Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BV3625 .A7 R35 1901" to "BV3625 .N5 B23" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BV | Christian Practical Theology (Go to start of category) |
BV3625 .A7 R35 1901 | Dark and Stormy Days at Kumassi, 1900: or, Missionary Experience in Ashanti, According to the Diary of Rev. Frits Ramseyer (London: S. W. Partridge and Co., ca. 1901), by Friedrich August Ramseyer, ed. by P. Steiner, trans. by Miss Meyer, contrib. by Thomas Nichol |
BV3625 .B5 C3713 1889 | My Life in Basuto Land: A Story of Missionary Enterprise in South Africa (London: Religious Tract Society, 1889), by E. Casalis, trans. by J. Brierley |
BV3625 .C6 B95 | Missionary Pioneering in Congo Forests: A Narrative of the Labours of William F.P. Burton and His Companions in the Native Villages of Luba-Land, by W. F. P. Burton, ed. by Max W. Moorhead (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 C3 1917 | A Congo Chattel: The Story of an African Slave Girl (New York: Christian Alliance Pub. Co., c1917), by Henry D. Campbell (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 D8 | Bolenge: A Story of Gospel Triumphs on the Congo (Cincinnati: Foreign Christian Missionary Society, c1909), by Eva N. Dye (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 M93 | The Congo for Christ: The Story of the Congo Mission (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., n.d.), by John Brown Myers (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 S5 | "Yakusu", the Very Heart of Africa: Being Some Account of the Protestant Mission at Stanley Falls, Upper Congo (London and Edinburgh: Marshall Bros., ca. 1911), by Herbert Sutton Smith (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 S6 | Pioneering in the Congo (second edition; New York: Katanga Press, c1916), by John McKendree Springer (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .C6 T75 1885 | Rise and Progress of the Work on the Congo River (second edition; London: Baptist Missionary Society, and Alexander and Shepheard, 1885), by Joseph Tritton |
BV3625 .C63 C364 | Monganga Paul: The Congo Ministry and Martyrdom of Paul Carlson, M.D. (second edition, c2004), by Lois Carlson Bridges (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
BV3625 .C63 L274 1893 | Life and Letters of Samuel Norvell Lapsley, Missionary to the Congo Valley, West Africa, 1866-1892 (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1893), by Samuel N. Lapsley, ed. by R. A. Lapsley and James W. Lapsley |
BV3625 .G3 G65 | A Life for Africa: Rev. Adolphus Clemens Good, Ph. D., American Missionary in Equatorial West Africa (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1897), by Ellen C. Parsons, contrib. by W. J. Holland and Adolphus Clemens Good |
BV3625 .G3 S36 | On the Edge of the Primeval Forest: Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa (London: A. and C. Black, 1922), by Albert Schweitzer, trans. by Charles Thomas Campion |
BV3625 .K6 | Mission Work Among the Azande (ca. 1921), by J. W. Johnston (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K6 | Triumphs of the Gospel in the Belgian Congo (ca. 1920), by Robert Dabney Bedinger (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K6 L4 | Rock-Breakers: Kingdom Building in Kongo Land (Philadelphia et al.: Judson Press, 1922), by P. H. J. Lerrigo, ed. by Northern Baptist Convention Department of Missionary Education (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K6 S43 | Presbyterian Pioneers in Congo (ca. 1917), by William H. Sheppard (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K7 E6 | A Master Builder on the Congo: A Memorial to the Service and Devotion of Robert Ray Eldred and Lillian Byers Eldred (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., c1916), by Andrew F. Hensey (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K7 G65 1909 | The Life of George Grenfell, Congo Missionary and Explorer (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1909), by George Hawker (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K7 L4 | An Englishwoman's Twenty-Five Years in Tropical Africa: Being the Biography of Gwen Elen Lewis, Missionary to the Cameroons and the Congo, by George Hawker (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .K7N M6 | William McCutchan Morrison: Twenty Years in Central Africa (1921), by Thomas Chalmers Vinson (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .M2 B87 1935 | Zanahary in South Madagascar (second edition; Minneapolis: Board of Foreign Missions, 1935), by Andrew S. Burgess (page images at HathiTrust) |
BV3625 .M2 J37 | The Widowed Missionary's Journal: Containing Some Account of Madagascar, and Also, A Narrative of the Missionary Career of the Rev. J. Jeffreys, Who Died on a Passage from Madagascar to the Isle of France, July 4, 1825, Aged 31 Years (Southampton: Printed for the author, 1827), by Keturah Jeffreys (multiple formats at |
BV3625 .M2 S52 1909 | The Martyrs' Isle, or Madagascar: The Country, the People, and the Missions (London: London Missionary Society, 1909), by Annie Sharman |
BV3625 .N5 B23 | Oshielle, or, Village Life in the Yoruba Country: From the Journals and Letters of a Catechist There, Describing the Rise of A Christian Church in an African Village (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1857), by M. A. S. Barber (page images at HathiTrust) |
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