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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E357 .F29" to "E381 .V89" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E357 .F29 [Info] Proceedings of the Convention of the State of New York, Held at the Capitol in the City of Albany on the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Days of September 1812, by Federal Party (N.Y.)
E357.6 .S93 [Info] Speech of the Hon. George Sullivan, at the Late Rockingham Convention; With the Memorial and Resolutions, and Report of the Committee of Elections (second edition; Exeter, NH: Printed at the Constitutionalist Press, ca. 1812), by George Sullivan and Rockingham Convention (1812 : Brentwood, N.H.)
E359.5 .L8 C37 [Info] Louisiana in the War of 1812 (c1963), by Powell A. Casey (page images at HathiTrust)
E359.85 .S436 [Info] The Story of Laura Secord, and Canadian Reminiscences (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1900), by Emma Augusta Currie
E360 .N35 [Info] The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History (all 3 volumes published, with new introduction and document supplement; 1985-2011), ed. by William S. Dudley, Michael J. Crawford, Christine F. Hughes, and Tamara Moser Melia
E360 .R86 [Info] The Naval War of 1812: or, The History of the United States Navy During the Last War with Great Britain, to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans, by Theodore Roosevelt (Gutenberg text)
E360 .R86 1882 [Info] The Naval War of 1812: or, The History of the United States Navy During the Last War with Great Britain (New York: G.P. Putnam's sons, 1882), by Theodore Roosevelt
E360 .U52 [Info] Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, Transmitting Sundry Statements, in Relation to the Expenditure of Appropriations, to Reward the Officers and Crews of Certain Vessels for Captures Made During the Late War With Great Britain (Washington: Printed by E. De Krafft, 1819), by United States Navy (HTML at Wayback Machine)
E361 .F55 1894 [Info] A Veteran of 1812: The Life of James FitzGibbon (Toronto, Montreal: C.W. Coates, W. Briggs, 1894), by Mary Agnes FitzGibbon (multiple formats at
E363 .G29 [Info] Historical Sketches: A Memorial of the Hundredth Anniversary of the War of 1812-14 (Niagara Falls, ON: Lundy's Lane Historical Society, 1912), by Robert W. Geary (multiple formats at
E363 .G87 [Info] Exhibition of Naval and Other Prints, Portraits and Books Relating to the War of 1812, November 7th to 23d, 1912 (1912), by Grolier Club (multiple formats at
E364 .B59 [Info] The Wars of the Gulls: An Historical Romance, in Three Chapters (originally published anonymously in 1812; reprinted New York: C. L. Woodward, 1890), by Jacob Bigelow and Nathan Hale
E373 .K55 [Info] The Substance of Two Speeches, Delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the Subject of the Missouri Bill (Philadelphia: Clark and Raser, printers, 1819), by Rufus King (multiple formats at
E373 .M76 [Info] The Missouri Controversy, 1819-1821 (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, c1953), by Glover Moore (page images at HathiTrust)
E375 .R58 [Info] Address of the Committee Appointed by a Republican Meeting in the County of Hunterdon, Recommending Gen. Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, to the People of New-Jersey, as President of the United States (1824), contrib. by Nathan Price
E380 .N24 [Info] Address to the People of Delaware, on the Approaching Presidential Election (Dover: J. Robertson, 1828), by National Republican Party (Del.) (multiple formats at
E380 .N26 [Info] Address of the Administration Standing Committee to Their Fellow-Citizens of Indiana (1828), by National Republican Party (Ind.) (multiple formats at
E380 .N27 [Info] Address of the Central Committee Appointed by a Convention of Both Branches of the Legislature Friendly to the Election of John Q. Adams as President and Richard Rush as Vice-president of the U. States, Held at the State-House in Boston, June 10, 1828, to Their Fellow-Citizens (1828), by National Republican Party (Mass.) Central Committee
E380 .N33 [Info] Proceedings of the Anti-Jackson Convention Held at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, With Their Address to the People of Virginia, Accompanied by Documents (Richmond: Printed at the Franklin Press, 1828), by National Republican Party (Va.) Convention
E380 .V88 [Info] A Voice From Pennsylvania: Address of the Friends of the National Administration to the Citizens of Washington County, Pa. (parts of page 15 missing; 1827), by National Republican Party (Pa.)
E381 .C659 1828 [Info] An Address to the People of the United States on the Subject of the Presidential Election, With a Special Reference to the Nomination of Andrew Jackson, Containing Sketches of His Public and Private Character (copyright registered to Colwell; 1828), contrib. by Joseph Colwell
E381 .C7 [Info] A Letter to His Countrymen (New York: John Wiley, 1834), by James Fenimore Cooper
E381 .H39 1898 [Info] The Great Debate Between Robert Young Hayne of South Carolina and Daniel Webster of Massachusetts (from the Riverside Literature Series; Boston et al.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1898), by Robert Young Hayne and Daniel Webster, ed. by Lindsay Swift
E381 .H42 [Info] Speech of Mr. Hayne, of South Carolina, on Mr. Foot's Resolution, Proposing an Inquiry Into the Expediency of Abolishing the Office of Surveyor General of Public Lands, and for Discontinuing Further Surveys, &c. (Washington: Printed by D. Green, 1830), by Robert Young Hayne
E381 .V89 [Info] The Voice of the People, and the Facts, in Relation to the Rejection of Martin Van Buren by the U.S. Senate (New York: New York Standard, 1832), ed. by Democratic Party (N.Y.), contrib. by Nathaniel Pitcher Tallmadge, Daniel Webster, Samuel Smith, William L. Marcy, Andrew Jackson, John Forsyth, John A. Dix, Henry Clay, Benjamin F. Butler, and Bedford Brown

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