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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DS432 .T4 K38 2002" to "DS468 .G4 1902" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DS Asia (Go to start of category)
DS432 .T4 K38 2002 [Info] Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Formation in Nineteenth-Century Telugu-Speaking India (c2002), by Michael Katten (HTML and PDF files at
DS432 .T6 R6 [Info] The Todas (London and New York: Macmillan, 1906), by W. H. R. Rivers
DS434 .B8 [Info] Dictionary of Indian Biography (London: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1906), by C. E. Buckland (multiple formats at
DS437 .P6 [Info] Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde; Accompanied By a Geographical and Historical Account of Those Countries (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1816), by Henry Pottinger (page images at HathiTrust)
DS442.5 .A4 1909 [Info] History of the 20th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Infantry, Brownlow's Punjabis, From its Formation in 1857 to 1907 (Devonport, UK: Swiss and Co., 1909), by 20th Punjab Regiment, Indian Army (page images at HathiTrust)
DS442.5 .M25 1885 [Info] The Decisive Battles of India, From 1746 to 1849 Inclusive (second edition; London, W. H. Allen and Co., 1885), by G. B. Malleson
DS446.5 .K23 1853 [Info] The Administration of the East India Company: A History of Indian Progress (London: R. Bentley, 1853), by John William Kaye (multiple formats at
DS447.6 .A7 1865 [Info] India Under Dalhousie and Canning (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1865), by George Douglas Campbell Argyll
DS448 .G3 1922 [Info] Freedom's Battle: Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation (second edition, 1922), by Mahatma Gandhi (Gutenberg text)
DS448 .H8 [Info] The Emancipation of India: A Reply to the Article by the Right Hon. Viscount Morley, O.M., on "British Democracy and Indian Government" in the "Nineteenth Century and After" for February, 1911 (London: Twentieth Century Press, ca. 1911), by H. M. Hyndman (multiple formats at
DS451 .M225 [Info] The Kushan Chronology ("Part I"; no further parts known to be published; extracted from Journal of the Department of Letters, University of Calcutta, 1920), by R. C. Majumdar
DS451 .R14 1895 [Info] Vedic India as Embodied Principally in the Rig-Veda (third edition; London: T. Fisher Unwin, c1895), by Zénaïde A. Ragozin (page images at HathiTrust)
DS451.5 [Info] The Edicts of King Asoka, by Asoka, trans. by Shravasti Dhammika
DS452 .A21 [Info] Warriors of the Crescent (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1892), by W. H. Davenport Adams
DS452 .S53 [Info] The History of India as Told by its Own Historians: The Local Muhammadan Dynasties: Gujarát (London: W.H. Allen and Co., 1886), by Sikandar ibn Muhammad, ed. by Edward Clive Bayley, trans. by John Dowson
DS461.1 .A213 [Info] The Bābur-Nāma in English (Memoirs of Bābur), by Emperor of Hindustan Babur, ed. by Annette Susannah Beveridge (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
DS461.1 .A213 [Info] The Bābur-Nāma in English (Memoirs of Bābur) (2 volumes; London: Luzac and Co., 1922), by Emperor of Hindustan Babur, ed. by Annette Susannah Beveridge (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
DS461.1 .B3 [Info] Memoirs of Zehir-Ed-Din Muhammed Babur, Emperor of Hindustan (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1826), by Emperor of Hindustan Babur, trans. by John Leyden and William Erskine, contrib. by Charles Waddington
DS462 .D7 1737 [Info] A Compendious History of the Indian Wars; With an Account of the Rise, Progress, Strength, and Forces of Angria the Pyrate (London: Printed for T. Cooper, 1737), by Clement Downing (page images at HathiTrust)
DS462 .D7 1924 [Info] A History of the Indian Wars (London et al.: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1924), by Clement Downing, ed. by William Foster
DS462.5 .H64 [Info] Three Frenchmen in Bengal: or, The Commercial Ruin of the French Settlements in 1757 (1903), by Samuel Charles Hill (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
DS463 .M25 [Info] British Rule in India: A Historical Sketch (London: Smith, Elder and co., 1857), by Harriet Martineau (multiple formats at
DS463 .S86 [Info] The Failure of European Civilisation as a World Culture (Chennai: S. Ganesan and Co., 1921), by Samuel Stokes, contrib. by C. F. Andrews
DS463 .T39518 1805 [Info] Cartas Polìticas, Comerciales y Literarias Sobre la India: ó, Intereses de la Inglaterra, Relativos á la Rusia, al Indostan y al Egipto (translated into Spanish; Madrid: En la imprenta de Sancha, 1805), by John Taylor, trans. by Angel Martinez de Godoy (page images at HathiTrust)
DS468 .G4 1902 [Info] A Translation of the Sëir Mutaqherin, or, View of Modern Times: Being an History of India, From the Year 1118 to the Year 1194 (This Year Answers to the Christian Year 1781-82) of the Hedjrah (4 volumes; Kolkata: Printed by T. D. Chatterjee, ca. 1902), by Ghulām Ḥusayn Khān Ṭabāṭabāʼī, trans. by Häji Mustafa

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