Call number | Item |
C | History: Auxiliary sciences (Go to start of category) |
CT | Biography (General) (Go to start of category) (Many biographies are filed under the call number class most closely associated with the biography's subject) |
CT275 .W58 A3 1839 | The Pennsylvania Hermit: A Narrative of the Extraordinary Life of Amos Wilson, Who Expired in a Cave in the Neighborhood of Harrisburgh (Penn.), After Having Therein Lived in Solitary Retirement for the Space of Nineteen Years, in Consequence of the Ignominious Death of His Sister (Philadelphia: Smith and Carpenter, 1839) (page images at HathiTrust) |
CT275 .W66 A3 | Autobiography of William Wood (2 volumes; New York: J.S. Babcock, 1895), by William Wood, ed. by Elizabeth Wood Kane |
CT310 .J6 A3 | From Life's School to the "Father's House": A Brief Memoir and Letters of Amelia, Annie, and Thomas Johnson, Wife, Daughter and Son of James Johnson, Commissioner of Customs, Canada (Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1888), by Amelia B. Johnson, Thomas Johnson, and Annie G. Johnson, ed. by Margery R. Johnson (multiple formats at |
CT310 .T48 A3 1968 | Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer for the Last Fifty Years: An Autobiography (Toronto: Hunter, Rose and Co., 1884), by Samuel Thompson (Gutenberg text) |
CT698 .I8 B4 | Breve Noticia de la Vida y Virtudes de la Señora Doña Catalina de Yturgoyen Amasa y Lisperguer, Condesa de la Vega del Ren. (in Spanish; Lima: Imprenta de Rio, 1821), by José Manuel Bermúdez |
CT781 .C3 1813 | Portraits, Memoirs and Characters, of Remarkable Persons From the Reign of Edward the Third to the Revolution, Collected From the Most Authentic Accounts Extant (new edition, 3 volumes; London: Printed for R. S. Kirby, 1813), by James Caulfield (page images at HathiTrust) |
CT782 .F5 1903 | Personalia: Intimate Recollections of Famous Men, Political, Literary, Artistic, Social, Various (published under "Sigma" pseudonym; New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1903), by Julian Osgood Field |
CT788 .B8 B8 | Mrs. Brookfield and Her Circle (2 volumes; London: I. Pitman and Sons, 1905), by Charles H. E. Brookfield and Frances M. Brookfield |
CT788 .B877 A7 1857 | The Successful Merchant: Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, Late of Kingswood Hill (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1857), by William Arthur (page images at HathiTrust) |
CT788 .C25 B3 1911 | Lady Victoria Campbell: A Memoir (London et al.: Hodder and Stoughton, ca. 1911), by Frances Balfour |
CT788 .C66 A3 1905 | Tracks of a Rolling Stone (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1905), by Henry J. Coke |
CT788 .F68 A3 1882 | Memories of Old Friends: Being Extracts From the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, of Penjerrick, Cornwall, From 1835 to 1871 (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1882), by Caroline Fox, ed. by Horace N. Pym |
CT788 .H73 A3 | Letters of Mary Sibylla Holland (London: E. Arnold, 1898), by Mary Sibylla Holland, ed. by Bernard Holland |
CT788l .W47 A3 | My Life Among the Bluejackets (second edition; London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1909), by Agnes Weston (multiple formats at |
CT788 .M2 A2 | The Memoirs (Chiefly Autobiographical) From 1798-1886 of Richard Robert Madden, M.D., F.R.C.S. (London: Ward and Downey, 1891), by Richard Robert Madden, ed. by Thomas More Madden |
CT788 .P66 A3 | The Memoirs of Mrs. Laetitia Pilkington (3 volumes, published 1748-1754), by Laetitia Pilkington, contrib. by John Carteret Pilkington |
CT788 .P83 A3 | Memoirs of ****, Commonly Known by the Name of George Psalmanazar, a Reputed Native of Formosa, Written by Himself, in Order to be Published After His Death (London: Printed for R. Davis, et al., 1765), by George Psalmanazar (multiple formats at |
CT788 .R35 A3 | Fifty Years' Recollections, Literary and Personal (based on the 1858 edition, with annotated names; 2010), by Cyrus Redding, ed. by David Hill Radcliffe (HTML at |
CT788 .R5 | Memories of Four-Score Years, by Herbert Harrington Roberts (illustrated HTML with commentary at |
CT788 .S43 A3 | Recollections and Impressions (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1907), by E. M. Sellar (multiple formats at |
CT788 .S685 A3 | Chapters From Childhood: Reminiscences of an Artist's Granddaughter (London: Selwyn and Blount, c1921), by Juliet M. Soskice (multiple formats at |
CT788 .S89 A3 | The Confessions of the Countess of Strathmore, Written by Herself, Carefully Copied from the Original, Lodged in Doctor's Commons (London: Printed for W. Locke, 1793), by Mary Eleanor Bowes Strathmore (page images at HathiTrust) |
CT788 .S9 M6 1913 | Samuel Montagu, First Baron Swaythling, Born December 21st, 1832, Died January 12th, 1911: A Character Sketch (London: Truslove and Hanson, ca. 1913), by Lilian Helen Montagu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
CT788 .T72 A3 | The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench, Being Selections From Her Journals, Letters, and Other Papers (second edition; London: Parker, Son, and Bourn, 1862), by Melesina Chenevix St. George Trench, ed. by Richard Chenevix Trench (page images at HathiTrust) |
CT828 .D8 J6 | The Life of John Duncan, Scotch Weaver and Botanist: With Sketches of His Friends and Notices of the Times (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883), by William Jolly (multiple formats at |