Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX837.5 .E65 1989" to "BX945 .M3 1948" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BX | Christian Denominations (Go to start of category) |
BX837.5 .E65 1989 | Episcopal Conferences: Historical, Canonical, and Theological Studies (c1989), ed. by Thomas J. Reese (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
BX841 .C3 1922 | The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church (early 20th century editions and supplements) (multiple formats at and elsewhere) |
BX841 .C3 2009 | The Catholic Encyclopedia (New Advent edition, based on the 1905-1912 edition, with some updates) (HTML at New Advent) |
BX845 .A73 | Notizie (partial serial archives) |
BX845 .A74 | La Gerarchia Cattolica (partial serial archives) |
BX845 .A75 | Annuario Pontificio (partial serial archives) |
BX870 1216 | Regesta Honorii Papae III, Iussu et Munificentia Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi ex Vaticanis Archetypis Aliisque Fontibus (papal register for Honorius III, in 2 volumes of Latin with Italian commentary; Rome: Ex typ. Vaticana, 1888-1895), by Catholic Church, ed. by Pietro Pressutti, contrib. by Pope Honorius III and Pope Leo XIII |
BX870 1305 .A3 | Regestum Clementis Papae V: Ex Vaticanis Archetypis Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi Iussu et Munificentia (10 volumes in 8, in Latin; Rome: Typ. Vaticana, 1885-1892) |
BX875 .D6 E5 1534 | A Treatyse of the Donation or Gyfte and Endowmet of Possessyons, Gyuen and Graunted Unto Syluester Pope of Rhome, by Constantyne Emperour of Rome, and What Truth is in the same Graut Thou Mayst Se, and Rede ye Iugement of Certayne Great Lerned Men, Whose Names on the Other Page of This Leafe Done Appere (English translation of Valla's criticism of the purported Donation of Constantine, with a translation of the Donation text and related writings by others; London: Printed by T. Godfray for W. Marshall, 1534), by Lorenzo Valla, contrib. by Ulrich von Hutten (HTML at EEBO TCP) |
BX885 .C5 S317 | Heilige Seelenlust: oder, Geistliche Hirtenlieder der in Ihren Jesum Verliebten Seele (9th edition, in German; Stuttgart: J. F. Cast, 1847), by Angelus Silesius (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX885 .G5 1851 | Anecdotae Bedae, Lanfranci, et Aliorum: Inedited Tracts, Letters, Poems, &c. of Venerable Bede, Lanfranc, Tatwin, and Others (in Latin, with English notes; London: Pub. for the Caxton Society by D. Nutt, 1851), ed. by J. A. Giles (multiple formats at Google) |
BX890 .A38 1846 | Alani Prioris Cantuariensis Postea Abbatis Tewkesberiensis, Scripta Quae Extant (in Latin, with English preface; Oxford: J. H. Parker, 1846), by Alan of Tewkesbury, ed. by J. A. Giles (multiple formats at |
BX890 .B35 | Etudes d'Histoire et de Theologie Positive (2 volumes in French (7th and 8th editions respectively); Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1920), by Pierre Batiffol |
BX890 .B55 | Saint Bernardine of Siena: Sermons (Siena: Tip. Sociale, 1920), by Bernardino da Siena, ed. by N. Orlandi, trans. by Helen Josephine Robins (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
BX890 .B86 | Finance Capital in Papal Robes: A Challenge (New York: Friends of the Soviet Union, ca. 1930), by Nikolaĭ Bukharin, trans. by Moissaye J. Olgin (multiple formats at |
BX890 .D39 | Doctoris Ecstatici D. Dionysii Cartusiani Opera Omnia, in Unum Corpus Digesta ad Fidem Editionum Coloniensium (41 volumes in Latin; Montreuil, France: Typ. Cartusiae S.M. de Pratis, 1896-1913), by Denis the Carthusian (multiple formats at and HathiTrust) |
BX890 .F57 1903 | A Spiritual Consolation, and Other Treatises (London: Art and Book Co., 1903), by John Fisher, ed. by Daniel O'Connor (multiple formats at |
BX890 .N4 | Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman (HTML at |
BX890 .S63 1875 | Miscellanea: Comprising Reviews, Lectures, and Essays, on Historical, Theological, and Miscellaneous Subjects (6th edition, 2 volumes; Baltimore: J. Murphy and Co., 1875), by M. J. Spalding |
BX890 .T932 | The Faith of the Millions, Second Series: A Selection of Past Essays, by George Tyrrell (Gutenberg text) |
BX905 .Y6 | The World's Desire (San Francisco: Text Book Pub. Co., 1913), by P. C. Yorke |
BX922 .W6 1962 | Catholics on Campus: A Guide for Catholic Students in Secular Colleges and Universities (third printing; Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co., 1962), by William J. Whalen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
BX925 .Y67 1918 | Teaching of Religion (San Francisco: Text Book Pub. Co., 1918), by P. C. Yorke (multiple formats at |
BX945 .M3 1946 | An Outline History of the Church by Centuries (From St. Peter to Pius XII) (fifth revised edition; St. Louis and London: B. Herder Book Co., 1946), by Joseph McSorley, contrib. by John B. Peterson (multiple formats at |
BX945 .M3 1948 | An Outline History of the Church by Centuries (From St. Peter to Pius XII) (seventh revised edition; St. Louis and London: B. Herder Book Co., 1948), by Joseph McSorley, contrib. by John B. Peterson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
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