Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
B-BD | Philosophy (Go to start of category) |
B1203 1839 | The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury (11 volumes; 1839-1845), by Thomas Hobbes, contrib. by Thucydides and Homer (Gutenberg texts) |
B1253 | The Works of John Locke: A New Edition, Corrected (10 volumes; London: Printed for Thomas Tegg.., 1823; with other online texta and citations of works by and about Locke), by John Locke (PDF files at McMaster) |
B1270 | Of the Conduct of the Understanding, by John Locke (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) |
B1290 | An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (6th edition), by John Locke (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
B1290 | An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke (HTML at McMaster) |
B1294 .B87 1697 | Remarks Upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, in a Letter Address'd to the Author (London: Printed for M. Wotton, 1697), by Thomas Burnet (PDF at McMaster) |
B1294 .B872 1697 | Second Remarks Upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (London: Printed for M. Wotton, 1697), by Thomas Burnet (PDF at McMaster) |
B1294 .B8723 1697 | An Answer to Remarks Upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (1697), by John Locke (PDF at McMaster) |
B1294 .B8723 1697 | Third Remarks Upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (London: Printed for M. Wotton, 1697), by Thomas Burnet (PDF at McMaster) |
B1294 .L83 | Logical Tracts: Comprising Observations and Essays Illustrative of Mr. Locke's Treatise Upon the Human Understanding (1790), by Thomas Ludlam (PDF at McMaster) |
B1294 .M67 | Notes and Annotations on Locke on The Human Understanding (1794), by Thomas Morell (PDF at McMaster) |
B1296 .K5 1830 | The Life of John Locke, With Extracts From His Correspondence, Journals and Common-Place Books (new edition; London: H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830), by Lord Peter King |
B1299 .P83 T3 | Theologia Mystica: or, The Mystic Divinitie of the Aeternal Invisibles, viz., the Archetypous Globe, or the Original Globe, or World of All Globes, Worlds, Essences, Centers, Elements, Principles and Creations Whatsoever (1683), by John Pordage, ed. by Edward Hooker, contrib. by Jane Lead (HTML at EEBO TCP) |
B1320 | The Minute Mathematician (1735), by James Jurin (PDF and other formats with commentary in Ireland) |
B1320 1734 | Geometry No Friend to Infidelity, by James Jurin (in Ireland) |
B1325 | Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists, by George Berkeley (Gutenberg text) |
B1325 1734 | Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists (from the 1713 and 1734 editions), by George Berkeley (HTML and PDF in Ireland) |
B1330 | A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley (Gutenberg text) |
B1330 1734 | A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (based on the Jacob Tonson edition of 1734), by George Berkeley (multiple formats in Ireland) |
B1339 .B475 1860 | The Theory of Vision, Vindicated and Explained (Cambridge and London: Macmillan, 1860), by George Berkeley, ed. by H. V. H. Cowell (page images at HathiTrust) |
B1340 .A531 | The Analyst: A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician, by George Berkeley (in Ireland) |
B1340 .D31 | A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics, by George Berkeley (in Ireland) |
B1340 .E61 | An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision (4th edition), by George Berkeley (HTML at York) |
B1340 .E61 | An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision (1732 and 1709 editions), by George Berkeley (multiple formats in Ireland) |
B1340 .E61 | An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision, by George Berkeley (Gutenberg text) |