Call number | Item |
U | Military Science (Go to start of category) |
UA | Armies: Organization, Distribution, Military Situation (Go to start of category) |
UA763 .P57 1918 | Os Caçadores no Exército de D. Miguel, 1828-34 (in Portuguese; Porto: Companhia Portugueza Editora, 1918), by Eurico de Sampaio Saturio Pires (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
UA764 .A9 | Historia da Cavallaria Portugueza (4 volumes in Portuguese; Lisbon: Imp. Nacional, 1889-1894), by Christóvam Ayres de Magalhães Sepúlveda (page images at HathiTrust) |
UA770 .B97 1941 | Soviet Strength and Soviet Strategy (Los Angeles: American People's Mobilization, 1941), by Norman Byrne (multiple formats at |
UA770 .F78 1987 | Soviet Civil-Military Relations and the Power Projection Mission (1987), by Francis Fukuyama (PDF with commentary at |
UA770 .J59 1990 | Bear Tracks in Indochina: An Analysis of Soviet Presence in Vietnam (revised edition, 1990), by Dion W. Johnson (page images at HathiTrust) |
UA770 .P6932 1997 | Proliferation Concerns: Assessing U.S. Efforts to Help Contain Nuclear and Other Dangerous Materials and Technologies in the Former Soviet Union, by National Research Council Office of International Affairs (page images and partial HTML at NAP) |
UA772 .T7313 | Our Military Construction and Our Fronts: Report Read at the 7th All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers, Peasants, Red Army and Labour Cossacks Deputies on the 7th of December 1919 (Moscow: Executive Committee of the Communist International, 1920), by Leon Trotsky |
UA787 .P69 1987 | A Society Organized for War: The Iberian Municipal Militias in the Central Middle Ages, 1000-1284, by James F. Powers (PDF files at Libro) |
UA829 .H9 K66 1982 | A Thousand Years of the Hungarian Art of War, by Anthony Tihamer Komjathy (HTML at Corvinus Library) |
UA832 .M5225 1999 | Middle East Security Issues in the Shadow of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation (1999), ed. by Barry R. Schneider (PDF at |
UA832 .R435 2002 | Redefining Security in the Middle East (Manchester, UK and New York: Manchester University Press, c2002), ed. by Tami Amanda Jacoby and Brent E. Sasley (PDF at OAPEN) |
UA832.5 .C66 2015 | Complexity, Security and Civil Society in East Asia: Foreign Policies and the Korean Peninsula (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2015), ed. by Peter Hayes and Kiho Yi (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) |
UA832.5 .H543 | East Asian Strategic Review (online edition in English and Japanese; summaries 1996-1999; full issues 2000-) (partial serial archives) |
UA832.5 .S773 1999 | Strength Through Cooperation: Military Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region, ed. by Frances Omori and Mary A. Sommerville (HTML at |
UA835 .C453 | Chinese Views of Future Warfare, ed. by Michael Pillsbury (HTML at |
UA835 .C75 1997 | Crisis in the Taiwan Strait (1997), ed. by James R. Lilley and Chuck Downs (PDF page images at |
UA835 .P55 2000 | China Debates the Future Security Environment (2000), by Michael Pillsbury (HTML at |
UA835 .P58 2002 | The People's Liberation Army and China in Transition (2002), ed. by Stephen J. Flanagan and Michael E. Marti (PDF at |
UA835 .U5 1995 | Other Approaches to Civil-Military Integration: The Chinese and Japanese Arms Industries (OTA-BP-ISS-143; 1995), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment (PDF at Georgetown) |
UA840 .D4 | Defence and Diplomacy: In Pursuit of National Security (issues up to previous year free to read online; New Delhi: Centre for Air Power Studies, 2011-) (partial serial archives) |
UA840 .S624 1994 | India's Ad Hoc Arsenal: Direction or Drift in Defence Policy? (1994), by Chris Smith (PDF with commentary at |
UA853 .I7 C49 2004 | Checking Iran's Nuclear Ambitions (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, 2004), ed. by Henry D. Sokolski and Patrick Clawson (PDF with commentary at |
UA853.I7 D47 1997 | Denial and Jeopardy: Deterring Iranian Use of NBC Weapons (1997), by Paula A. Desutter (HTML at |
UA853 .I7 R63 1996 | Khomeini's Incorporation of the Iranian Military (McNair paper #48; Washington: Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 1996), by Mark J. Roberts |
UA853.K6 U5 1962 | Military Advisors in Korea: KMAG in Peace and War (Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1962), by Robert K. Sawyer, ed. by Walter G. Hermes |