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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "ML1 .M43" to "ML5 .R142" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
M Music (Go to start of category)
ML Literature on Music (Go to start of category)
ML1 .M43 [Info] The Musical Courier (partial serial archives)
ML1 .M48 [Info] The Musical Critic (most issues of this Chicago-based periodical, 1897-1900) (partial serial archives)
ML1 .M663 [Info] The Musical Million (partial serial archives)
ML1 .M725 [Info] The Musical Quarterly (partial serial archives)
ML1 .N79 [Info] Northern Junket (1949-1984; with index and commentary), ed. by Ralph Page (full serial archives)
ML1 .S25 [Info] Sacred Music (partial serial archives)
ML1 .T52 [Info] The Triangle of Mu Phi Epsilon, by Mu Phi Epsilon (partial serial archives)
ML1 .W478 [Info] Brainard's Musical World (partial serial archives)
ML5 .A26 [Info] African Music (partial serial archives)
ML5 .B35 [Info] Bayreuther Blätter, contrib. by Richard Wagner (partial serial archives)
ML5 .C56 [Info] La Chronique Musicale: Revue Bimensuelle de l'Art Ancien et Modern (in French; 1873-1876) (partial serial archives)
ML5 .C66 [Info] Le Courrier Musical (partial serial archives)
ML5 .D2 [Info] Dalibor (in Czech) (partial serial archives)
ML5 .F656 [Info] Journal of the Folk-Song Society (partial serial archives)
ML5 .G3 [Info] Gazzetta Musicale di Milano (in Italian) (full serial archives)
ML5 .G65 [Info] Gramophone (1923-) (partial serial archives)
ML5 .M64 [Info] Music and Letters (partial serial archives)
ML5 .M721 [Info] Musica d'Oggi (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
ML5 .M752 [Info] The Musical Antiquary (full serial archives)
ML5 .M78 [Info] Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review (partial serial archives)
ML5 .M85 [Info] The Musical Times (partial serial archives)
ML5 .M8614 [Info] Musik (Danish music periodical, 1917-1925), ed. by Godtfred Skjerne (full serial archives)
ML5 .N66 [Info] Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung, ed. by Ludwig Bischoff (partial serial archives)
ML5 .O87 [Info] The Organ (partial serial archives)
ML5 .R142 [Info] Ragtime Review (with recent commentary; 1914-1918) (full serial archives)

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