Call number | Item |
B | Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category) |
BL-BX | Religion (Go to start of category) |
BX | Christian Denominations (Go to start of category) |
BX8495 .A67 H5 | Elizabeth the Disinherited Daughter, by Elizabeth Arnold Hitchcock (Gutenberg text) |
BX8495 .A8 A3 1792 | An Extract From the Journal of Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist-Episcopal Church in America, from August 7, 1771, to December 29, 1778 (only 1 volume published; Philadelphia: Printed by J. Crukshank for J. Dickins, 1792), by Francis Asbury |
BX8495 .A8 A4 | The Journal of the Rev. Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, From August 7, 1771, to December 7, 1815 (3 volumes; New York: N. Bangs and T. Mason, 1821), by Francis Asbury |
BX8495 .B325 A351 1880 | The Life of Joseph Barker, Written by Himself (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1880), by Joseph Barker, ed. by John Thomas Barker |
BX8495 .B9 A3 | From Saddle to City by Buggy, Boat and Railway (ca. 1922), by D. G. C. Butts |
BX8495 .C36 G73 | Hoof Beats to Heaven: A True Chronicle of the Life and Wild Times of Peter Cartwright, Circuit Rider (Penobscot, ME: Traversity Press, c1955), by Sydney Greenbie and Marjorie Latta Barstow Greenbie (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX8495 .C36 G732 | Hoof Beats in the Canebrake: Being the Second Volume in the True Chronicle of the Life and Wild Times of Peter Cartwright, Circuit Rider (Penobscot, ME: Traversity Press, c1962), by Sydney Greenbie and Marjorie Latta Barstow Greenbie (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX8495 .E3 S5 | The Life of Rev. Thomas M. Eddy (New York: Phillips and Hunt; Cincinnati: Hitchcock and Walden, 1880), by C. N. Sims, contrib. by Matthew Simpson (multiple formats at Indiana) |
BX8495.F6 | Fletcher of Madeley, by Margaret Allen, contrib. by George S. Railton (Gutenberg text) |
BX8495 .F6 | The Life of John Fletcher, Abridged from Authentic Sources, by A Friend of the Sabbath Schools (PDF at |
BX8495 .F6 B4 | The Life of the Rev. John W. de la Flechere, by Joseph Benson (PDF at |
BX8495 .G37 B3 1832 | The Life of the Rev. Freeborn Garretson, Compiled From His Printed and Manuscript Journals and Other Authentic Documents (third edition, 1832), by Nathan Bangs (PDF at |
BX8495 .H269 M3 | Atticus Greene Haygood: Methodist Bishop, Editor, and Educator (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, c1965), by Harold Wilson Mann (PDF at Georgia) |
BX8495 .H27 A3 | Autobiography of Erastus O. Haven, by E. O. Haven (multiple formats with commentary at |
BX8495 .H3 H5 1872 | Rev. James Havens, One of the Heroes of Indiana Methodism (Indianapolis: Sentinel Company, 1872), by W. W. Hibben (HTML and page images at Indiana) |
BX8495 .J36 A3 1912 | Autobiography and Work of Bishop M. F. Jamison, D.D. ("Uncle Joe"), Editor, Publisher, and Church Extension Secretary: A Narration of His Whole Career From the Cradle to the Bishopric of the Colored M. E. Church in America (Nashville, TN: Pub. for the author by the Publishing House of the M. E. Church, 1912), by M. F. Jamison (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) |
BX8495 .L65 K5 | An Oration on the Life and Character of the Late Rev. Thomas G. Lowe: Delivered at Haywood's Church, Halifax County, on June 24th, 1882, by Theodore Bryant Kingsbury (HTML and page images at |
BX8495 .M32 | Thirteen Years' Experience in the Itinerancy, by Andrew Manship (page images at MOA) |
BX8495 .P26 W47 1876 | The Life and Letters of Mrs. Phoebe Palmer (New York: W. C. Palmer, Jr., 1876), by Richard Wheatley, contrib. by Phoebe Palmer (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX8495 .P44 P4 | Luther Peck and His Five Sons (New York: Eaton and Mains; Cincinnati: Curts and Jennings, 1897), by J. K. Peck |
BX8495 .R26 A3 | The Story of My Life, by G. C. Rankin (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) |
BX8495 .R35 T4 | The Life of Rev. John Wesley Redfield, M. D., by Joseph Goodwin Terrill (multiple formats at CCEL) |
BX8495 .R6 A3 1855 | Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, With Corrections and Additions, Comprising an Introduction by Thos. O. Summers (Nashville, TN.: E. Stevenson and F. A. Owen, 1855), by Hester Ann Rogers, ed. by Thomas O. Summers, contrib. by Thomas Coke (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) |
BX8495 .S844 M65 1922 | Theophilus Subrahmanyam: The Story of a Pilgrimage (London: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, 1922), by Charles H. Monahan (page images at HathiTrust) |
BX8495 .U7 A3 | Aus Meinen Lebensführungen (in German; Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye, 1902), by Carl Urbantke |