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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX7255 .N33 F5" to "BX7321 .C2" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX7255 .N33 F5 [Info] The First Parish, Newbury, Massachusetts, 1635-1935 (Newburyport: News Pub. Co. Inc., Printers, 1935), ed. by Eliza Adams Little and Lucretia Little Ilsey (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7255 .N54 A28 [Info] A Narrative of Some Recent Occurrences in the Church of the Puritans, New York, by Church of the Puritans (New York, N.Y.) (page images at MOA)
BX7255 .N54 A3 1857 [Info] Reply of the Church of the Puritans to the Protest of Their Late Deacons, by Church of the Puritans (New York, N.Y.) (page images at MOA)
BX7255 .N54 C74 [Info] Proceedings of a Council of Congregational Churches, Relative to the Privileges of Members of the Church of the Puritans, New York, and to the Privileges of Members Thereof: May, 1861, by Congregational Churches in the United States (page images at MOA)
BX7255 .N54 C75 [Info] Proceedings of a Council of Congregational Churches, Relative to the Privileges of Members of the Church of the Puritans, New York (1859), by Congregational Churches in the United States (page images at MOA)
BX7256 .S2 C6 [Info] The History of the "Old Meeting House", St. Neots, 1691-1890; Together With a Short Survey of the Religious Life of England at the Beginning of This Century (St. Neots: Printed by P. C. Tomson, 1890), by Reginald Denness Cooper
BX7260 .B3 A6 [Info] Henry Ward Beecher: A Sketch of His Career (Hartford: American Pub. Co., 1887), by Lyman Abbott, contrib. by Samuel B. Halliday
BX7260 .B3 B4 [Info] The Beecher-Tilton War (page images at MOA)
BX7260 .B3 D75 [Info] Plymouth Church and Its Pastor, by J. E. P. Doyle (page images at MOA)
BX7260 .B3 N5 [Info] The Beecher Trial: A Review of the Evidence, by Henry Ward Beecher (page images at MOA)
BX7260 .B3 T76 [Info] The Case of Henry Ward Beecher, by Benjamin F. Tracy (page images at MOA)
BX7260 .B77 B8 [Info] The True Story of Robert Browne (1550?-1633), Father of Congregationalism (Oxford: H. Hart; London: H. Frowde, 1906), by Champlin Burrage (multiple formats at
BX7260.B9 M8 [Info] Horace Bushnell, Preacher and Theologian (Boston, New York: Houghton, Mifflin, 1899), by Theodore Thornton Munger (multiple formats at
BX7260.E3 G63 2004 [Info] A God-Entranced Vision of All Things: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards, ed. by John Piper and Justin Taylor (PDF with commentary at
BX7260.F47 A4 [Info] Memoirs of Rev. Charles G. Finney, by Charles G. Finney (HTML at
BX7260 .M555 H3 [Info] G. Campbell Morgan: The Man and His Ministry (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1930), by John Harries (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7260 .M57 M57 1995 [Info] The Life of Jedidiah Morse: A Station of Peculiar Exposure (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c1995), by Richard J. Moss (PDF at Tennessee)
BX7260 .M79 A3 [Info] Leading From The Heart: Lifetime Reflections on Spiritual Development, by Robert Boyd Munger (HTML at Wayback Machine)
BX7260 .S8 A3 [Info] The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D. D., LL. D., President of Yale College (3 volumes; New York: C. Scribner's sons, 1901), by Ezra Stiles, ed. by Franklin Bowditch Dexter (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7315 .M9 [Info] Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement (Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, c1962), by James DeForest Murch (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7316 .W48 [Info] The Search for the Ancient Order: A History of the Restoration Movement, 1849-1906 (2 volumes, originally published 1947-1950; reprint published 1963-1964), by Earl West (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7316 .W5 [Info] Origin of the Disciples of Christ (Campbellites): A Contribution to the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Campbell (New York: A. C. Armstrong and Son, 1888), by William H. Whitsitt (multiple formats at
BX7317 .O3 H3 [Info] Early History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio: With Biographical Sketches of the Principal Agents in Their Religious Movement (Cincinnati: Chase and Hall, 1875), by Amos Sutton Hayden (HTML at
BX7317 .O7 S8 [Info] Making Disciples in Oregon (1928), by C. F. Swander (PDF at
BX7321 .C2 [Info] The Christian System (Cincinnati: Bosworth, Chase and Hall, 1871), by Alexander Campbell (multiple formats at

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