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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PB1 .M65" to "PB1331 .Q8 1911" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PB Modern European Languages; Celtic Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PB1 .M65 [Info] The Modern Language Review (partial serial archives)
PB1 .M7 [Info] Modern Philology (partial serial archives)
PB1 .R63 [Info] Rocky Mountain Review (partial serial archives)
PB2 .L35 [Info] Les Langues Modernes (in French) (partial serial archives)
PB3 .A5 [Info] Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen (partial serial archives)
PB10 .N413 [Info] Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki (partial serial archives)
PB10 .N415 [Info] Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (partial serial archives)
PB18 .N94 [Info] Studier i Modern Språkvetenskap (partial serial archives)
PB35 .B43 [Info] Outline Guide for the Practical Study of Foreign Languages (Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America, 1942), by Leonard Bloomfield (page images at HathiTrust)
PB35 .G7 1880 [Info] L'Art d'Enseigner et d'Étudier les Langues (in French; Paris: G. Flachbacher, 1880), by François Gouin
PB35 .G7 1892 [Info] The Art of Teaching and Studying Languages (second edition; London: G. Philip and Son; New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892), by François Gouin, trans. by Howard Swan and Victor Bétis (multiple formats at
PB53 .P3 [Info] The Scientific Study and Teaching of Languages: A Review of the Factors and Problems Connected With the Learning and Teaching of Modern Languages, With an Analysis of the Various Methods Which May Be Adopted in Order to Attain Satisfactory Results (London: G.G. Harrap and Co., 1917), by Harold E. Palmer
PB335 .A45 [Info] Le Dictionnaire des Six Langues; Das Sechssprachige Wörterbuch; The Six-languages Dictionary; El Diccionario de las Seis Lenguas; Il Dizionario Delle Sei Lingue; O Diccionario das Seis Linguas: Médaille à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris 1900 (in French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese; Lisbon: Empresa Editora do "Occidente", 1902), by Francisco de Almeida
PB1001 .C37 [Info] The Celtic Review (full serial archives)
PB1016 .D3 [Info] Celtic Researches: On the Origin, Traditions and Language of the Ancient Briton, With Some Introductory Sketches on Primitive Society (London: Printed for the author, 1804), by Edward Davies
PB1055 .A4 1878 [Info] The Anglo-Cymric Score: Being a Method of Counting Sheep and Cattle by the Score Formerly Used by Shepherds and Drovers, Principally in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Yorkshire, and Stated Also to be Known to the North American Indians, Now Nearly Obsolete, Formed on a Welsh Basis with English Additions (reprinted from the Transactions of the Philological Society, ca. 1878), by Alexander John Ellis (page images at HathiTrust)
PB1096 .A6 [Info] The Study of Celtic Literature, by Matthew Arnold
PB1096 .R6 [Info] Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, by T. W. Rolleston (HTML at
PB1097 .I58 [Info] The Barddas of Iolo Morganwg (English portions only; Welse text and related footnotes omitted), by Iolo Morganwg, ed. by John Williams
PB1201 .E6 [Info] Ériu (partial serial archives)
PB1201 .G2 [Info] Gadelica: A Journal of Modern-Irish Studies (4 issues published; this copy US access only; 1912-1913) (full serial archives)
PB1223 .B7 1910 [Info] Graiméar na Gaedhilge leis na Bráithreachaibh Críostamhla (fourth edition, revised, of an Irish grammar; Dublin: M. H. Gill and Son, 1910), by Christian Brothers
PB1307 .G7 [Info] Poets and Dreamers: Studies and Translations from the Irish, by Lady Gregory, contrib. by Douglas Hyde (Gutenberg text)
PB1327 .O34 [Info] Early Bardic Literature, Ireland, by Standish O'Grady (Gutenberg text)
PB1331 .Q8 1911 [Info] Prolegomena to the Study of the Later Irish Bards, 1200-1500 (extract from the Proceedings of the British Academy, 1911), by Edmund Crosby Quiggin (multiple formats at

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