Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BF1283 .F3 N5" to "BF1289 .E85 1902" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BF | Psychology (incl. Parapsychology and the Occult) (Go to start of category) |
BF1283 .F3 N5 | Supramundane Facts in the Life of Rev. Jesse Babcock Ferguson, A.M., LL.D., Including Twenty Years' Observation of Preternatural Phenomena (London: Published for the Proprietor of the Spiritual Lyceum by F. Pitman, 1865), by Thomas Low Nichols (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1283 .F7 C3 | Hydesville in History (Chicago: Progressive Thinker Pub. House, 1917), by M. E. Cadwallader |
BF1283 .G3 A3 | My Life as a Search for the Meaning of Mediumship (New York: Oquaga Press, 1939), by Eileen J. Garrett (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1283 .G4 A3 1987 | The Geller Effect, by Uri Geller and Guy Lyon Playfair (HTML with commentary at |
BF1283 .G4 A36 | Uri Geller, My Story, by Uri Geller (HTML with commentary at |
BF1283 .G4 G44 | The Geller Papers, ed. by Charles Panati (HTML at |
BF1283 .G4 P831 | Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, by Andrija Puharich (HTML at |
BF1283 .H3 K4 | The Seeress of Prevorst (London: J. C. Moore, 1845), by Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner, trans. by Catherine Crowe (multiple formats at |
BF1283 .H7 | Incidents in My Life (first series, sixth edition; New York: A. K. Butts and Co., 1873), by D. D. Home (multiple formats at |
BF1283 .H72 | Incidents in My Life (second series; New York: Holt and Williams, 1872), by D. D. Home (multiple formats at |
BF1283 .H75 A32 | Evenings at Home in Spiritual Séance, Welded Together by a Species of Autobiography (second series; London: E. W. Allen, 1882), by Georgiana Houghton |
BF1283 .M6 A3 | Leaves From My Life: A Narrative of Personal Experiences in the Career of a Servant of the Spirits; With Some Account of American Spiritualism, as Seen During a Twelvemonth's Visit to the United States (London: J. Burns, 1877), by J. J. Morse |
BF1283 .P25 A3 | How I Know That the Dead Are Alive (Washington, DC: Plenty Pub. Co., 1917), by Fannie Ruthven Paget |
BF1283.P3 K74 1910 | Trick Methods of Eusapia Paladino (reprinted from Reformed Church Review, 1910), by Stanley Lefevre Krebs (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1283 .P6 R6 | Both Sides of the Veil: A Personal Experience (Boston: Sherman, French and Co., 1909), by Anne Manning Robbins (multiple formats at |
BF1283 .P6 R65 | Past and Present with Mrs. Piper (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1921), by Anne Manning Robbins (multiple formats at |
BF1283 .S618 F5613 | From India to the Planet Mars: A Study of a Case of Somnambulism, With Glossolalia (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1900), by Théodore Flournoy, trans. by Daniel B. Vermilye |
BF1283 .T5 | The Psychic in the House (Boston: Boston Society for Psychic Research, 1926), by Walter Franklin Prince (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1286 .L84 | Mediumship: A Course of Seven Lectures, Delivered at the Mount Pleasant Park Camp-Meeting, During the Month of August, 1888; Also, A Lecture on the Perpetuity of Spiritualism, Given at the Same Place, on the Last Sunday of the Camp-Meeting (Chicago: M. Hull and Co., 1889), by J. S. Loveland (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1286 .T5 1900 | Mediumship and its Laws (c1900), by Hudson Tuttle (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1286 .V58 1919 | Genuine Mediumship: or, The Invisible Powers (Chicago: Advanced Thought Pub. Co., c1919), by Bhakta Vishita (Gutenberg text and page images) |
BF1288 .B52 1831 | Blätter aus Prevorst (in German) (full serial archives) |
BF1288 .B52 1926 | Blätter aus Prevorst: Eine Auswahl von Berichten über Magnetismus, Hellsehen, Geistererscheinungen usw. (with excerpts from the journal, in German; Berlin: S. Fischer Verlag, 1926), ed. by Hermann Hesse, contrib. by Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
BF1288 .R623 1891 | Experimental Spiritism: Book on Mediums, or, Guide for Mediums and Invocators, Containing the Special Instruction of the Spirits on the Theory of All Kinds of Manifestations; the Means of Communicating With the Invisible World; the Development of Mediumship; the Difficulties and the Dangers That Are Encountered in the Practice of Spiritism (fifth edition; Boston: Colby and Rich, 1891), by Allan Kardec, trans. by Emma A. Wood (page images at HathiTrust) |
BF1289 .E85 1902 | The Spirit World Unmasked: Illustrated Investigations into the Phenomena of Spiritualism and Theosophy (Chicago: Laird and Lee, c1902), by Henry Ridgely Evans (page images at HathiTrust) |
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