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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "TX715 .B745 1867" to "TX715 .F8 1904" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
T Technology (Go to start of category)
TX Home Economics (including food and cooking) (Go to start of category)
TX715 .B745 1867 [Info] The Family Save-All: Supplying Excellent Dishes For Breakfast, Dinner and Tea, From Cold Fragments, as Well as a Large Number of New Receipts For Cooking and Preparing All Kinds of Soups, Fish, Oysters, Terrapins, Lobsters, Meats, Poultry, Game, Tea Cakes, Jellies, Rolls, Preserves, Pies, Puddings, Dessert, Cakes, Pickles, Sauces, etc. With Miscellaneous Receipts and Invaluable Hints For Economy In Every Article of Household Use (Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson and Bros., c1867), by Hannah Mary Bouvier Peterson (multiple formats at
TX715 .B76 [Info] Plantation Recipes (New York: R. Speller and Sons, 1959), by Lessie Bowers (page images at HathiTrust)
TX715 .B968 [Info] The Woman Suffrage Cook Book (second edition; Boston: "Country Store", 1890), ed. by Hattie A. Burr (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C5477 1913 [Info] Chinese and English Cook Book (in Chinese and English; 1913), by Chong Jan & Co. (San Francisco, Calif.) (page images at Harvard)
TX715 .C72 [Info] The Great Western Cook Book: or, Table Receipts, Adapted to Western Housewifery (New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1857), by A. Maria Collins (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C752 1864 [Info] The Complete Confectioner, Pastry-Cook, and Baker (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1864), contrib. by Eleanor Parkinson (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C752 1864 [Info] The Complete Cook: Plain and Practical Directions for Cooking and Housekeeping (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1864), contrib. by J. M. Sanderson (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C755 1927 [Info] The Congressional Club Cook Book: Favorite National and International Recipes (popular edition; Washington: Congressional Club, 1927), by Congressional Club (Washington, D.C.) (PDF at
TX715 .C764 1831 [Info] The Cook Not Mad, or, Rational Cookery (Watertown, NY: Knowlton and Rice, 1831) (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C8 1868 [Info] The Young Housekeeper's Friend (revised and enlarged; Boston: Taggard and Thompson, 1868), by Mrs. Cornelius (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
TX715 .C843 1885 [Info] Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery and Household Management (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., c1885), by Juliet Corson (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .C924 1879 [Info] Jennie June's American Cookery Book (New York: American News Co., 1870), by J. C. Croly (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .D273 1873 [Info] Presbyterian Cook Book (Dayton: O. Crook and Co., 1873), by First Presbyterian Church (Dayton, Ohio) (multiple formats at
TX715 .D325 [Info] A Date With a Dish: A Cook Book of American Negro Recipes (New York: Hermitage Press, c1948), by Freda De Knight, contrib. by Gertrude Blair (page images at HathiTrust)
TX715 .D76 1912 [Info] Dromedary Cook Book (New York: Hill Bros. Co., ca. 1912) (multiple formats at
TX715 .E531 [Info] The New-England Cookery (Montpelier: Printed for J. Parks, 1808), by Lucy Emerson (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .E8 1911 [Info] Good Things To Eat (c1911), by Rufus Estes (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .E88 1904 [Info] Cooking in Old Créole Days: La Cuisine Créole à l'Usage des Petits Ménages (in English and French; New York: R. H. Russell, 1904), by Célestine Eustis, contrib. by S. Weir Mitchell (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)
TX715 .F235 1911 [Info] Catering for Special Occasions: With Menus and Recipes (Philadelphia: D. McKay, c1911), by Fannie Merritt Farmer (multiple formats at
TX715 .F24 1912 [Info] A New Book of Cookery (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1912), by Fannie Merritt Farmer
TX715 .F24 1921 [Info] A New Book of Cookery (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1921), by Fannie Merritt Farmer (page images at HathiTrust)
TX715 .F3 1918 [Info] The Boston Cooking School Cook Book (Boston: Little, Brown, 1918), by Fannie Merritt Farmer (HTML at Bartleby)
TX715 .F533 [Info] What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking: Soups, Pickles, Preserves, Etc. (San Francisco: Women's Co-Operative Printing Office, 1881), by Abby Fisher
TX715 .F56 1907 [Info] Tried and Approved Recipes, by Epworth League of the First United M. E. Church of Barnesville, Ohio (PDF at
TX715 .F8 1904 [Info] The Blue Grass Cook Book (New York: Fox, Duffield and Co., 1904), by Minnie C. Fox (multiple formats with commentary at MSU)

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