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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "D509 .K9" to "D511 .S285" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
D509 .K9 [Info] Vox Clamantis: Essays on the War and Other Subjects (Beijing, 1917), by Gu Hongming
D509 .P27 1914 [Info] The Collapse of Civilization (New York: Church Peace Union, 1914), by Church Peace Union (page images here at Penn)
D509 .P27 1917 [Info] The Collapse of German Credit (London: Darling and Son, 1917) (page images here at Penn)
D509 .S68 [Info] One Hundred Per Cent American: Addresses Delivered by Famous Patriots of All Shades of Political Belief at the Saturday Luncheon Meetings of the Republican Club, New York, During the Year 1918 (New York: George H. Doran Co., c1918), ed. by Arnon Lyon Squiers, contrib. by Theodore Roosevelt (multiple formats at
D509 .W5 [Info] The Book of France: In Aid of The French Parliamentary Committee's Fund for the Relief of the Invaded Departments (portions in English and French; London: Macmillan; Paris: E. Champion, 1915), ed. by Winifred Stephens Whale
D510 .E56 [Info] The Britannica Book of the War (New York: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1914) (page images at HathiTrust)
D511 .B35 1914 [Info] The Evidence in the Case: An Analysis of the Diplomatic Records Submitted by England, Germany, Russia, and Belgium in the Supreme Court of Civilization, and the Conclusions Deducible as to the Moral Responsibility for the War (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914), by James M. Beck (multiple formats at
D511 .B364 [Info] The Case of Belgium (reprinted from "The Evidence in the Case"; New York et al.: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1914), by James M. Beck (multiple formats at
D511 .B37 [Info] Germany's Case Tried in Court (London: G. Newnes, ca. 1914), by James M. Beck (page images here at Penn)
D511 .B735 [Info] Kriegsschuld und Friedensverbrechen der Entente (in German; Berlin: H. Bousset, c1921), by Stewart E. Bruce (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
D511 .B735 [Info] The War Guilt and Peace Crime of the Entente Allies (New York: F. L. Searl and Co., 1920), by Stewart E. Bruce
D511 .C55 1917 [Info] Some Aspects of the War, As Viewed by Naturalized British Subjects (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1917), by August Cohn (page images here at Penn)
D511 .D7 [Info] The German War (London et al.: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914), by Arthur Conan Doyle (Gutenberg text)
D511 .D86 [Info] Who Wanted War? The Origin of the War According to Diplomatic Documents (Paris: A. Colin, 1915), by Émile Durkheim and Ernest Denis, trans. by A. M. Wilson-Garinei
D511 .E77 [Info] Essays on World War I: Total War and Peacemaking, A Case Study on Trianon, ed. by Bela K. Kiraly, Peter Pastor, and Ivan Sanders (HTML at Corvinus Library)
D511 .G25 [Info] L'Encerclement de l'Allemagne (in French; Paris: Editions Bossard, 1919), by Auguste Gauvain
D511 .I5 [Info] Les Origines de la Guerre: Déposition d'un Témoin (second edition; Paris: H. Didier, 1915), by Take Ionescu (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
D511 .I63 1919 [Info] Some Personal Impressions (London: Nisbet and Co., c1919), by Take Ionescu, contrib. by James Bryce (multiple formats at
D511 .K27 [Info] Zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges (in German; Berlin: H. Dorn Buch, ca. 1922), by Georg Karo (page images here at Penn)
D511 .M58 1916 [Info] Truth and the War (London: At the National Labour Press, 1916), by E. D. Morel, contrib. by Philip Snowden (multiple formats at
D511 .M85 [Info] The Foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey, 1906-1915 (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1915), by Gilbert Murray (multiple formats at
D511 .O93 1926 [Info] The Russian Imperial Conspiracy, 1892-1914: The Most Gigantic Intrigue of All Time (Baltimore: Sun Book and Job Printing Office, c1926), by Robert L. Owen (page images at HathiTrust)
D511 .O93 1927 [Info] The Russian Imperial Conspiracy, 1892-1914 (New York: A. and C. Boni, 1927), by Robert L. Owen (page images at HathiTrust)
D511 .P58 [Info] Le Complot de Sarajevo (28 Juin 1914): Étude sur les Origines de la Guerre (in French; Paris: Editions Bossard, 1918), by Jules Chopin
D511 .S285 [Info] Interviewing the Authors of the War (Chicago: Chicago Literary Club, 1930), by Bernadotte Everly Schmitt (page images at HathiTrust)

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