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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E165 .L8 1855" to "E166 .J62" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E165 .L8 1855 [Info] Travels in North America, Canada, and Nova Scotia: With Geological Observations (London: J. Murray, 1855), by Charles Lyell
E165 .M37 [Info] Society in America, by Harriet Martineau (HTML at Pfeiffer)
E165 .M379 1838 [Info] Retrospect of Western Travel (3 volumes; London: Saunders and Otley, 1838), by Harriet Martineau
E165 .M39 1837 [Info] Society in America (3 volumes; Saunders and Otley, 1837), by Harriet Martineau
E165 .M5122 1826 [Info] A Geographical Description of the United States, With the Contiguous Countries, Including Mexico and the West Indies (New York: A. T. Goodrich, 1826), by John Melish (page images in Germany)
E165 .M83 [Info] Journal of a Voyage Across the Atlantic: With Notes on Canada and the United States, and Return to Great Britain, in 1844, by George Moore
E165 .R96 [Info] Ole Rynning's True Account of America (Travel and Description Series v1; Minneapolis: Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1926), by Ole Rynning, trans. by Theodore Christian Blegen (page images at HathiTrust)
E165 .T35 [Info] Peter Testman's Account of His Experiences in North America (Travel and Description Series v2; Minneapolis: Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1927), by Peter Testman, trans. by Theodore Christian Blegen (multiple formats at Google)
E165 .T84 [Info] Domestic Manners of the Americans, by Frances Milton Trollope (Gutenberg text)
E165 .T84 1832 [Info] Domestic Manners of the Americans (4th edition; London and New York: Printed for Whittaker, Treacher and Co., 1832), by Frances Milton Trollope (multiple formats at
E165 .T91 [Info] Narrative of a Tour in North America: Comprising Mexico, The Mines of Real del Norte, The United States, and The British Colonies; With an Excursion to The Island of Cuba (2 volumes; London: J. Duncan, 1834), by Henry Tudor
E166 .B32 [Info] De Québec à Lima: Journal d'un Voyage dans les Deux Amériques en 1858 et en 1859 (in French; Paris: L. Hachette et cie., 1860), by Florimond Jacques de Basterot (multiple formats at
E166 .B383 [Info] Rachel and the New World: A Trip to the United States and Cuba, by Leon Beauvallet (page images at MOA)
E166 .B47 [Info] An Englishman's Travels in America: His Observations Of Life and Manners in the Free and Slave States (1857), by John Benwell (Gutenberg text)
E166 .B62 [Info] The Englishwoman in America (London: J. Murray, 1856), by Isabella L. Bird
E166 .B786 [Info] Rambles in the Path of the Steam-Horse, by Eli Bowen (page images at MOA)
E166 .B8513 [Info] The Homes of the New World: Impressions of America (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1853), by Fredrika Bremer, trans. by Mary Howitt (page images at Wisconsin)
E166 .C82 [Info] Royalty in the New World: or, The Prince of Wales in America, by Kinahan Cornwallis (page images at MOA)
E166 .D17 [Info] The United States Illustrated: in Views of City and Country, ed. by Charles A. Dana (page images at MOA)
E166 .D25 [Info] American Scenes and Christian Slavery: A Recent Tour of Four Thousand Miles in the United States (1849), by Ebenezer Davies (Gutenberg text)
E166 .D91 [Info] America As I Found It, by Mary Grey Lundie Duncan (page images at MOA)
E166 .E45 [Info] Summer Rambles in the West (New York: J. C. Riker, 1853), by E. F. Ellet (page images at MOA)
E166 .F75 [Info] Way-Side Glimpses, North and South (New York: Rudd and Carleton, 1860), by Lillian Foster (page images at MOA)
E166 .F9 [Info] A Year of American Travel, by Jessie Benton Frémont (HTML at LOC)
E166 .J62 [Info] America, and American Methodism, by Frederick James Jobson (page images at MOA)

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