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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "CT275 .W58 A3 1839" to "CT828 .D8 J6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
C History: Auxiliary sciences (Go to start of category)
CT Biography (General) (Go to start of category)
  (Many biographies are filed under the call number class most closely associated with the biography's subject)
CT275 .W58 A3 1839 [Info] The Pennsylvania Hermit: A Narrative of the Extraordinary Life of Amos Wilson, Who Expired in a Cave in the Neighborhood of Harrisburgh (Penn.), After Having Therein Lived in Solitary Retirement for the Space of Nineteen Years, in Consequence of the Ignominious Death of His Sister (Philadelphia: Smith and Carpenter, 1839) (page images at HathiTrust)
CT275 .W66 A3 [Info] Autobiography of William Wood (2 volumes; New York: J.S. Babcock, 1895), by William Wood, ed. by Elizabeth Wood Kane
CT310 .J6 A3 [Info] From Life's School to the "Father's House": A Brief Memoir and Letters of Amelia, Annie, and Thomas Johnson, Wife, Daughter and Son of James Johnson, Commissioner of Customs, Canada (Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1888), by Amelia B. Johnson, Thomas Johnson, and Annie G. Johnson, ed. by Margery R. Johnson (multiple formats at
CT310 .T48 A3 1968 [Info] Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer for the Last Fifty Years: An Autobiography (Toronto: Hunter, Rose and Co., 1884), by Samuel Thompson (Gutenberg text)
CT698 .I8 B4 [Info] Breve Noticia de la Vida y Virtudes de la Señora Doña Catalina de Yturgoyen Amasa y Lisperguer, Condesa de la Vega del Ren. (in Spanish; Lima: Imprenta de Rio, 1821), by José Manuel Bermúdez
CT781 .C3 1813 [Info] Portraits, Memoirs and Characters, of Remarkable Persons From the Reign of Edward the Third to the Revolution, Collected From the Most Authentic Accounts Extant (new edition, 3 volumes; London: Printed for R. S. Kirby, 1813), by James Caulfield (page images at HathiTrust)
CT782 .F5 1903 [Info] Personalia: Intimate Recollections of Famous Men, Political, Literary, Artistic, Social, Various (published under "Sigma" pseudonym; New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1903), by Julian Osgood Field
CT788 .B8 B8 [Info] Mrs. Brookfield and Her Circle (2 volumes; London: I. Pitman and Sons, 1905), by Charles H. E. Brookfield and Frances M. Brookfield
CT788 .B877 A7 1857 [Info] The Successful Merchant: Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, Late of Kingswood Hill (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1857), by William Arthur (page images at HathiTrust)
CT788 .C25 B3 1911 [Info] Lady Victoria Campbell: A Memoir (London et al.: Hodder and Stoughton, ca. 1911), by Frances Balfour
CT788 .C66 A3 1905 [Info] Tracks of a Rolling Stone (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1905), by Henry J. Coke
CT788 .F68 A3 1882 [Info] Memories of Old Friends: Being Extracts From the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, of Penjerrick, Cornwall, From 1835 to 1871 (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1882), by Caroline Fox, ed. by Horace N. Pym
CT788 .H73 A3 [Info] Letters of Mary Sibylla Holland (London: E. Arnold, 1898), by Mary Sibylla Holland, ed. by Bernard Holland
CT788l .W47 A3 [Info] My Life Among the Bluejackets (second edition; London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1909), by Agnes Weston (multiple formats at
CT788 .M2 A2 [Info] The Memoirs (Chiefly Autobiographical) From 1798-1886 of Richard Robert Madden, M.D., F.R.C.S. (London: Ward and Downey, 1891), by Richard Robert Madden, ed. by Thomas More Madden
CT788 .P66 A3 [Info] The Memoirs of Mrs. Laetitia Pilkington (3 volumes, published 1748-1754), by Laetitia Pilkington, contrib. by John Carteret Pilkington
CT788 .P83 A3 [Info] Memoirs of ****, Commonly Known by the Name of George Psalmanazar, a Reputed Native of Formosa, Written by Himself, in Order to be Published After His Death (London: Printed for R. Davis, et al., 1765), by George Psalmanazar (multiple formats at
CT788 .R35 A3 [Info] Fifty Years' Recollections, Literary and Personal (based on the 1858 edition, with annotated names; 2010), by Cyrus Redding, ed. by David Hill Radcliffe (HTML at
CT788 .R5 [Info] Memories of Four-Score Years, by Herbert Harrington Roberts (illustrated HTML with commentary at
CT788 .S43 A3 [Info] Recollections and Impressions (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1907), by E. M. Sellar (multiple formats at
CT788 .S685 A3 [Info] Chapters From Childhood: Reminiscences of an Artist's Granddaughter (London: Selwyn and Blount, c1921), by Juliet M. Soskice (multiple formats at
CT788 .S89 A3 [Info] The Confessions of the Countess of Strathmore, Written by Herself, Carefully Copied from the Original, Lodged in Doctor's Commons (London: Printed for W. Locke, 1793), by Mary Eleanor Bowes Strathmore (page images at HathiTrust)
CT788 .S9 M6 1913 [Info] Samuel Montagu, First Baron Swaythling, Born December 21st, 1832, Died January 12th, 1911: A Character Sketch (London: Truslove and Hanson, ca. 1913), by Lilian Helen Montagu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
CT788 .T72 A3 [Info] The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench, Being Selections From Her Journals, Letters, and Other Papers (second edition; London: Parker, Son, and Bourn, 1862), by Melesina Chenevix St. George Trench, ed. by Richard Chenevix Trench (page images at HathiTrust)
CT828 .D8 J6 [Info] The Life of John Duncan, Scotch Weaver and Botanist: With Sketches of His Friends and Notices of the Times (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883), by William Jolly (multiple formats at

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