Public Schools Should Teach, by Charles B. Stetson (page images at MOA)
LC1081 .W89 [Info] Technical Education, by George Woods (page images at MOA)
LC1087.3 .M3 [Info] The Switched-On Classroom: A Technology Planning Guide for Public Schools in Massachusetts, by Massachusetts Software Council (HTML at
LC1090 .I5555 1998 [Info] International Education in the New Global Era: Proceedings of a National Policy Conference on the Higher Education Act, Title VI, and Fulbright-Hays Programs, ed. by John N. Hawkins, Carlos Manuel Haro, Miriam A. Kazanjian, Gilbert W. Merkx, and David Wiley (PDF files at UCLA)

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