Call number | Item |
P | Language and literature (Go to start of category) |
P142 .G46 1988 | Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Linguistic Variation and Change (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1988; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1989), ed. by Thomas Joseph Walsh (PDF at Georgetown) |
P163.5 .C63 2018 | Constructicography: Construction Development Across Languages (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2018), ed. by Benjamin Lyngfelt, Lars Borin, Kyoko Ohara, and Tiago Timponi Torrent (PDF and Epub at John Benjamins e-Platform) |
P165 .F64 2017 | Language in Our Brain: The Origins of a Uniquely Human Capacity (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017), by Angela D. Friederici, contrib. by Noam Chomsky (PDF files at MIT Press) |
P201 .L557 2009 | Little Words: Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, and Acquisition (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2007; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c2009), ed. by Ronald P. Leow, Héctor Campos, and Donna Lardiere (PDF at Georgetown) |
P204 .S9 | Syntactic Typology: Studies in the Phenomenology of Language (second printing, 1981), ed. by Winfred P. Lehmann (HTML at texas) |
P211 .C46 | The Act of Writing: A Media Theory Approach, by Daniel Chandler (Word with commentary in the UK) |
P211 .C6 1900 | The Story of the Alphabet (London: G. Newnes, Ltd., 1900), by Edward Clodd (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
P211 .E43 | The Story of the Alphabet (Baltimore: N. T. A. Munder and Co., c1921), by Otto F. Ege |
P211 .H7 | The Beginnings of Writing (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1895), by Walter James Hoffman, contrib. by Frederick Starr |
P211 .I2 | Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters Explained; With an Account of the Egyptian Priests, Their Classes, Initiation, and Sacrifices (in Arabic and English; London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co., 1806), by Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī Ibn Waḥshīyah, trans. by Joseph Hammer-Purgstall |
P211 .W3 | An Examination of the Ancient Orthography of the Jews, and of the Original State of the Text of the Hebrew Bible (3 parts in 4 inconsistently numbered volumes; London: Whittaker and Co., 1835-1856), by Charles William Wall |
P211 .W718 2003 | Writing Selves, Writing Societies: Research From Activity Perspectives (2003), ed. by Charles Bazerman and David R. Russell (PDF files with commentary at Colorado State) |
P211 .W75 2013 | Writing as Material Practice: Substance, Surface and Medium (London: Ubiquity Press, c2013), ed. by Kathryn Piquette and Ruth Whitehouse (PDF at Ubiquity Press) |
P211.3 .E3 B54 | Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text, by Irene A. Bierman (HTML at UC Press) |
P211.7 .M37 2023 | The Violence of the Letter: Toward a Theory of Writing (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2023), by Melanie McMahon (multiple formats with commentary at |
P217 .L315 | Laboratory Phonology (2010-) (full serial archives) |
P217 .T6 1997 | Phonology as Human Behavior: Theoretical Implications and Clinical Applications (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1997), by Y. Tobin (page images at HathiTrust) |
P219 .T85 | On Defining the Phoneme (Language Monographs #16; Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1935), by W. F. Twaddell (page images at HathiTrust) |
P221 .K46 1791 | Le Mécanisme de la Parole, Suivi de la Description d'une Machine Parlante (in French; Vienna: B. Baueur and J. V. Degen, 1791), by Wolfgang von Kempelen |
P221 .K46 1791 | Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache Nebst der Beschreibung Seiner Sprechenden Maschine (in German; Vienna: J. B. Degen, 1791), by Wolfgang von Kempelen (PDF at OHSU; 66 MB) |
P221 .R6 1910 | Éléments de Phonétique Générale (in French; Paris: H. Welter, 1910), by Léonce Roudet (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
P226 .J3 | The Avestan Alphabet and its Transcription (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1890), by A. V. Williams Jackson |
P291 .S36 1985 | Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories: An Introduction to Government-Binding Theory, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, and Lexical-Functional Grammar (delisted 19 Jul 2021; free online edition withdrawn by publisher), by Peter Sells |
P291 .T413 2015 | Elements of Structural Syntax (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co., c2015), by Lucien Tesnière, trans. by Timothy John Osborne and Sylvain Kahane (PDF with commentary at John Benjamins e-Platform) |
P297 .G46 2004 | Crosslinguistic Research in Syntax and Semantics: Negation, Tense, and Clausal Architecture (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2004; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2004), ed. by Raffaella Zanuttini, Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, and Paul Portner (PDF at Georgetown) |