Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP2 .P537" to "AP2 .S75" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
A | General Works (Go to start of category) |
AP | General Periodicals (Go to start of category) |
AP2 .P537 | The Philadelphia Record (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .P54 | The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest, contrib. by Elbert Hubbard (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .P62 | Plain Talk (1927-1938) (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .P78 | The Popular Magazine (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .P8 | Popular Science (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .P945 | Putnam's Magazine (full serial archives) |
AP2 .P95 | The Puritan (1897-1901) (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .Q3 | The Quartier Latin (full serial archives) |
AP2 .R25 | The Reader (full serial archives) |
AP2 .R255 | Reader's Digest (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .R2588 | The Realist, ed. by Paul Krassner (full serial archives) |
AP2 .R2829 | Redbook (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .R4 | The American Review of Reviews (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .R45 | The Reviewer (full serial archives) |
AP2 .R743 | Romance (Ridgway magazine, 1919-1929) (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S2 | The Saturday Evening Post (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S32 | The Scrap Book (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S4 | Scribner's Magazine (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S4 | Scribner's Monthly (full serial archives) |
AP2 .S48 | The Seven Arts (1916-1917) (full serial archives) |
AP2 .S5 | The Sewanee Review (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S54 | The Signature (all 3 issues published; 1915), ed. by D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, and John Middleton Murry (full serial archives) |
AP2 .S6 | The Smart Set (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S66 | Snappy Stories (partial serial archives) |
AP2 .S75 | The South Atlantic Quarterly (partial serial archives) |
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