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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX5930 .E8" to "BX5980.W3 H37 1922" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX5930 .E8 [Info] Catholicity in its Relationship to Protestantism and Romanism: Being Six Conferences Delivered at Newark, N.J., at the Request of Leading Laymen of That City (Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co., c1878), by Ferdinand C. Ewer (multiple formats at
BX5930 .F5 1919 [Info] The Faith By Which We Live: A Plain, Practical Exposition of the Religion of the Incarnate Lord (Milwaukee: Morehouse Pub. Co., c1919), by Charles Fiske (multiple formats at
BX5935 .D5 [Info] The Authority of the Church As Set Forth in the Book of Common Prayer Articles and Canons: Sermons Preached in Trinity Chapel, New York, During Lent, 1891 (New York: E. and J. B. Young and Co., 1891), by Morgan Dix (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5935 .P2 [Info] A Discourse of the Transient and Permanent in Christianity (1841), by Theodore Parker (PDF with commentary at
BX5936 .H85 1891 [Info] Popular Misconceptions of the Episcopal Church (New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1891), by William Reed Huntington (HTML at
BX5937 .D45 S4 [Info] Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, by James DeKoven (HTML at
BX5937 .S84 [Info] A Sermon, Preached in St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia, October 11, 1865, Before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church on the Occasion of the Consecration of the Reverend Charles Todd Quintard, M.D., as Bishop of the Diocese of Tennessee (Philadelphia: C. T. Adams, 1865), by William Bacon Stevens (HTML at
BX5937 .W43 F5 [Info] Five Sermons, by Henry Benjamin Whipple (Gutenberg text)
BX5943 .A1 1604 [Info] The Book of Common Prayer, King James, Anno 1604, Commonly Called the Hampton Court Book (facsimile reprint of the 1604 edition published by R. Barker; London: W. Pickering, 1844), by Church of England (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5943 .A1 1662 [Info] The Book of Common Prayer (1662 edition), by Church of England (HTML at
BX5943 .A1 1814 [Info] The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; Together With the Psalter, or Psalms of David (Hudson, NY: W. E. Norman, 1814), by Episcopal Church
BX5943 .A1 1928 [Info] The Book of Common Prayer (1928 US edition, with commentary), by Episcopal Church (HTML and PDF files with commentary at
BX5943 .A1 1979x [Info] The Book of Common Prayer (unofficial copy of the 1979 US Episcopal Church version), by Episcopal Church, ed. by John E. Goodwin (HTML at
BX5945 .J66 1898 [Info] A Concordance to the Book of Common Prayer, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America: Together with a Table of the Portions of Scripture Found or Referred to in the Prayer Book, and a Topical Index of the Collects (Philadelphia, Geo. W. Jacobs and Co., 1898), by J. Courtney Jones (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5950 .S63 [Info] Small Dioceses and State Conventions: Some Remarks on the Polity of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States, by James V. Campbell (page images at MOA)
BX5956 .A3 1861 [Info] Proposed Constitution and Digest of Revised Canons for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America, Reported to the Adjourned Convention of Bishops, Clergymen and Laymen of Said Church, Held in Christ Church, Columbia, S.C., in October 1861 (Columbia, SC: Steam Power-Press of R. W. Gibbes, 1861), by Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America
BX5956 .C3 1862 [Info] The Catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States (Raleigh: Office of "The Church Intelligencer," 1862), by Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America
BX5974 .H3 A3 [Info] In Memoriam, Sister Louise: The Story of Her Life Work (New York: E. and J. B. Young and Co., 1883), by Maunsell Van Rensselaer, contrib. by Louise Gardiner Hall (illustrated HTML at
BX5979 .N3 1845 [Info] A Narrative of "Griswold", the African Youth, from the Mission School, at Cape Palmas, Who Died in Boston, May 16, 1844 (Boston: Published by a friend of missions, 1845) (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC)
BX5980 .E35 S3 1901 [Info] The Religious and Historic Commemoration of the Two Hundred Years of St. Paul's Parish, Edenton, N.C. (Goldsboro, NC: Nash Brothers, 1901), contrib. by Alfred A. Watson (HTML and page images at
BX5980 .G74 E84 1946 [Info] History of St. James' Church, Greenville, Mississippi, 1869-1946 (Greenville, MS: Office Supply Co., ca. 1946), by Grace G. Everman and Lavinia D. Fort (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5980 .H457 H34 1932 [Info] Adventures for God: A History of St. George's Episcopal Church, Hempstead, Long Island (New York: J.S. Haight, 1932), by John Sylvanus Haight (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5980 .M683 G74 1961 [Info] Christ Church, 1706-1959: A Plantation Parish of the South Carolina Establishment (Charleston, SC: Dalcho Historical Society, 1961), by Anne King Gregorie (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5980 .R45 A6 [Info] The Church of St. Andrew, Richmond, Staten Island: Its History, Vital Records, and Gravestone Inscriptions (Staten Island, NY: Staten Island Historical Society, 1925), by William T. Davis, Royden Woodward Vosburgh, and Charles W. Leng (page images at HathiTrust)
BX5980.W3 H37 1922 [Info] Saint Peters Parish, Washington, North Carolina: A Record of the Century, 1822-1922, by Edmund Hoyt Harding (HTML and page images at

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