Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
B-BD | Philosophy (Go to start of category) |
B132 .K6 K76 | The Secret of the Katha Upanishad, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and PDF at Divine Life Society) |
B132 .N8 A5 1892 | The Tarka-Sangraha of Pandit Annambhat, With the Two Commentaries Nyaya-Bodhini and Padakritya of Govardhan Pandit and Chandrasinvha Pandit; Revised by Pandit Shivadatta of Jaipur (in Sanskrit; Mumbai: K. Shrikrishnadass, 1892), by active 17th century Annambhaṭṭa, ed. by Shivadatta Pandit of Jaipur, contrib. by Govardhan Pandit and Chandrasinvha Pandit |
B132 .S3 K3 | The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila, With Illustrative Extracts from the Commentaries (3rd edition; London: Trubner and Co., 1885), by Kapila, ed. by Fitzedward Hall, trans. by James Robert Ballantyne (HTML at |
B132 .S3 K44 | The Hindu System of Moral Science (third edition; Kolkata: S. G. Majumdar, 1912), by Kishori Lal Sarkar (multiple formats at |
B132 .S55 H6 | The Tattuva-Kattalei, Siva-Gnâna-Pōtham, and Siva-Pirakâsam: Treatises on Hindû Philosophy, Translated From the Tamil, With Introductions and Notes (New Haven: B. L. Hamlen, 1854), ed. by Henry Richard Hoisington (page images at HathiTrust) |
B132.V3 B18 | Brahma Sutras, by Swami Sivananda (HTML at Divine Life Society) |
B132.V3 B3 1911 | Brahma-Knowledge: An Outline of the Philosophy of the Vedanta as Set Forth by the Upanishads and by Sankara (London: John Murray, 1911), by Lionel D. Barnett (HTML with commentary at |
B132 .V3 K69 | The Realisation of the Absolute, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML at Divine Life Society) |
B132 .V3 K75 | An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and PDF at |
B132 .Y6 | Relax With Yoga (New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1960), by Arthur Liebers (illustrated HTML with commentary at |
B132 .Y6 | The Study and Practice of Yoga, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and audio at Divine Life Society) |
B132 .Y6 A28 | How to Be a Yogi (fourth edition; New York: Vedanta Society, c1902), by Swami Abhedānanda |
B132.Y6 B735 | The Maharshi and His Message (extract from "A Search in Secret India", with commentary), by Paul Brunton (PDF at |
B132.Y6 G655 | Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe (Santa Barbara, CA: The author, 1930), ed. by Rishi Singh Gherwal (HTML with commentary at |
B132 .Y6 K7 | Resurgent Culture, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML at Divine Life Society) |
B132 .Y6 K746 | Yoga as a Universal Science, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and PDF at |
B132 .Y6 K75 | An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and PDF at |
B132 .Y6 K755 | The Struggle for Perfection, by Swami Krishnananda (HTML and PDF at Divine Life Society) |
B132.Y6 M8 | Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness (Chicago: Yogi Publication Society, c1911), by A. P. Mukerji |
B132 .Y6 P26 | The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man, by Patañjali, trans. by Charles Johnston (Gutenberg text) |
B132 .Y6 P3 | The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, by Patañjali, trans. by William Quan Judge and J. H. Connelly (HTML at TUP) |
B132.Y6 S82 | Merging with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (illustrated HTML with commentary at |
B132.Y6 S853 | The Hatha Yoga Pradipika (in Sanskrit and English; 1914 translation), by Swami Svatmarama, trans. by Pancham Sinh (HTML at |
B132.Y6 W586 1954 | Great Systems of Yoga (New York: Philosophical Library, 1954), by Ernest Wood (HTML with commentary at |
B133 .A23 | Vedanta Philosophy: Five Lectures on Reincarnation, by Swami Abhedānanda (Gutenberg text) |