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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BV2075 .T5" to "BV2570 .L92" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BV Christian Practical Theology (Go to start of category)
BV2075 .T5 [Info] The Moral Unity of the Human Race, by Joseph P. Thompson (page images at MOA)
BV2100 .M45 [Info] World Missions and World Peace: A Study of Christ's Conquest (West Medford, MA: Central Committee on the Study of Foreign Missions, c1916), by Caroline Atwater Mason (multiple formats at
BV2130 .A6 [Info] Annales de la Propagation de la Foi (in French) (partial serial archives)
BV2290 .G85 [Info] Relacion Anual de las Cosas que Han Hecho los Padres de la Compañia de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, en los Años 600 y 601 y del Progreso de la Conversion y Christiandad de Aquellas Partes (in Spanish; Valladolid: L. Sanchez, 1604), by Fernão Guerreiro, trans. by Antonio Colaço
BV2350 .A5 [Info] The American Missionary (partial serial archives)
BV2350 .C3 1850 [Info] The American and Foreign Christian Union (1850-1860) (full serial archives)
BV2350 .C3 1861 [Info] The Christian World (American and Foreign Christian Union publication, 1861-1884) (full serial archives)
BV2350 .G7 [Info] The Gospel in All Lands (partial serial archives)
BV2350 .M5 [Info] The Missionary Herald (Boston, 1821-1934) (partial serial archives)
BV2350 .M7 [Info] The Missionary Review of the World (partial serial archives)
BV2350 .W643 [Info] World Vision (partial serial archives)
BV2360 .A3 [Info] Annual Report, by American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (partial serial archives)
BV2361 .C6 1893 [Info] Mildmay: or, The Story of the First Deaconess Institution (second edition; London: E. Stock, 1893), by Harriette J. Cooke (page images at HathiTrust)
BV2369.5 .U6 S738 [Info] Proceedings of the State Bible Convention of South Carolina, Held at Columbia, Sept. 17 and 18, 1862; With a Sermon Preached Before the Convention (Columbia, SC: Southern Guardian Steam-Power Press, 1862), contrib. by George Howe
BV2370 .A5 [Info] Annual Report of the American Bible Society, by American Bible Society (partial serial archives)
BV2370 .B5 [Info] Annual Report of the Bible Society of the Confederate States of America, by Bible Society of the Confederate States of America (partial serial archives)
BV2370 .B8 B53 1914 [Info] "Glorious Liberty": The Story of a Hundred Years' Work of the Jamaica Baptist Mission (London: Baptist Missionary Society, 1914), ed. by Leonard Tucker (page images at HathiTrust)
BV2370 .S6 D6 [Info] Histoire de la Société Biblique Protestante de Paris (1818 à 1868) (with biographical notices by Schickler; in French; Paris: Société Biblique Protestante, 1868), by O. Douen, contrib. by F. de Schickler
BV2375 .A512 [Info] Toils and Triumphs of Union Missionary Colportage, for Twenty-Five Years (New York: American Tract Society, ca. 1867), by John McMillan Stevenson (page images at MOA)
BV2500 .A473 S86 1935 [Info] The History of the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand (revised edition; Wellington: New Zealand Church Missionary Society, 1935), by Eugene Stock (multiple formats in New Zealand)
BV2500 .A6 H9 [Info] An Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (London: Printed by J. Downing, 1730), by David Humphreys (multiple formats at
BV2500 .A71 B37 1892 [Info] Children of the Kalahari: A Story of Africa (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, c1890), by Annie Maria Barnes (multiple formats at
BV2520 .B763 1891 [Info] The Story of the Karen Mission in Bassein, 1838-1890: or, The Progress and Education of a People From a Degraded Heathenism to a Refined Christian Civilization (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, c1891), by L. P. Brockett, contrib. by John Humpston (page images at HathiTrust)
BV2535 .A4 A5 [Info] Facts Relative to the Canadian Indians (London: Harvey and Darton, 1839), by Society of Friends Meeting for Suferings (multiple formats at
BV2570 .L92 [Info] A Manual of Missions, by John C. Lowrie (page images at MOA)

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