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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PB2101 .W3" to "PC3 .Z5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PB Modern European Languages; Celtic Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PB2101 .W3 [Info] The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies (partial serial archives)
PB2248 .E8 [Info] Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Antient Welsh Bards: Translated Into English, With Explanatory Notes on the Historical Passages, and a Short Account of Men And Places Mentioned by The Bards, In Order To Give the Curious Some Idea of the Taste and Sentiments of Our Ancestors, and Their Manner of Writing (London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1764), ed. by Evan Evans
PB2273 .A7 [Info] The Book of Aneirin (Welsh facsimile and text volume followed by English translation volume; 1908-1922), by Aneirin, ed. by J. Gwenogvryn Evans (multiple formats at
PB2273 .A7 [Info] Y Gododin (in Welsh and English, with notes), by Aneirin, ed. by John Williams (Gutenberg text)
PB2273 .B3 1906 [Info] The Black Book of Carmarthen (Welsh text with English notes; 1906), ed. by J. Gwenogvryn Evans
PB2273 .P3 1775 [Info] Phlegontis Tralliani Opuscula Graece et Latine (second edition, in Latin and Greek; Halle: Hendel, 1822), by Phlegon of Tralles, ed. by Johann Georg Friedrich Franz and Friedrich Jakob Bast, contrib. by Johannes van Meurs and Wilhelm Xylander (page images at HathiTrust)
PB2273 .T3 [Info] Facsimile and Text of the Book of Taliesin, ed. by J. Gwenogvryn Evans (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PB2273 .T31 [Info] Poems From the Book of Taliesin, ed. by J. Gwenogvryn Evans
PB2273 .W5 1907 [Info] The White book Mabínogíon: Welsh Tales and Romances Reproduced From the Peníarth Manuscripts (Welsh texts with English notes; 1907), ed. by J. Gwenogvryn Evans
PB2361 .T45 [Info] The Welsh Fairy Book, by William Jenkyn Thomas (HTML at
PB2363 .M3 G8 [Info] The Mabinogion, ed. by Charlotte Guest
PB2363 .M3 G8 [Info] The Mabinogion (second edition with notes; London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877), ed. by Charlotte Guest (illustrated HTML at
PB2369 .F6 [Info] The Four Ancient Books of Wales, Containing the Cymric Poems attributed to the Bards of the Sixth Century, ed. by W. F. Skene (HTML at
PB2373 .W8 G8 [Info] The Visions of the Sleeping Bard: Being Ellis Wynne's "Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc", by Ellis Wynne, trans. by Robert Gwyneddon Davies (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PB2396 .D5 W6 [Info] Porphyrii De Philosophia ex Oraculis Haurienda: Librorum Reliquiae (main text in Greek, commentary in Latin; Springer, 1856), by Porphyry, ed. by Gustav Wolff
PB2401 .F5 L4 [Info] Triades des Bardes de l'Ile de Bretagne (in French and Breton; parts of the preface may be missing; Paris: Bibliothèque de l'Occident, 1906), ed. by John Williams, trans. by Jean Le Fustec and Yves Berthou, contrib. by Iolo Morganwg
PB2513 .N6 [Info] Sketch of Cornish Grammar (Oxford: At the University Press, 1859), by Edwin Norris
PB2552 .P45 [Info] The Old Cornish Drama: With Illustrations From Ancient Cornish Sacred Poems and Miracles Plays of Other Lands (A Lecture) (London: E. Stock, 1906), by Thurstan C. Peter
PB2569 .O7 [Info] The Ancient Cornish Drama (translation of the Ordinalia plays; 2 volumes; Oxford: At the University Press, 1859), ed. by Edwin Norris
PB2591 .G85 1827 [Info] The Creation of the World, With Noah's Flood, Written in Cornish in the Year 1611 (London: Printed for J. B. Nichols, 1827), by William Jordan, ed. by Davies Gilbert, trans. by John Keigwin (page images at HathiTrust)
PC Romance Languages (Go to start of category)
PC1 .R7 [Info] Romanic Review (partial serial archives)
PC2 .R4 [Info] Revue des Langues Romanes (partial serial archives)
PC2 .R6 [Info] Romania (partial serial archives)
PC3 .Z46 [Info] Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (partial serial archives)
PC3 .Z5 [Info] Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (partial serial archives)

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