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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TP785 .C6" to "TP968 .S82 1996" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TP Chemical Technology (Go to start of category)
TP785 .C6 [Info] Brick (partial serial archives)
TP785 .C6 [Info] Clay Record (partial serial archives)
TP785 .C61 [Info] The Clay-Worker (partial serial archives)
TP785 .C8 [Info] Crockery and Glass Journal (partial serial archives)
TP785 .P85 [Info] The Pottery, Glass and Brass Salesman (partial serial archives)
TP807 .W5 [Info] Ceramics: Clay Technology (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1927), by Hewitt Wilson (page images at HathiTrust)
TP808 .R49 1957 [Info] Clay and Glazes for the Potter (Philadelphia et al.: Chilton Book Co., c1957), by Daniel Rhodes (page images at HathiTrust)
TP845 .G53 [Info] Flame and Heart: A History of the Glass Bottle Blowers Association of the United States and Canada (Washington: Merkel Press, c1961), by Lee W. Minton (page images at HathiTrust)
TP859 .W48 [Info] Scientific Glassblowing (New York and London: Interscience, 1958), by E. L. Wheeler, contrib. by G. Ross Robertson (page images at HathiTrust)
TP910 .F476 1778 [Info] Tratado Instructivo y Práctico Sobre el Arte de la Tintura: Reglas Experimentadas y Metódicas para Tintar Sedas, Lanas, Hilos de Todas Clases y Esparto en Rama (in Spanish; Madrid: Imp. de Blas Román, 1778), by Luis Fernández
TP910 .P7 [Info] The Chemistry and Physics of Organic Pigments (New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, c1947), by Lyde Stuart Pratt (page images at HathiTrust)
TP918 .A3 P4 [Info] The History of Alizarin and Allied Colouring Matters, and Their Production From Coal Tar: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Chemical Section of the Society of Arts, May 8th and 22nd, 1879 (London: Printed by W. Trounce, 1879), by William Henry Perkin
TP919 .K45 [Info] Natural Dyes (Boston: B. Humphries Inc., c1950), by Sallie Pease Kierstead (page images at HathiTrust)
TP925.C63 P49 2010 [Info] Cochineal Red: The Art History of a Color (adapted from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 67, no. 3 (Winter, 2010); New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c2010), by Elena Phipps (page images and PDF at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
TP930 .H24 [Info] Cotton Painting and Printing in the Madras Presidency (Madras: Printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, 1917), by W. S. Hadaway
TP935 .B82 [Info] Varnishes, Lacquers, Printing Inks and Sealing-Waxes: Their Raw Materials and Their Manufacture; To Which is Added, The Art of Varnishing and Lacquering, Including the Preparation of Putties and of Stains for Wood, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Leather (Philadelphia: H.C. Baird and Co., 1893), by William T. Brannt (page images at HathiTrust)
TP936 .N33 [Info] 739 Paint Questions Answered: A Reference Encyclopedia Answering Knotty Problems That Confront the Painter, Decorator, and Paint Manufacturer in Their Everyday Work, With Complete Topical Index (London: Trade Painters Pub. Co., c1904), by Painters Magazine
TP942 .B8 [Info] A Handbook on Japanning, for Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc.; With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing (second edition; London: Scott, Greenwood, and Son, 1913), by William Norman Brown (multiple formats at
TP947 .C33 [Info] Forty Centuries of Ink, by David Nunes Carvalho
TP963 .S27 [Info] Chemistry and Technology of Fertilizers (second printing; New York: Reinhold Pub. Corp.; London: Chapman and Hall, 1963), ed. by Vincent Sauchelli (page images at HathiTrust)
TP963 .U5 [Info] Superphosphate: Its History, Chemistry, and Manufacture (Washington: US Dept. of Agriculture, 1964), by United States. Agricultural Research Service. Soil and Water Conservation Research Division and Tennessee Valley Authority Office of Agricultural and Chemical Development
TP968 .L2 [Info] Glue, Gelatine and Their Allied Products: A Practical Handbook for the Manufacturer, Agriculturist, and Student of Technology (London: C. Griffin and Co., 1905), by Thomas Lambert (multiple formats at
TP968 .R4 [Info] Modern Glues and Glue Testing (Other Than Waterproof Glues) (with "Glue Room Equipment and the Use of Glue"; Grand Rapids, MI: Periodical Pub. Co., c1922), by Clyde Harry Teesdale and C. Mortimer Bezeau (multiple formats at
TP968 .R54 [Info] Glue and Glue Testing (London: Scott, Greenwood and Co., 1900), by Samuel Rideal
TP968 .S82 1996 [Info] Thin-Layer Chromatography for Binding Media Analysis (Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, c1996), by Mary F. Striegel and Jo Hill (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)

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