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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BV2815.R8 T9 1851" to "BV3269 .C4 G7" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BV Christian Practical Theology (Go to start of category)
BV2815.R8 T9 1851 [Info] The Rainbow in the North: A Short Account of the First Establishment of Christianity in Rupert's Land By the Church Missionary Society (London: J. Nisbet, 1851), by S. Tucker (multiple formats at
BV2830 .B8 1901 [Info] Latin America: The Pagans, the Papists, the Patriots, the Protestants, and the Present Problem (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1901), by Hubert W. Brown
BV2830 .B8 1909 [Info] Latin America: The Pagans, the Papists, the Patriots, the Protestants, and the Present Problem (New York: Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada, 1909), by Hubert W. Brown
BV2853 .P4 S44 [Info] Self-Sacrifice: or, The Pioneers of Fuegia (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1861), by Sarah A. Myers
BV2853 .P7 N484 [Info] For Christ and Cuzco: A Memorial of W.H. Newell, Missionary to Cuzco, Peru (London: Regions Beyond Missionary Union, ca. 1905), by Martha Newell, contrib. by H. Grattan Guinness (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
BV2967 .Y63 M49 [Info] Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Emily York, Formerly Miss S.E. Waldo, Missionary in Greece, by R. B. Medbery (page images at MOA)
BV3140 .AM35 [Info] The Turkish Quest: The Story of The American Board in Turkey (ca. 1936), by American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, contrib. by John Kingsley Birge (multiple formats at
BV3140 .G71 [Info] Passed Experiences, Present Conditions, Hope for the Future (Pasadena, CA: Press of Ramsey-Burns Printing Co., 1917), by Maria A. Gerber (page images at HathiTrust)
BV3170 .W4 [Info] The Romance of Missions: or, Inside Views of Life and Labor, in the Land of Ararat (New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., c1875), by Maria A. West, contrib. by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
BV3177 .S5 R5 [Info] Shepard of Aintab (New York: Interchurch press, ca. 1920), by Alice Shepard Riggs (page images at HathiTrust)
BV3177 .V3 H3 1850 [Info] Memoir of Mrs. Mary E. Van Lennep, Only Daughter of the Rev. Joel Hawes and Wife of the Rev. Henry J. Van Lennep, Missionary in Turkey (sixth edition; Hartford: Wm. Jas. Hamersley, 1850), by Louisa Fisher Hawes, contrib. by Mary E. Van Lennep, Joel Hawes, and L. H. Sigourney (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
BV3202 .J4 A3 1910 [Info] Fifty-Three Years in Syria (2 volumes; New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1910), by Henry Harris Jessup (page images at HathiTrust)
BV3215 .L38 [Info] Woman and Her Saviour in Persia, by Thomas Laurie
BV3217 .B57 [Info] Persian Women and Their Creed (London: Church Missionary Society, 1899), by Mary R. S. Bird (multiple formats at
BV3217 .J4 A3 [Info] Reminiscences of My Life in Persia (1909), by Mary Jewett (multiple formats at
BV3220 .C3 [Info] The Challenge of Central Asia: A Brief Survey of Tibet and its Borderlands, Mongolia, North-West Kansu, Chinese Turkistan, and Russian Central Asia (London, New York, and Toronto: World Dominion Press, 1929), by Mildred Cable, Frank Houghton, R. Kilgour, Alexander McLeish, Reginald W. Sturt, and Olive Wyon (multiple formats at
BV3260 .I4 [Info] The Indian Evangelical Review (partial serial archives)
BV3263 .G4 [Info] The History of the Church of Malabar, From the Time of its Being First Discover'd by the Portuguezes in the year 1501: Giving an Account of the Persecutions and Violent Methods of the Roman Prelates, to Reduce Them to the Subjection of the Church of Rome (with decreees of the Synod of Diamper; London: Printed for S. Smith, and B. Walford, 1694), by Michael Geddes, contrib. by Synod of Diamper (1599)
BV3265 .C35 [Info] Daughters of India (Monmouth, IL: Republican-Atlas Printing Co., 1908), by Mary Jane Campbell (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
BV3265 .H64 [Info] Here and There in South India (Westminster: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1914), by A. W. B. Higgens
BV3265 .J65 1926 [Info] The Christ of the Indian Road (New York and Cincinnati: Abingdon Press, 1926), by E. Stanley Jones (multiple formats at
BV3265 .P32 [Info] Once Hindu, Now Christian: The Early Life of Baba Padmanji (New York and Chicago: F. H. Revell Co., ca. 1889), by Baba Padmanji, ed. by J. Murray Mitchell (page images at HathiTrust)
BV3265 .S9 [Info] A Narrative of the Mission to Orissa (the Site of the Temple of Jugurnath) Supported by the New Connexion of General Baptists in England (Boston: Pub. by D. Marks for the Free-Will Baptist Connexion, 1833), by Amos Sutton (page images at HathiTrust)
BV3269 .C3 S6 [Info] The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary, by George Smith
BV3269 .C4 G7 [Info] Chundra Lela: The Story of a Hindu Devotee and Christian Missionary (Philadelphia et al.: Griffith and Rowland Press, c1911), by Z. F. Griffin (page images at HathiTrust)

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