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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "M1365 .M55 1882" to "M1503 .S8 E5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
M Music (Go to start of category)
M1365 .M55 1882 [Info] Minstrel Songs, Old and New: A Collection of World-Wide, Famous Minstrel and Plantation Songs, Including the Most Popular of the Celebrated Foster Melodies, Arranged With Piano-Forte Accompaniment (Boston et al.: O. Ditson and Co., c1882), contrib. by Stephen Collins Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
M1365 .M55 1910 [Info] Minstrel Songs, Old and New: A Collection of World-Wide, Famous Minstrel and Plantation Songs, Including the Most Popular of the Celebrated Foster Melodies, Arranged With Piano-Forte Accompaniment (Boston et al.: O. Ditson and Co., c1910), contrib. by Stephen Collins Foster (page images at HathiTrust)
M1490 .M85 C6 [Info] The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Made by Divers Exquisite Authors, for Sixe Instruments to Play Together, viz, the Treble Lute, the Pandora, the Citterne, the Base-Violl, the Flute, and the Treble-Violl (newly set edition for all parts but the treble lute, based on known surviving copies of 1599 and 1611 editions), ed. by Thomas Morley and Steve Gassira (PDF with commentary at
M1490 .W66 M3 [Info] The First Set of English Madrigals to 3, 4, 5, and 6 Voices (London: Thomas Fiste, 1598), by John Wilbye (PDF at
M1495 .P835 2020 [Info] The Public Domain Song Anthology, With Modern and Traditional Harmonization (Charlottesville, VA: Aperio Press, 2020), ed. by David Berger and Chuck Israels (multiple formats at Aperio)
M1500 .S8 G6 [Info] The Gondoliers (libretto, music, and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1500 .S8 G7 [Info] The Grand Duke (libretto, music, and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 [Info] Selected works (words, music, and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .C58 M4 [Info] Il Matrimonio Segreto (various editions of scores and arrangements), by Domenico Cimarosa and Giovanni Bertati (PDF files with commentary at
M1503 .C58 M4 [Info] Il Matrimonio Segreto von D. Cimaroso (with words in Italian and German; ca. 1893), by Domenico Cimarosa and Giovanni Bertati (page images at HathiTrust)
M1503 .C62 [Info] Ages Ago (libretto, music, and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and Frederic Clay (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .C771 I6 [Info] In Dahomey: A Negro Musical Comedy (piano-vocal score; London: K. Prowse and Co., c1902), by Will Marion Cook and Paul Laurence Dunbar, contrib. by Jesse Shipp (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
M1503 .D33 R7 1891 [Info] Robin Hood: A Comic Opera in Three Acts (piano-vocal score; New York: G. Schirmer; Leipzig, F. Hofmeister, c1891), by Reginald De Koven and Harry B. Smith
M1503 .G37 F3 [Info] Fallen Fairies: or, The Wicked World (libretto and some music), by W. S. Gilbert and Edward German (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .G776 H3 [Info] Haste to the Wedding (libretto, music and commentary), by W. S. Gilbert and George Grossmith (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .H535 L5 [Info] Little Nemo (piano-vocal score for a musical based on the comic strip; 1908), by Victor Herbert and Harry B. Smith, contrib. by Winsor McCay (page images at HathiTrust)
M1503 .K459 O5 1918 [Info] Oh, Lady! Lady!! (with photos, original cast list, and piano-vocal score; New York: T. B. Harms Co., c1918), by Jerome Kern, P. G. Wodehouse, and Guy Bolton (multiple formats at
M1503 .M583 M44 [Info] Mirette (libretto, music, and commentary), by F. E. Weatherly, Harry Greenbank, Adrian Ross, André Messager, and Hope Temple (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .M623 A415 [Info] Deuxieè Partie de l'Opéra en Cinq Actes, L'Africaine (piano-vocal score for portions not performed at the Imperial Opera premiere in Paris; text in French; Paris: G. Brandus et S. Dufour, ca. 1865), by Giacomo Meyerbeer and Eugène Scribe, contrib. by Eugène Vauthrot and François-Joseph Fétis (page images at HathiTrust)
M1503 .M623 A415 [Info] L'Africaine: Opéra en Cinq Actes (piano-vocal score of the opera as premiered at the Imperial Opera in Paris; text in French; Paris: G. Brandus et S. Dufour, ca. 1865), by Giacomo Meyerbeer and Eugène Scribe, contrib. by Eugène Vauthrot
M1503 .N887 C4 1916 [Info] Chu Chin Chow; A Musical Tale of the East (London: Keith, Prowse and Co., 1916), by Oscar Asche and Frederic Norton
M1503 .S631 A1 [Info] Alice in Wonderland: A Dream Play for Children (piano-vocal score; London: Ascherberg, Hopwood and Crew, c1906), by Walter Slaughter and H. Savile Clarke, contrib. by Lewis Carroll
M1503 .S65 N38 [Info] The Nautch Girl: or, The Rajah of Chutneypore (libretto and music files), by George Dance, Frank Desprez, and Edward Solomon (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .S8 C6 [Info] Cox and Box (libretto, music, and commentary), by F. C. Burnand and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)
M1503 .S8 E5 [Info] The Emerald Isle, or The Caves of Carrig-Cleena (libretto, MIDI files, and commentary), by Basil Hood, Arthur Sullivan, and Edward German (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive)

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