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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BF1031 .S28" to "BF1042 .R35" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BF Psychology (incl. Parapsychology and the Occult) (Go to start of category)
BF1031 .S28 [Info] Psychic Powers, by Helen Savage (HTML at TUP)
BF1031 .S85 [Info] A Practical Study of the Soul (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1901), by Margaret M. Barbour Stone (multiple formats at
BF1032 .D42 [Info] Life and Destiny (New York: George H. Doran Co., ca. 1918), by Léon Denis, trans. by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (multiple formats at
BF1032 .D82 [Info] The Mysteries of Hypnosis (Les Mystéres de l'Hypnose) (London: W. Rider and Son, 1922), by G. de Dubor, trans. by G. M. Hort
BF1032 .F5 [Info] L'Inconnu: The Unknown (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1902), by Camille Flammarion (multiple formats at
BF1032 .F55 [Info] Mysterious Psychic Forces: An Account of the Author's Investigations in Psychical Research, Together with Those of Other European Savants (Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., 1909), by Camille Flammarion (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
BF1032 .F6 [Info] Spiritism and Psychology (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1911), by Théodore Flournoy, ed. by Hereward Carrington
BF1032 .M3 [Info] The Unknown Guest, by Maurice Maeterlinck, trans. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (Gutenberg text)
BF1032 .M3 1920 [Info] The Unknown Guest (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1920), by Maurice Maeterlinck, trans. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1032 .M46 [Info] Metapsychical Phenomena: Methods and Observations (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons; London: Duckworth and Co., 1905), by J. Maxwell, trans. by L. I. Finch, contrib. by Charles Richet and Oliver Lodge
BF1033 .O712 1922 [Info] An Outline of Occult Science (New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1922), by Rudolf Steiner (Gutenberg multiple formats)
BF1040 .T8 [Info] Mysticism and the Way Out (Conway Memorial Lecture; London: Watts and Co., 1920), by Ivor Lloyd Tuckett (multiple formats at
BF1042 .C93 [Info] The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism (originally published 1983), by Constance E. Cumbey (multiple formats at
BF1042 .C931 [Info] A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age "Messiah" (originally published 1985), by Constance E. Cumbey (multiple formats at
BF1042 .F26 1922 [Info] Revelations of a Spirit Medium: Facsimile Edition, with Notes, Bibliography, Glossary and Index (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co.; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1922), ed. by Harry Price and Eric John Dingwall
BF1042 .F73 1989 [Info] The Fringes of Reason: A Whole Earth Catalog (c1989), ed. by Ted Schultz, contrib. by Stewart Brand (page images at
BF1042 .H26 [Info] Essays in Occultism, Spiritism, and Demonology (Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild and Stewart, 1919), by W. R. Harris (multiple formats at
BF1042 .H45 [Info] Spiritism and Common Sense (New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons, c1922), by Carlos María de Heredia (multiple formats at
BF1042 .H6 1924 [Info] A Magician Among the Spirits (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1924), by Harry Houdini (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1042 .L32 1907 [Info] Hypnotism and Spiritism: A Critical and Medical Study (translated from the second revised edition; New York et al.: Longmans, Green, 1907), by Giuseppe Lapponi, trans. by Agnes Mary Rowland Gibbs (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1042 .M37 [Info] The Pythonism of the Present Day: The Response of the Ministers of the Massachusetts Association of the New Jerusalem to a Resolution of That Association Requesting Their Consideration of What is Usually Known as Modern Spiritualism (Boston: G. Phinney, 1858), by Massachusetts Association of the New-Jerusalem Church, contrib. by Warren Goddard
BF1042 .O3 1920 [Info] The Menace of Spiritualism (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., c1920), by Elliott O'Donnell, contrib. by Bernard Vaughan
BF1042 .P84 [Info] Spook Crooks! Exposing the Secrets of the Prophet-eers Who Conduct Our Wickedest Industry (New York and Chicago: A. L. Burt Co., c1932), by Julien J. Proskauer, illust. by James Savage and Howard Savage (page images at HathiTrust)
BF1042 .R23 [Info] An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural (electronic edition), by James Randi (HTML at
BF1042 .R35 [Info] The New Black Magic and the Truth About the Ouija-Board (New York: Devin-Adair Co., 1920), by J. Godfrey Raupert (page images at HathiTrust)

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