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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR2612 .A1" to "PR2642 .C6 M6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR2612 .A1 [Info] Epicoene, by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2613 .A1 [Info] Every Man in His Humour (Florence version), by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2613 .A1 [Info] Every Man in His Humour (London version), by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2614 .A1 [Info] Every Man Out of His Humour, by Ben Jonson, contrib. by Felix Emmanuel Schelling (Gutenberg text)
PR2614 .A1 [Info] Every Man Out of His Humour, by Ben Jonson, ed. by William Gifford (HTML at
PR2615 .A1 1914 [Info] The Magnetic Lady: or, Humors Reconciled (New York: H. Holt and Co., 1914), by Ben Jonson, ed. by Harvey Whitefield Peck
PR2616 .A1 [Info] The New Inn, by Ben Jonson (HTML at
PR2617 .A1 [Info] The Poetaster: or, His Arraignment, by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2618 .A1 1783 [Info] The Sad Shepherd: or, A Tale of Robin Hood (London: Printed for J. Nichols, and sold by C. Dilly, 1783), by Ben Jonson, contrib. by F. G. Waldron and Peter Whalley (page images at HathiTrust)
PR2619 .A1 [Info] Sejanus, by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2622 .A1 [Info] Volpone, by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2622 .A1 [Info] Volpone, or, The Foxe: A Comoedie Acted in the Yeere 1605 (London: Will Stansby, 1616), by Ben Jonson (frame- and cookie-dependent page images here at Penn)
PR2624 .A2 M8 1890 [Info] Masques and Entertainments (London et al.: G. Routledge and Sons, 1890), by Ben Jonson, ed. by Henry Morley
PR2624 .B5 [Info] The Masque of Blackness, by Ben Jonson, ed. by William Gifford (HTML at
PR2624 .H91 [Info] The Masque of Hymen, by Ben Jonson, ed. by William Gifford (HTML at
PR2624 .H91 [Info] Mercury Vindicated From the Alchemists, by Ben Jonson, ed. by William Gifford (HTML at
PR2624 .L6 [Info] Love Restored, by Ben Jonson, ed. by William Gifford (HTML at
PR2625 .U6 1905 [Info] Underwoods (London: Cambridge University Press Warehouse, 1905), by Ben Jonson
PR2626 [Info] Timber: or, Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter (Boston: Ginn and Co., 1892), by Ben Jonson, ed. by Felix Emmanuel Schelling (page images at HathiTrust)
PR2626 .T5 [Info] Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter, and Some Poems, by Ben Jonson (Gutenberg text)
PR2626 .T5 [Info] Timber: or, Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter, by Ben Jonson, ed. by Ian Lancashire (HTML at Toronto)
PR2636 .B7 [Info] The Jonson Allusion-Book: A Collection of Allusions to Ben Jonson from 1597-1700 (1922), ed. by Jesse Franklin Bradley and Joseph Quincy Adams (multiple formats at
PR2638 .D47 [Info] Jonson's Moral Comedy (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1971), by Alan C. Dessen (PDF with commentary at Northwestern)
PR2638 .S7 [Info] A Study of Ben Jonson, by Algernon Charles Swinburne (HTML at Indiana)
PR2642 .C6 M6 [Info] Studies in Jonson's Comedy (Yale Studies in English #5; Boston et al.: Lamson, Wolffe and Co., 1898), by Elisabeth Woodbridge Morris (multiple formats at

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