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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP2 .S86 1832" to "AP2 .W2998" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
A General Works (Go to start of category)
AP General Periodicals (Go to start of category)
AP2 .S86 1832 [Info] The Rose Bud, or Youth's Gazette, ed. by Caroline Howard Gilman (full serial archives)
AP2 .S86 1833 [Info] The Southern Rose Bud (full serial archives)
AP2 .S86 1835 [Info] The Southern Rose (full serial archives)
AP2 .S883 [Info] Southwest Review (partial serial archives)
AP2 .S91347 [Info] The Stratford Magazine (partial serial archives)
AP2 .S9135 1916 [Info] The Stratford Journal (partial serial archives)
AP2 .S9158 [Info] Wild West Weekly (partial serial archives)
AP2 .S98 [Info] The Symposium, ed. by George Washington Cable (full serial archives)
AP2 .T333 [Info] Thought (Fordham University quarterly, 1926-1992) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T34 [Info] The Thrill Book (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T37 [Info] Time (US news magazine, 1923-) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T6 [Info] Town and Country (US magazine) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T72 [Info] Tales from Town Topics (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T762 [Info] True Detective (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T763 [Info] True Experiences (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T765 [Info] True Romances (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T77 [Info] True Story (partial serial archives)
AP2 .T98 [Info] Two Worlds, ed. by Samuel Roth (full serial archives)
AP2 .T982 [Info] Two Worlds Monthly, ed. by Samuel Roth (partial serial archives)
AP2 .U54 [Info] The United States Magazine and Democratic Review (partial serial archives)
AP2 .V32 [Info] Vanity Fair (Conde Nast publication) (partial serial archives)
AP2 .V76 [Info] The Virginia Quarterly Review (partial serial archives)
AP2 .W28 [Info] The Wave, ed. by Vincent Starrett (partial serial archives)
AP2 .W2997 [Info] Tom Watson's Magazine, ed. by Thomas E. Watson (full serial archives)
AP2 .W2998 [Info] Watson's Magazine, ed. by Thomas E. Watson (partial serial archives)

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