Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E185.61 .M6" to "E185.61 .T2" (Overview; Include extended shelves)
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Call number | Item |
E | History: United States (General) (Go to start of category) |
E185.61 .M6 | The Movement (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee newspaper, 1965-1970; with related serials) (partial serial archives) |
E185.61 .M6 1936 | The Black Legion Rides (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), by George Morris |
E185.61 .M63 1920 | An Appeal to Conscience: America's Code of Caste a Disgrace to Democracy (New York: Macmillan, 1920), by Kelly Miller, contrib. by Albert Bushnell Hart |
E185.61 .M643 | As to The Leopard's Spots: An Open Letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr. (Washington: K. Miller, c1905), by Kelly Miller |
E185.61 .M6447 | The Negro in the New Reconstruction (Washington: Howard University, 1919), by Kelly Miller |
E185.61 .M98 | "My Friends": A Fireside Chat on the War (written under "Native Son" pseudonym; New York: Workers Party, 1940), by C. L. R. James |
E185.61 .N23 | Anti-Negro Propaganda in School Textbooks (1939), by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
E185.61 .N276 | The Case Against Taft and Roosevelt, From the Standpoint of the Colored Voters (Pamphlet #8; 1912), by National Independent Political League, Washington, D.C. |
E185.61 .N35 | Black America (New York: Vanguard Press, 1929), by Scott Nearing (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .P47 | American Negro Problems (Workers Library #9; New York: Workers Library Publishers, c1928), by John Pepper |
E185.61 .R295 1959 | Race Mixing a Religious Fraud (ca. 1959), by D. B. Red (page images at Preservica) |
E185.61 .R56 1910 | The White Man's Burden: A Discussion of the Interracial Question With Special Reference to the Responsibility of the White Race to the Negro Problem (third edition; Birmingham, AL: B. F. Riley, c1910), by B. F. Riley |
E185.61 .S3 | Mixed Schools and Mixed Blood (reprinted from the Congressional Record by the Greenwood (MS) Citizen's Council, 1956), by Herbert Ravenel Sass (page images at Preservica) |
E185.61 .S318 1943 | The Struggle for Negro Equality (second enlarged edition; New York: Printed for the Socialist Workers Party by Pioneer Press, 1943), by John Saunders and Albert Parker (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .S38 | The Negro a Menace to American Civilization (Boston: R. G. Badger, 1907), by Robert W. Shufeldt |
E185.61 .S44 1955 | Segregation of the White Race Must be Preserved: A Declaration (New Orleans: The Society, 1955), by Society for the Preservation of State Government and Racial Integrity (page images at Preservica) |
E185.61 .S59 | The Mid-West Hears the South's Story: An Address (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1958), by William J. Simmons (page images at Preservica) |
E185.61 .S595 | Sit Ins: The Students Report (New York: Congress of Racial Equality, 1960), ed. by James Peck |
E185.61 .S646 | Now is the Time (New York: Viking Press, 1955), by Lillian Smith (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .S752 1948 | "I Was a Negro in the South for 30 Days" (original newspaper serial version, with new introduction; from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of 1948), by Ray Sprigle, contrib. by Bill Steigerwald (illustrated HTML at |
E185.61 .S8 | As Victim to Victims: An American Negro Laments With Jews (New York: Fortuny's, c1941), by James Samuel Stemons (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .S88 1935 | The Struggle for Negro Emancipation (1935), by Communist League of Struggle (HTML at |
E185.61 .S9 | In Quest of Freedom (Dallas: Royal Pub. Co., c1963), by Virgil C. Stroud (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .S916 | The Student Voice (SNCC publication, 1960-1965) (partial serial archives) |
E185.61 .T2 | You and Segregation (Birmingham, AL: Vulcan Press, c1955), by Herman E. Talmadge (page images at HathiTrust) |
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