Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BX | Christian Denominations (Go to start of category) |
BX1765 .C4 1899 | Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (revised and complete edition, with post-mortem appendix; London: Marshall Press, ca. 1899), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .C53 | Forty Years in the Church of Christ (Chicago et al.: F. H. Revell and Co., 1900), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .C6 1855 | Romanism in America (Boston: S. K. Whipple and Co., 1855), by Rufus W. Clark |
BX1765 .C6 1859 | Romanism in America (Boston: J. E. Tilton and Co., 1859), by Rufus W. Clark |
BX1765 .C6 1864 | The Novelties of Romanism (second edition, revised and enlarged; London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1864), by Charles Hastings Collette (multiple formats at |
BX1765 C65 1860 | Dr. Wiseman's Popish Literary Blunders Exposed (London: A. Hall, Virtue and Co., 1860), by Charles Hastings Collette (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .C95 | The Pope, Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue (Aurora, MO: Menace Pub. Co., c1913), by Jeremiah J. Crowley |
BX1765 .C955 1912 | Romanism: A Menace to the Nation (A New and Original Work); Together With My Former Book "The Parochial School, a Curse to the Church, a Menace to the Nation" (fiftieth thousand; Aurora, MO: Menace Pub. Co., c1912), by Jeremiah J. Crowley |
BX1765 .C963 | Lectures on Romanism: Being Illustrations and Refutations of the Errors of Romanism and Tractarianism (Boston: J. Jewett and Co.; Cleveland: Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington, 1854), by John Cumming (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .D6 1845 | The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (New York: E. Walker, 1845), by John Dowling (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .D6 1853 | The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (new edition with supplement; New York: E. Walker; Port Hope, ON: Hay and Thatcher, 1853), by John Dowling |
BX1765 .D6 1871 | The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to the Present Time (new edition with supplement; New York: E. Walker, c1871), by John Dowling |
BX1765 .E7 1894 | Errors of the Roman Catholic Church, and its Insidious Influence in the United States and Other Countries, by the Most Profound Thinkers of the Present Day; and the History and Progress of the American Protective Association (St. Louis: J.H. Chambers, 1894), contrib. by S. H. Ford, Scott F. Hershey, T. J. Morgan, Madison Clinton Peters, E. M. Marvin, John A. Wilson, George Augustus Lofton, J. G. Wilson, Thomas O. Summers, T. P. Haley, Samuel J. Niccolls, Thomas Bowman, Richard S. Storrs, P. G. Robert, and G. W. Hughey (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .E7 1899 | "Errors of the Roman Catholic Church": or, "Centuries of Oppression, Persecution and Ruin" (St. Louis: J.H. Chambers and Co., 1899), contrib. by S. H. Ford, Scott F. Hershey, T. J. Morgan, Madison Clinton Peters, E. M. Marvin, John A. Wilson, George Augustus Lofton, J. G. Wilson, Thomas O. Summers, T. P. Haley, Samuel J. Niccolls, Thomas Bowman, Richard S. Storrs, P. G. Robert, and G. W. Hughey |
BX1765 .F2 L4 | An Answer to the Rev. G. S. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism (Baltimore: F. Lucas, n.d.), by J. F. M. Trévern, trans. by F. C. Husenbeth (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .F2 1830 | The Difficulties of Romanism in Respect to Evidence: or, The Peculiarities of the Latin Church Evinced to be Untenable on the Principles of Legitimate Historical Testimony (second edition, revised and remoulded; London: Printed for C. J. G. and F. Rivington, 1830), by George Stanley Faber (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .G45 | The Mystery of Iniquity: or, Romanism not Christianity (Newark, NJ: Ward and Tichenor, 1872), by Jesse S. Gilbert |
BX1765 .G5 | Papal Rome as It Is, by a Roman (Baltimore: Publication Rooms, 1843), by L. Giustiniani, contrib. by W. C. Brownlee |
BX1765 .G563 1868 | Rome's Tactics: or, A Lesson for England From the Past (London: Christian Book Society, 1868), by William Goode (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .H25 | The Scarlet Woman: or, The Revival of Romanism (1910), by I. M. Haldeman (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) |
BX1765 .H29 | Romanism Contradictory to the Bible: or, The Peculiar Tenets of the Church of Rome, As Exhibited in Her Accredited Formularies, Contrasted with the Holy Scriptures (new edition; London: T. Cadell, et al., 1827), by Thomas Hartwell Horne (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .H45 | The Two Babylons (possibly abridged or edited), by Alexander Hislop (HTML at |
BX1765 .H67 | A Second Letter to the Right Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, Roman Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia (Burlington, VT: S. Fletcher, 1843), by John Henry Hopkins (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .H7 1854 | "The End of Controversy," Controverted: A Refutation of Milner's "End of Controversy," in a Series of Letters Addressed to the Most Reverend Francis Patrick Kenrick, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimorelphia (2 volumes in 1; New York: Pudney and Russell, 1854), by John Henry Hopkins (multiple formats at |
BX1765 .H8 | Popery, the Enemy and the Falsifier of Scripture: or, Facts and Evidences, Illustrative of the Conduct of the Modern Church of Rome (London: W. E. Painter, 1844), by Thomas Hartwell Horne (multiple formats at |