Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP201 .H2" to "AS36 .G4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
A | General Works (Go to start of category) |
AP | General Periodicals (Go to start of category) |
AP201 .H2 | Harper's Young People (full serial archives) |
AP201 .H2 1895 | Harper's Round Table (full serial archives) |
AP201 .J6 | John Martin's Book (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .L68 | Little Folks (British children's magazine published by Cassell's from 1871-1933) (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .N6 | The Boy's Own Annual (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .N8 | The Nursery, ed. by Fanny P. Seaverns (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .S3 | St. Nicholas (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .S7 | The Student and Schoolmate (partial serial archives) |
AP201 .S88 | The Student and Family Miscellany (full serial archives) |
AP201 .T7 | Top-Notch Magazine (partial serial archives) |
AP203 .M32 | Magasin d'Education et de Recréation (in French) (partial serial archives) |
AP206 .D4 | Deutch-Amerikanischer Jugendfreund (in German, 1882-1883) (partial serial archives) |
AP215 .R9 M8 | Murzilka (in Russian) (partial serial archives) |
AP215 .S5 | Zornička: Morning Star (issues online 2007-), by Ladies' Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union (partial serial archives) |
AP230 .B7 | The Brownies' Book (does not have Dec. 1921 issue; otherwise appears complete), ed. by W. E. B. Du Bois (partial serial archives) |
AS | Academies and Learned Societies (Go to start of category) |
AS1 .I545 | Inflexions (2008-) (full serial archives) |
AS4 .R6 R68 | The Year Book of the Round Table Club, A.D. MDCCCCVII (1907), by Round Table Club (multiple formats at |
AS30 .M48 | Michigan Quarterly Review (partial serial archives) |
AS30 .S6 | Smithsonian (partial serial archives) |
AS32 .A5 | Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication (partial serial archives) |
AS36 .A4855 | Annual Report, by American Council of Learned Societies (partial serial archives) |
AS36 .B8 | Brigham Young University Studies (monograph series, 1925-1937) (full serial archives) |
AS36 .B95 | University of Buffalo Studies (partial serial archives) |
AS36 .C36 | Abstracts of Theses, Science Series (partial serial archives) |
AS36 .G4 | The Literary Record and Journal of the Linnaean Association of Pennsylvania College (full serial archives) |
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