Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DG657.9 .B4 A3 1903" to "DG734 .H6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
D | History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category) |
DG | Italy (Go to start of category) |
DG657.9 .B4 A3 1903 | Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497: A Study of the Renaissance (New York: E.P. Dutton and Co.; London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1903), by Julia Cartwright (page images at HathiTrust) |
DG670 .A7 | Archivio Veneto-Tridentino, by Deputazione di storia patria per le Venezie (full serial archives) |
DG671 .S292 | I Diarii di Marino Sanuto (58 volumes, in Italian, published 1879-1903), by Marino Sanudo (page images at Google, HathiTrust, and Internet Archive) |
DG673 .C84 | A Tour To and From Venice, by the Vaudois and the Tyrol (London: J. Ollivier, 1846), by Louisa Stuart Costello (page images at HathiTrust) |
DG674 .L82 | A Wanderer in Venice (New York: Macmillan, 1914), by E. V. Lucas, illust. by Harry Morley (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
DG674 .T27 1872 | Curiosità Veneziane, Ovvero Origini Delle Denominazioni Stradali di Venezia (second edition, in Italian; Venice: Stab. Tip. Grimaldo E. C., 1872), by Giuseppe Tassini (multiple formats at Google) |
DG674 .T27 1915 | Curiosità Veneziane (fifth edition, in Italian; Venice: G. Fuga, 1915), by Giuseppe Tassini, contrib. by Elio Zorzi (multiple formats at Google) |
DG674 .W32 | The Queen of the Adriatic: or, Venice, Mediaeval and Modern (illustrated; Boston: Estes and Lauriat, c1893), by Clara Erskine Clement Waters (multiple formats at |
DG674 .W32 | Venice, the Queen of the Adriatic (Boston: Dana Estes and Co., c1893), by Clara Erskine Clement Waters (multiple formats at |
DG675.6 .H6 | Venetian Life (illustrated edition based on the text of the second edition of 1867), by William Dean Howells (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) |
DG675.6 .H6 1867 | Venetian Life (second edition, unillustrated; New York: Hurd and Howells, 1867), by William Dean Howells |
DG675.6 .H6 1867 | Venetian Life (fourth edition, unillustrated; New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867), by William Dean Howells |
DG675.6 .H6 1895 | Venetian Life (new and enlarged 19th edition, unillustrated; Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1895), by William Dean Howells |
DG677 .H64 | Veneto-Byzantinische Analekten (in German; reprinted from Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissensschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Classe, 1859), by Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann Hopf (PDF files at Foundation for Medieval Genealogy) |
DG678.23 .P28 | The History of Venice (with The Wars of Cyprus; London: A. Roper and H. Herringman, 1658), by Paolo Paruta, trans. by Henry Carey Monmouth |
DG678.24.C66 G54 1993 | Gasparo Contarini: Venice, Rome, and Reform (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), by Elisabeth G. Gleason (illustrated HTML at UC Press) |
DG678.55 .J25 | Storia Documentata dei Corpi Militari Veneti e di Alcuni Alleati (Milizie di Terra) Negli Anni 1848-1849; Con Elenco Nominale Cronologica dei Morti e Feriti in Guerra per la Difesa di Venezia (in Italian; Venice: C. Bartolameo, 1880), by Edoardo Jäger (page images at HathiTrust) |
DG731 .C32 | Le Carte Strozziane del R. Archivio di Stato in Firenze: Inventario, Serie Prima (2 volumes in Italian (no further series known to be published); Florence: Tip. Galileiana, 1884-1891), by Archivio di Stato di Firenze, contrib. by Cesare Guasti and Gaetano Milanesi (page images at HathiTrust) |
DG731.2 .C7 1876 | Cronache dei Secoli XIII e XIV: Annales Ptolemaei Lucensis; Sanzanome Iudicis Gesta Florentinorum; Diario di ser Giovanni di Lemmo da Comugnori; Diario d'Anonimo Fiorentino; Chronicon Tolosani Canonici Faventini (in Italian; Florence: Tip. di M. Cellini e c., 1876), ed. by Marco Tabarrini, Carlo Minutoli, G. Milanesi, Luigi Passerini, and Alessandro Gherardi, contrib. by Bartholomew of Lucca, Sanzanome Iudicis, Giovanni di Lemmo Armaleoni da Comugnori, and Tolosanus |
DG731.5 .M32 1762 | The Works of Nicholas Machiavel (2 volumes; London: Printed for T. Davies et al., 1762), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Ellis Farneworth, contrib. by King of Prussia Frederick II |
DG731.5 .M32 1775 | The Works of Nicholas Machiavel, Secretary of State to the Republic of Florence: Translated From the Originals, Illustrated with Notes, Annotations, Dissertations, and Several New Plans on the Art of War (second edition, corrected, in 4 volumes; London: Printed by T. Davies et al., 1775), by Niccolò Machiavelli, trans. by Ellis Farneworth, contrib. by King of Prussia Frederick II |
DG731.82 .S77 C73 2000 | The Strozzi of Florence: Widowhood and Family Solidarity in the Renaissance (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2000), by Ann Crabb (page images at HathiTrust) |
DG732 .H3 | Florence (fifth edition; London: George Allen, 1900), by Augustus J. C. Hare (page images at Tripod) |
DG733 .C89 | Life in Tuscany (New York: Sheldon and Co., 1859), by Mabel Sharman Crawford |
DG734 .H6 | Byways in Southern Tuscany (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1918), by Katharine Hooker |
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