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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "QL671 .P3" to "QL676 .P8 1920" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
Q Science (Go to start of category)
QH-QR Biological Sciences (Go to start of category)
QL Zoology (Go to start of category)
QL671 .P3 [Info] The Passenger Pigeon, by Wisconsin Society for Ornithology (partial serial archives)
QL671 .W5 [Info] The Wilson Bulletin (ornithology journal) (partial serial archives)
QL673 .B972 1923 [Info] Bird Courtship, and Other Papers, by John Burroughs (multiple formats at
QL673 .N56 [Info] A Dictionary of Birds (London: A. and C. Black, 1896), by Alfred Newton and Hans Gadow, contrib. by Richard Lydekker, Charles S. Roy, and Robert W. Shufeldt (page images at HathiTrust)
QL674 .A9 1827 [Info] The Birds of America, From Original Drawings (4 volumes; London: The author, 1827-1838), by John James Audubon (at
QL674 .A9 1831 [Info] Ornithological Biography: or, An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America, Accompanied by Descriptions of the Objects Represented in the Work Entitled The Birds of America (5 volumes; Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1831-1839), by John James Audubon
QL674 .A96 [Info] Birds of America, by John James Audubon (frame-dependent illustrated HTML at
QL674 .W76 [Info] American Ornithology: or, The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States, Not Given by Wilson (4 volumes, 1825-1833), by Charles Lucian Bonaparte (page images at Wisconsin)
QL675 .K4 [Info] British Birds' Nests: How, Where, and When to Find and Identify Them (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1898), by Richard Kearton, contrib. by Richard Bowdler Sharpe, illust. by Cherry Kearton (multiple formats at
QL676 .56.N9 [Info] Building Nest Structures, Feeders, and Photo Blinds for North Dakota Wildlife, by Chris Grondahl and John Dockter (PDF at Wayback Machine)
QL676 .B15 [Info] A-Birding on a Bronco (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1896), by Florence Merriam Bailey (page images at HathiTrust)
QL676 .B17 1889 [Info] Birds Through an Opera Glass (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1889), by Florence Merriam Bailey (page images at HathiTrust)
QL676 .B17 1889 [Info] Birds Through an Opera-Glass (Cleveland et al.: The Chautauqua Press, c1889), by Florence Merriam Bailey
QL676 .B935 [Info] The Burgess Bird Book for Children, by Thornton W. Burgess (Gutenberg text and audio reading)
QL676 .B96 [Info] Wake-Robin, by John Burroughs (Gutenberg text)
QL676 .D6 [Info] Bird Neighbors, by Neltje Blanchan (Gutenberg text)
QL676 .D6 1896 [Info] British Sea Birds (London: Sands and Foster, 1896), by Charles Dixon, illust. by Charles Whymper (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
QL676 .D736 [Info] Birds That Every Child Should Know, by Neltje Blanchan (illustrated HTML at
QL676 .G4 [Info] Birds Through the Year (New York et al.: American Book Co., c1910), by Albert Field Gilmore
QL676 .G8 [Info] Beautiful Birds in Far-Off Lands: Their Haunts and Homes (London et al.: T. Nelson and Sons, 1873), by Mary Kirby and Elizabeth Kirby
QL676 .H87 1920 [Info] Adventures Among Birds (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co, 1920), by W. H. Hudson, illust. by Thomas Bewick (page images at HathiTrust)
QL676 .M67 [Info] The First Book of Birds (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., c1899), by Olive Thorne Miller (multiple formats at
QL676 .M68 [Info] The Second Book of Birds: Bird Families (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1901), by Olive Thorne Miller, illust. by Louis Agassiz Fuertes (multiple formats at
QL676 .P8 1919 [Info] Homing With the Birds: The History of a Lifetime of Personal Experience With the Birds (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1919), by Gene Stratton-Porter
QL676 .P8 1920 [Info] Homing With the Birds: The History of a Lifetime of Personal Experience With the Birds (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1920), by Gene Stratton-Porter (multiple formats at Indiana)

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