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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "CJ5818 .M4 S7" to "CR31 .W2 1898" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
C History: Auxiliary sciences (Go to start of category)
CJ Numismatics (Go to start of category)
CJ5818 .M4 S7 [Info] Numismatics of Massachusetts (Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society v76; 1923), by Malcolm Storer (page images at HathiTrust)
CJ6153 .S2 [Info] Souvenirs Numismatiques de la Révolution de 1848: Recueil Complet des Médailles, Monnaies et Jetons qui ont Paru en France Depuis le 22 Février Jusqu'au 20 Décembre 1848 (in French; Paris: J. Rousseau, ca. 1850), by Félicien de Saulcy
CN Inscriptions, Epigraphy (Go to start of category)
CN361 .P2 [Info] Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Medieval in the Renaissance (2 volumes), by Vernon Lee
CN380.A8 T728 1995 [Info] Athenian Democracy in Transition: Attic Letter-Cutters of 340 to 290 B.C. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), by Stephen V. Tracy (HTML at UC Press)
CN384 .M4 1966 [Info] Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1966), by Benjamin Dean Meritt, illust. by Alison Frantz (page images at Google)
CN384 .R3 [Info] Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis: A Catalogue of The Inscriptions of The Sixth and Fifth Centuries B. C. (Cambridge, MA: Archaeological Institute of America, 1949), by A. E. Raubitschek, contrib. by L. H. Jeffery (page images at HathiTrust)
CN384 .T2 [Info] Marmor Sandvicense, Cum Commentario et Notis (in Latin and Greek; Cambridge, UK: I. Bentham, 1743), ed. by John Taylor
CN384 .T7 1975 [Info] The Lettering of an Athenian Mason (Hesperia supplement #15; Princeton, NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1975), by Stephen V. Tracy, contrib. by Sterling Dow (PDF in Greece)
CN384 .W9 [Info] Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia (Athenian Agora series, v3; Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1957), by R. E. Wycherley (PDF in Greece)
CN405 .W4 [Info] Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period: A Study in Greek Epigraphy (New Haven: Yale University Press; et al., 1934), by C. Bradford Welles (page images at HathiTrust)
CN441.A2 P4 [Info] Les Graffites Grecs du Memnonion d'Abydos (in French; Nancy: Berger-Levrault, 1919), by Paul Perdrizet and Gustave Lefebvre (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
CN480 .F12 [Info] Terzo Supplemento alla Raccolta delle Antichissime Iscrizioni Italiche (in Italian; Rome et al.: F. Bocca, 1878), by Ariodante Fabretti (page images at HathiTrust)
CN520 .A6 [Info] L'Année Épigraphique (in French; 1888-) (partial serial archives)
CN521 .G28 1859 [Info] Relazione Generale Degli Scavi e Scoperte Fatte Lungo la Via Latina, Redatta Dallo Stesso Intraprendente e Scopritore Lorenzo Fortunati dall'Ottobre 1857 all'Ottobre 1858; Cui fa Seguito l'Atlante Composto di 30 e più Tavole Grandi incise in Rame (in Italian; Rome: Tip. Tiberina, 1859), by Lorenzo Fortunati, contrib. by Raffaele Garrucci (multiple formats at Google)
CN528 .E6 G3 [Info] Étude sur la Poésie Funéraire Romaine d'Après les Inscriptions (in French; Paris: Hachette, 1922), by Édouard Galletier (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
CN631 .A4 E8 [Info] A Tabula de Bronze de Aljustrel, Lida, Deduzida e Commentada em 1876: Memoria Apresentada á Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa (in Portuguese; Lisbon: Typographia da Academia, 1880), by Sebastião Philippes Martins Estácio da Veiga
CN750 .M32 [Info] Christian Epigraphy: An Elementary Treatise, with a Collection of Ancient Christian Inscriptions, Mainly of Roman Origin (Cambridge, UK: At the University press, 1912), by Orazio Marucchi, trans. by J. Armine Willis
CN965 .C85 [Info] Medieval Graffiti, Especially in The Eastern Counties (reprinted from Cambridge Antiquarian Society's Publications; London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., 1915), by G. G. Coulton
CN1155 .L63 1907 [Info] Konia: Inschriften der Seldschukischen Bauten (in German and Turkish; Berlin: J. Springer, 1907), by Julius Löytved
CN1170 .A34 [Info] Annual Report on Indian Epigraphy (partial serial archives)
CR Heraldry (Go to start of category)
CR19 .G8 1724 [Info] A Display of Heraldry (6th edition, with various added related works; London: Printed by T. W., 1724), by John Guillim, contrib. by George Mackenzie and John Logan (page images at HathiTrust)
CR19 .K8 [Info] Heraldica Curiosa (in German; Nůrnberg: J. L. Buggel, 1698), by J. A. Rudolphi (page images at HathiTrust)
CR21 .P29 1875 [Info] Handboek der Wapenkunde (second edition, in Dutch; Amsterdam: G. Theod. Bom, 1875), by J. B. Rietstap (page images at HathiTrust)
CR31 .W2 1898 [Info] The Symbolisms of Heraldry: or, A Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearings (second edition; London: G. Redway, 1898), by William Cecil Wade (multiple formats at
CR31 .W2 1898 [Info] The Symbolisms of Heraldry: or, A Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearings (London: G. Redway, 1898), by William Cecil Wade

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