Call number | Item |
Q | Science (Go to start of category) |
QH-QR | Biological Sciences (Go to start of category) |
QM | Human Anatomy (Go to start of category) |
QM495 .C77 | On the Anatomy of the Breast (London: Longman, Orme, Green, Brown, and Longmans, 1840), by Astley Cooper (PDF files at Jefferson) |
QM531 .L34 1959 | Anatomy, Regional and Applied (second edition; Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1959), by R. J. Last (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM531 .R8 1691 | Observationum Anatomico-Chirurgicarum Centuria (in Latin; Amsterdam: Apud Henricum et Viduam Theodori Boom, 1691), by Frederik Ruysch (multiple formats at |
QM531 .R8 1751 | The Celebrated Dr. Frederic Ruysch's Practical Observations in Surgery and Midwifry (English translation of "Observationum Anatomico-Chirurgicarum Centuria"; London: Printed for T. Osborne, 1751), by Frederik Ruysch (multiple formats at |
QM531 .T81 1927 | Surgical Applied Anatomy (8th edition; Philadelphia and New York: Lea and Febinger, 1927), by Frederick Treves and C. C. Choyce (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
QM535 .B435 1985 | Growth in the Aging Craniofacial Skeleton (Craniofacial Growth Series monograph #17; Ann Arbor: Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan, 1985), by Rolf Gordon Behrents (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM551 .B24 1936 | Bailey's Text-Book of Histology (Elwyn and Strong) (revised and rewritten 9th edition; Baltimore, W. Wood and Co., 1936), by Frederick R. Bailey, Philip E. Smith, Russell L. Carpenter, Wilfred M. Copenhaver, Charles Mayo Goss, and Aura E. Severinghaus, contrib. by Adolph Elwyn and Oliver Smith Strong (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM551 .B24 1944 | Bailey's Text-Book of Histology (11th edition; Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1944), by Frederick R. Bailey, Philip E. Smith, and Wilfred M. Copenhaver, contrib. by Aura E. Severinghaus and Charles Mayo Goss (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM551 .B42 | Histology (electronic edition), by William Anthony Beresford (HTML at |
QM601 .C3 | Contributions to Embryology (full serial archives) |
QM601 .P25 | Manual of Embryology (London : H. Frowde, et al., 1915), by Andrew Melville Paterson (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM691 .A221853 | An Account of Chang and Eng, the World Renowned Siamese Twins (New York: T. W. Strong, 1853) (page images at HathiTrust) |
QM691 .H66 | Human Monstrosities (4 volumes; Philadelphia: Lea Bros. and Co., 1891-1893), by Barton Cooke Hirst and George A. Piersol |
QM691 .M55 B564 | Biographical Sketch of Millie Christine, the Carolina Twin, Surnamed the Two-Headed Nightingale, and the Eighth Wonder of the World (Cincinnati, OH: Hennegan and Co, ca. 1902) (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) |
QM691 .V53 2008 | Victorian Freaks: The Social Context of Freakery in Britain (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2008), ed. by Marlene Tromp (PDF at Ohio State) |
QP | Physiology (Go to start of category) |
QP1 | BMC Physiology (2001-) (full serial archives) |
QP1 .A5 | The American Journal of Physiology (partial serial archives) |
QP1 .A535 | Annual Review of Physiology (partial serial archives) |
QP1 .A65 | Archives Internationales de Physiologie (in French) (partial serial archives) |
QP1 .J73 | Journal of General Physiology (partial serial archives) |
QP1 .J74 | The Journal of Metabolic Research (full serial archives) |
QP1 .J75 | The Journal of Physiology (partial serial archives) |
QP1 .P45 | Physiological Reviews (full serial archives) |
QP1 .S7 | Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales (in French) (partial serial archives) |
QP6 .H34 | The Works of William Harvey (with a life of the author; London: Printed for the Sydenham Society, 1847), by William Harvey, ed. by Robert Willis (multiple formats at |