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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QA303 .S67 1912a" to "QA326 .B74" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QA Mathematics and Computer Science (Go to start of category)
QA303 .S67 1912a [Info] Elementary Textbook on the Calculus, by Virgil Snyder and John Irwin Hutchinson (page images at Cornell)
QA303 .S7 [Info] Calculus (1991; with instructor's manual and study guide), by Gilbert Strang (PDF files at MIT)
QA303 .T48 1849a [Info] An Introduction to the Differential and Integral Calculus (second edition, 1849), by James B. Thomson (page images at Cornell)
QA303 .T55 1914 [Info] Calculus Made Easy: Being a Very-Simplest Introduction to Those Beautiful Methods Which are Generally Called by the Terrifying Names of the Differential Calculus and the Integral Calculus (second edition, enlarged; London: Macmillan and Co., 1914), by Silvanus P. Thompson (TeX and PDF at Gutenberg)
QA303 .V39 1907a [Info] Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis, by Oswald Veblen and N. J. Lennes (page images at Cornell)
QA303 .W48 [Info] Advanced Calculus (first edition; New York: Prentice-Hall, 1947), by D. V. Widder (page images at HathiTrust)
QA303 .W74 1912a [Info] Advanced Calculus, by Edwin Bidwell Wilson (page images at Cornell)
QA303 .W88 [Info] The Principles of Analytical Calculation (Cambridge, UK: Printed at the University Press, 1803), by Robert Woodhouse (page images at HathiTrust)
QA304.T63 H94 1888a [Info] Key to Todhunter's Differential Calculus, by H. St. John Hunter (page images at Cornell)
QA304 .T63 1878a [Info] A Treatise on the Differential Calculus, With Numerous Examples (1878 edition), by I. Todhunter (page images at Cornell)
QA304 .Y73 1836a [Info] The Elements of the Differential Calculus, by J. R. Young (page images at Cornell)
QA306 .H23 1902a [Info] Lectures on the Theory of Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables (Weierstrass' Theory) (University of Cincinnati bulletin #13; 1902), by Harris Hancock
QA308 .T63 1889a [Info] A Treatise on the Integral Calculus and Its Applications With Numerous Examples (1889 edition), by I. Todhunter (page images at Cornell)
QA311 .N17 [Info] Esposizione e Confronto Critico delle Diverse Definizioni Proposte per l'Integrale Definito di una Funzione Limitata o No (in Italian; Palermo: Stab. tip. Virzi, 1914), by Pia Nalli (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
QA312 .T46 [Info] The Calculus Integral (beta 1.0, 2010), by Brian S. Thomson (PDF at
QA315 .B5 1925 [Info] Calculus of Variations (Carus Mathematical Monograph #1; Chicago: Pub. for the Mathematical Association of America by the Open Court Pub. Co., c1925), by Gilbert Ames Bliss (page images at HathiTrust)
QA315 .C31 1881a [Info] A Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, by Lewis Buffett Carll (page images at Cornell)
QA315 .H23 1904a [Info] Lectures on the Calculus of Variations (the Weierstrassian Theory), by Harris Hancock (page images at Cornell)
QA315 .M6 [Info] The Calculus of Variations in the Large (American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications v18, c1934, reprinted 1947), by Marston Morse (multiple formats at
QA315 .R63 2009 [Info] Variational Analysis (based on the third printing of 2009), by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar and Roger J.-B. Wets (PDF at Washington)
QA316 .H3 [Info] Mémoire sur le Problème d'Analyse Relatif à l'Équilibre des Plaques Élastiques Encastrées (in French; Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1909), by Jacques Hadamard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
QA320 .H325 2016 [Info] Actual Causality (Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, c2016), by Joseph Y. Halpern (HTML at Cornell)
QA322.2 .C53 [Info] Banach Modules and Functors on Categories of Banach Spaces (c1979), by Johann Cigler, Viktor Losert, and Peter W. Michor (PDF in Austria)
QA323 .G5 1960 [Info] Rings of Continuous Functions (Princeton, NJ et al.: Van Nostrand, 1960), by Leonard Gillman and Meyer Jerison (page images at HathiTrust)
QA326 .B74 [Info] Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics, by Ola Bratteli and Derek W. Robinson

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