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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E415.7 C75" to "E415.9.S62 A3 1885a" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E415.7 C75 [Info] Biographical Sketches of Hon. John C. Breckinridge, Democratic Nominee for President, and General Joseph Lane, Democratic Nominee for Vice President (1860), by National Democratic Executive Committee (multiple formats at
E415.7 .C75 [Info] Homesteads: The Republicans and Settlers Against Democracy and Monopoly (ca. 1860) (multiple formats at
E415.7 .C75 [Info] Lands for the Landless (1859), by Republican Association of Washington (multiple formats at
E415.7 C75 [Info] A Voter's Version of the Life and Character of Stephen Arnold Douglas (1860), by Robert B. Warden (page images at MOA)
E415.7 .L35 [Info] Reminiscences of Richard Lathers: Sixty Years of a Busy Life in South Carolina, Massachusetts and New York (New York: Grafton Press, 1907), by Richard Lathers, ed. by Alvan F. Sanborn
E415.7 .P97 [Info] My Day: Reminiscences of a Long Life, by Sara Agnes Rice Pryor (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
E415.8 .B28 [Info] Modern Agitators: or, Pen Portraits of Living American Reformers, by D. W. Bartlett (page images at MOA)
E415.8 .S79 [Info] Cambridge Sketches, by Frank Preston Stearns (Gutenberg text)
E415.9 .B36 A3 [Info] The Life and Travels of John W. Bear, "The Buckeye Blacksmith", by John W. Bear (page images at MOA)
E415.9 .B9 C7 [Info] William G. Brownlow: Fighting Parson of the Southern Highlands (with new introduction; Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c1999), by E. Merton Coulter, contrib. by Stephen V. Ash (PDF at Tennessee)
E415.9 .B9 H85 [Info] "That D----d Brownlow": Being a Saucy and Malicious Description of Fighting Parson William Gannaway Brownlow (Boone, NC: Appalachian Consortium Press, c1978), by William Gannaway Brownlow, ed. by Steve Humphrey (multiple formats with commentary at
E415.9 .D73 F6 [Info] Life of Stephen A. Douglas: To Which are Added His Speeches and Reports, by Henry M. Flint, contrib. by Stephen A. Douglas (page images at MOA)
E415.9 .D73 G3 [Info] The Life of Stephen A. Douglas, by William Gardner (Gutenberg text)
E415.9 .D73 S85 [Info] Stephen A. Douglas: Annual Address Delivered Before the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois, January 31, 1908 (Springfield, IL: Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers, 1909), by Adlai E. Stevenson
E415.9 .E59 B [Info] Autobiography of Asa Biggs, by Asa Biggs, ed. by R. D. W. Connor (HTML and TEI at UNC)
E415.9 .F8 F85 1856 [Info] Fremont's Romanism Established, Acknowledged by Archbishop Hughes: How Fremont's Nomination was Brought About; Hughes, Seward, Fremont, and the Foreigners, a Most Foul Coalition (ca. 1856) (multiple formats at
E415.9 .F82 P48 1935 [Info] Jessie Benton Frémont, A Woman Who Made History (San Francisco: Printed by J. H. Nash, 1935), by Catherine Coffin Phillips (page images at HathiTrust)
E415.9 .G8 A2 [Info] Recollections of a Busy Life, by Horace Greeley (page images at MOA)
E415.9 .L7 G7 [Info] Lieber and Schurz: Two Loyal Americans of German Birth (War information series #19; Washington: Committee on Public Information, 1918), by Evarts Boutell Greene (page images here at Penn)
E415.9 M3 A3 [Info] Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian, and Civil Wars, by Dabney Herndon Maury (HTML and TEI at UNC)
E415.9 .S5 L7 [Info] The Lives of Horatio Seymour and Frank P. Blair, Jr. (Seymour and Blair campaign edition; Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson and Bros., 1868) (multiple formats at
E415.9 .S5 R4 [Info] Horatio Seymour, the War Record of a Peace Democrat: A Peace Man in War, A War Man in Peace! (1868), by Union Republican Congressional Committee (multiple formats at
E415.9.S5 W25 [Info] The War Record of Horatio Seymour, and Pennsylvania's Share of the Public Debt (1868) (multiple formats at
E415.9.S62 A3 1885 [Info] Luck of a Wandering Dane (early edition of "Up and Down in the World", credited to "Hans Lykkejaeger"; Philadelphia: A. M. Smith, c1885), by Andrew Madsen Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
E415.9.S62 A3 1885a [Info] Up and Down in the World: or, Paddle Your Own Canoe (Minneapolis: A. M. Smith, c1885), by Andrew Madsen Smith (page images at HathiTrust)

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