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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR4964 .M5 I5" to "PR4967 .M27" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR4964 .M5 I5 [Info] If I Were King, by Justin H. McCarthy (Gutenberg text)
PR4964 .M75 K46 1872 [Info] Kennaquhair: A Narrative of Utopian Travel (London: Chapman and Hall, 1872), by Theophilus M'Crib (page images at Google)
PR4966 .D6 [Info] "Beautiful Thoughts" From George Mac Donald (New York: J. Pott and Co., 1900), by George MacDonald, ed. by Elizabeth W. Dougall (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4967 [Info] Selected works and commentary, by George MacDonald (HTML at
PR4967 .A22 [Info] Adela Cathcart, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .A46 [Info] Alec Forbes of Howglen, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .A55 [Info] Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .A86 [Info] At the Back of the North Wind, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .A86 1914 [Info] At the Back of the North Wind (simplified edition; Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Company, c1914), by George MacDonald and Elizabeth Foreman Lewis, illust. by Maria Louise Kirk (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR4967 .B6 [Info] A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of An Old Soul, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .D2 [Info] David Elginbrod, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .D21 [Info] The Day Boy and the Night Girl, by George MacDonald (multiple formats at CCEL)
PR4967 .D65 [Info] Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .D68 [Info] A Double Story, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .E4 [Info] The Elect Lady, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .F37 [Info] Far Above Rubies, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .F55 [Info] The Flight of the Shadow, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .G6 [Info] The Golden Key, by George MacDonald (HTML at
PR4967 .H35 [Info] Heather and Snow, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .H5 [Info] A Hidden Life, and Other Poems, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .H628 [Info] Gutta-Percha-Willie, the Working Genius, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .H752 [Info] Home Again, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)
PR4967 .L53 [Info] The Light Princess, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .L62 [Info] Lilith, by George MacDonald
PR4967 .M27 [Info] Malcolm, by George MacDonald (Gutenberg text)

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