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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX6901 .C5" to "BX6943 .H4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX6901 .C5 [Info] The Christian Science Journal (partial serial archives)
BX6941 .A1 [Info] Published Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and MS Word at
BX6941 .A3 [Info] Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .C5 [Info] Christian Healing, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .C6 [Info] Christian Science versus Pantheism, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .F5 [Info] The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .M3 [Info] Manual of the Mother Church (88th edition, 1910), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .M3 [Info] Manual of the Mother Church (89th edition), by Mary Baker Eddy (Gutenberg text)
BX6941 .M33 W735 [Info] Mary Baker Eddy: Leader Forever: The Manual Comes Alive, by Helen Marie Wright (HTML at
BX6941 .M33 W74 [Info] Mary Baker Eddy's Church Manual and "Church Universal and Triumphant", by Helen Marie Wright (HTML at
BX6941 .M5 1900 [Info] Message to the Mother Church, Boston, Mass., June, 1900, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .M5 1901 [Info] Message to the Mother Church, Boston, Mass., June, 1901, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .M5 1902 [Info] Message to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, or The Mother Church, Boston, June 15, 1902, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .N7 [Info] No and Yes, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .P4 [Info] The People's Idea of God: Its Effect on Health and Christianity, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at
BX6941 .P9 [Info] Pulpit and Press, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .P9 1897 [Info] Pulpit and Press (6th edition, 1897), by Mary Baker Eddy (Gutenberg text)
BX6941 .R4 [Info] Retrospection and Introspection, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .R8 [Info] Rudimental Divine Science, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .S4 [Info] Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (edition currently published by First Church of Christ, Scientist), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and audio reading with commentary at
BX6941 .S4 1910 [Info] Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (1910 edition), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and MS Word at
BX6941 .U6 [Info] Unity of Good, by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6941 .U6 1888 [Info] Unity of Good and Unreality of Evil (Boston: The author, 1888), by Mary Baker Eddy
BX6943 .D459 1908 [Info] Journeying Onward (fourth edition, 1908), by Lillian De Waters
BX6943 .H4 [Info] Must Protestantism Adopt Christian Science? A Churchman's View (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1914), by James Winthrop Hegeman

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