Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BX | Christian Denominations (Go to start of category) |
BX3001 .A55 | The American Benedictine Review (partial serial archives) |
BX3004 .E6 | The Holy Rule of St. Benedict, by Saint Benedict, trans. by Boniface F. Verheyen (multiple formats with commentary at CCEL) |
BX3004 .E6 | Rule of Benedict (partly adapted for women's communities), by Saint Benedict, trans. by Leonard J. Doyle (HTML with commentary at |
BX3004 .Z5 D414 | The Rule of St. Benedict: A Commentary (London et al.: Burns, Oates andWashbourne, 1921), by Paul Delatte, trans. by Justin McCann |
BX3044 .A1 Y37 1609 | Coronica General de la Orden de San Benito, Patriarca de Religiosos (7 volumes in Spanish; 1609-1621), by Antonio de Yepes |
BX3101 .C6 | Collectanea Franciscana (2 volumes published by the British Society of Franciscan Studies, 1914-1922) |
BX3101 .E8 | Études Franciscaines (in French) (partial serial archives) |
BX3401 .A53 | Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis (full serial archives) |
BX3401 .A53 1965 | Analecta Cisterciensia (partial serial archives) |
BX3465 .S6 | The Early History of the Monastery of Cluny (London et al.: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1920), by Lucy Margaret Smith |
BX3475 .H76 A3 1871 | Rules of the Congregation of the Holy Cross (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 1871), by Congregation of Holy Cross (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX3501 .I87 | Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica, ed. by Istituto storico domenicano S. Sabina (Rome, Italy) (partial serial archives) |
BX3502 .O3 | Saint Dominic and the Order of Preachers, by John B. O'Connor (HTML at Notre Dame) |
BX3513 .H2 L62 | Documents sur la Mission des Frères-Prêcheurs à Saint Domingue, du Schisme au Concordat (in French; Lorient: Le Bayon-Roger, 1912), by Ignace Marie Le Ruzic, contrib. by Emmanuel Édouard and M. Linstant Pradine (page images at Florida) |
BX3550 .S4 A2 1874 | Acta Capitulorum Provincialium Provinciae Sanctissimi Rosarii Philippinarum Ordinis Praedicatorum (2 volumes in Latin; Manila: Typis Collegii Sancti Thomae, 1874-1877), by Dominican Province of Santísimo Rosario de Filipinas |
BX3555 .A3 | Lives of the Brethren of the Order of Preachers, 1206-1259, ed. by Bede Jarrett, trans. by Placid Conway (PDF at |
BX3601 .A65 | Archivo Ibero-Americano (partial serial archives) |
BX3601 .A7 | Archivum Franciscanum Historicum (partial serial archives) |
BX3601 .C655 | Collectanea Franciscana (Italian journal, 1931-) (partial serial archives) |
BX3601 .F7 | Franciscan Studies (partial serial archives) |
BX3601 .S9 | The Grey Friars of London (British Society of Franciscan Studies v6; Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1915), ed. by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (HTML with commentary at British History Online) |
BX3616 .S8 | Faithful Unto Death: An Account of the Sufferings of the English Franciscans During the 16th and 17th Centuries, From Contemporary Records (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1892), by J. M. Stone, contrib. by John Morris (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX3646 .A1 B48 | Biblioteca Bio-Bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell'Oriente Francescano (in Italian), contrib. by Girolamo Golubovich (partial serial archives) |
BX3646 .P6 G6 | Catálogo Biográfico de los Religiosos Franciscanos de la Provincia de San Gregorio Magno de Filipinas desde 1577 en que Llegaron los Primeros á Manila Hasta los de Nuestros Días (in Spanish; Manila: Imprenta del Real Colegio de Santo Tomás, 1880), by Eusebio Gómez Platero y Fernandez Portillo |
BX3701 .A7 | Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu (in Latin, English, and other languages) (partial serial archives) |