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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TL797 .P77 1997" to "TN1 .C53" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TL Motor Vehicles, Air and Space Technology (Go to start of category)
TL797 .P77 1997 [Info] Protecting the Space Station From Meteoroids and Orbital Debris (1997), by National Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (page images with commentary at NAP)
TL798.C6 D37 1993 [Info] Data Format Standards for Civilian Remote Sensing Satellites (1993), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF files at Princeton)
TL798 .N3 N38 1995 [Info] The Global Positioning System: A Shared National Asset (1995), by National Research Council Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems (page images with commentary at NAP)
TL799 .M3 L36 2001 [Info] First Landing Site Workshop for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers: January 24-25, 2001, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California (abstract volume; Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2001) (PDF at USRA Houston Repository)
TL799 .M3 P67 2000 [Info] Humans to Mars: Fifty Years of Mission Planning, 1950-2000 (Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2001), by David S. F. Portree
TL799 .M6 [Info] Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (partial serial archives)
TL799 .M6 J68 1995 [Info] The Soviet Reach for the Moon: The L-1 and L-3 Manned Lunar Programs and the Story of the N-1 "Moon Rocket" (second edition, c1995), by Nicholas L. Johnson (PDF at
TL799 .M6 L83 [Info] Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, ed. by Wendell W. Mendell (page images at Harvard)
TL799 .M6 M26 1970 [Info] Of a Fire on the Moon (as originally serialized in Life Magazine in 1969 and 1970), by Norman Mailer
TL862 .G4 D86 [Info] Power to Explore: A History of Marshall Space Flight Center, 1960-1990, by Andrew J. Dunar and Stephen P. Waring (PDF files at NASA)
TL867 .M3625 2009 [Info] Truth, Lies, and O-Rings: Inside the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (Gainesville, FL et al.: University Press of Florida, c2009), by Allan J. McDonald, contrib. by James R. Hansen (page images at HathiTrust)
TL873 .C66 1985 [Info] Living Aloft: Human Requirements for Extended Spaceflight, by Mary M. Connors, Albert A. Harrison, and Faren R. Akens (illustrated HTML at NASA)
TL873 .E75 2005 [Info] Into the Unknown Together: The DOD, NASA, and Early Spaceflight (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 2005), by Mark Erickson (PDF with commentary at Air University Press)
TL873 .N373 1997 [Info] The Human Exploration of Space (1997), by National Research Council Space Studies Board (page images with commentary at NAP)
TL943 .E93 1998 [Info] Evaluating the Biological Potential in Samples Returned from Planetary Satellites and Small Solar System Bodies: Framework for Decision Making, by National Research Council Space Science Board (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
TL1050 .K36 1983 [Info] Spacecraft Dynamics (c1983), by Thomas R. Kane, Peter W. Likins, and David A. Levinson (PDF with commentary at Cornell)
TL1102 .A8 M84 [Info] Development of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Internal Combustion Engine Auxiliary Electric Power Supply System (Detroit and Torrance, CA: Vickers Incorporated Division, Sperry Rand Corp., Aerospace Division, 1963), by Norman Evan Morgan (page images at HathiTrust)
TL1499 .B35 2010 [Info] Confronting Space Debris: Strategies and Warnings from Comparable Examples Including Deepwater Horizon (c2010), by Dave Baiocchi and William Welser (PDF with commentary at
TL1499 .O74 1990 [Info] Orbiting Debris: A Space Environmental Problem (OTA-BP-ISC-72; 1990), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
TL1500 .N38 1997 [Info] Advanced Technology for Human Support in Space, by National Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
TL4027 .F52 J635 [Info] Moonport: A History of Apollo Launch Facilities and Operations (1978), by Charles D. Benson and William Barnaby Faherty (PDF at NASA)
TN Mining and Metallurgy (Go to start of category)
TN1 .A5 [Info] Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (partial serial archives)
TN1 .A5 [Info] Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers (partial serial archives)
TN1 .B6 [Info] The Black Diamond (partial serial archives)
TN1 .C53 [Info] Journal of the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa (full serial archives)

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