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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP2 .B33" to "AP2 .C95" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
A General Works (Go to start of category)
AP General Periodicals (Go to start of category)
AP2 .B33 [Info] Beadle's Monthly (New York: Beadle and Cp., 1866-1867) (full serial archives)
AP2 .B43 [Info] The Bellman, ed. by William C. Edgar (partial serial archives)
AP2 .B6 [Info] The Black Cat (partial serial archives)
AP2 .B64 [Info] Blues (1929-1930), ed. by Charles Henri Ford (full serial archives)
AP2 .B67 [Info] The Bohemian (only known issue; Richmond, VA: G.W. Gary, Printer, 1863)
AP2 .B78 [Info] The Bookman (New York, 1895-1933) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .B8422 [Info] Bradley, His Book (1896-1897 (does not include unauthorized, spurious "Feb 1897" issue)), ed. by Will Bradley (full serial archives)
AP2 .B847 [Info] Brother Jonathan (weekly New York review; 1842-1843) (full serial archives)
AP2 .B85 [Info] Brownson's Quarterly Review, ed. by Orestes Augustus Brownson (full serial archives)
AP2 .B88 [Info] Bruno Chap Books (1915-1916), ed. by Guido Bruno (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C3 [Info] Catholic World (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C4 [Info] The Century Magazine (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C46 [Info] The Chap-Book, ed. by Herbert Stuart Stone (full serial archives)
AP2 .C48 [Info] The Chautauquan (full serial archives)
AP2 .C545 [Info] The Coming Age (1899-1900), ed. by B. O. Flower and Anna C. Ellis Reifsnider (full serial archives)
AP2 .C636 [Info] CoEvolution Quarterly (full serial archives)
AP2 .C636 [Info] Whole Earth Review (1985-1996; with related publications) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C6362 [Info] Whole Earth (1997-2002; with related publications) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C65 [Info] Collier's (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C665 [Info] The Colored American Magazine (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C6897 [Info] Commonweal (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C7 [Info] The Continent, ed. by Albion W. Tourgée (partial serial archives)
AP2 .C73 [Info] The Continental Monthly (full serial archives)
AP2 .C93 [Info] The Critic (New York-based magazine) (full serial archives)
AP2 .C95 [Info] Current Literature (full serial archives)

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