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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX410 .B43 2003" to "BX801 .S65" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX410 .B43 2003 [Info] Russian Policy in the Orthodox East: The Patriarchate of Constantinople (1878-1914) (Warsaw and Berlin: De Gruyter Open, 2014), by L. A. Gerd (PDF at DeGruyter)
BX599 .C6 1921 [Info] Russian Dissenters (Harvard Theological Studies #10; 1921), by F. C. Conybeare (multiple formats at
BX660 .T3 [Info] L'Église Géorgienne: Des Origines Jusqu'a Nos Jours (in French; Rome: Impr. de la Société Typographico-Editrice Romaine, 1910), by Mixeil Petres że Tʻamarašvili (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
BX713 .M5 1945 [Info] The Persecution of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Yugoslavia (Libertyville, IL: Serbian Orthodox Monastery of St. Sava, c1945), by Dionisije Milivojevich (page images at HathiTrust)
BX713 .M5 1954 [Info] Persecution of Serbian Church in Yugoslavia (followup to similarly-titled 1945 work by Bp. Dionisije; Libertyville, IL: Serbian Orthodox Monastery of St. Sava; Chicago: Serbian National Defense Council of America, ca. 1954), contrib. by Dionisije Milivojevich and Nikolaj Velimirović
BX719 .V45 B93 2008 [Info] Denial and Repression of Antisemitism: Post-Communist Remembrance of the Serbian Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović (Budapest: Central European University Press, c2008), by Jovan Byford (multiple formats with commentary at
BX750 .P3S6 [Info] Soobshcheni︠ia︡ Imperatorskago Pravoslavnago Palestinskago Obshchestva, by Pravoslavnoe palestinskoe obshchestvo (partial serial archives)
BX800 .A1 G7 [Info] Gregorianum (partial serial archives)
BX801 .A5 [Info] America (partial serial archives)
BX801 .C364 [Info] The Catholic Mind (partial serial archives)
BX801 .C369 [Info] The Catholic Telegraph (partial serial archives)
BX801 .C369652 [Info] The Catholic Worker, contrib. by Dorothy Day (partial serial archives)
BX801 .C3697 [Info] Crisis (lay Catholic magazine) (partial serial archives)
BX801 .D6 [Info] The Dolphin (American Catholic review, 1901-1905) (full serial archives)
BX801 .E3 [Info] American Ecclesiastical Review (partial serial archives)
BX801 .E8 [Info] Extension (partial serial archives)
BX801 .F7 [Info] The Fortnightly Review (American Catholic periodical, 1894-1935), ed. by Arthur Preuss (partial serial archives)
BX801 .M64 [Info] The Dublin Review (Catholic periodical founded 1836, published in London) (partial serial archives)
BX801 .N3 [Info] National Catholic Reporter (partial serial archives)
BX801 .N35 [Info] Blackfriars (partial serial archives)
BX801 .N44 1999 [Info] Catholic New World, by Catholic Church Archdiocese of Chicago (partial serial archives)
BX801 .N44 2017 [Info] Chicago Catholic, by Catholic Church Archdiocese of Chicago (partial serial archives)
BX801 .S2 [Info] St. Anthony Messenger (partial serial archives)
BX801 .S25 [Info] The Sacred Heart Review (1888-1918) (partial serial archives)
BX801 .S65 [Info] The Sign (partial serial archives)

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